Wednesday, March 13, 2019


  1. Diego Maldonado: *day in the life*
  2. Todd Anderson: Dude, you are the fuckin man!
  3. Ron Thunders: this guy actually funny! great vid!
  4. Bill Lee: social justice warriors are gay retards
  5. Faux Fox: We had a similar discussion in your twitch chat, We think in similar ways and now I feel alot closer to you . No homo lol.
  6. Tomcat: I've known this since I started skating
  7. Charles Peters: Brilliant.
  8. James Mitchell: Lmao gayme stop
  9. Spencer Cooper: fucking a ninja is a boss. keep up the good work ninja
  10. soulshooter: My opinion is just that skateboarding doesn't care. It's all about the tricks and selling product. If PRod or Shane O'Neil came out tomorrow do u think people would stop watching them? Hell no! Because they're amazing skaters and sexuality makes no difference.
  11. Rafa Valdez: this nigga hit up FLEX lol as a kid I thought that shady lookin building was a video store because driving by I thought it said FLIX. lol
  12. Blake J: he likes those big popsicles
  13. Angelo Delevingne: Trav Muddle John hill is bisexual
  14. Jose Navarro: how many times did he say gay? jesus christ
  15. Jack Christian: Your against social justice warriors that's fine but you should still watch what you say.. you use the word retard but what if one of your viewers has a family member who is retarded.. that's really disrespectful. also your just making a video off the back of a vice video and using all the facts they used. create your own content
  16. Mike Kearney: Wow, you're a fucking idiot
  17. ouncy: It's ironic, not all gays are vegetarian, but all vegetarians are gay.
  18. Glen Barrantes: Gayme stop lmao
  19. Burqueno gangsteR: yours says 14 min his says 13 he prob beat u by like 20 seconds hahaha
  20. Dos Vagos: Funny, smart, logical. I'm sure people will find ways to hate this video. Ah well, keep up the good work.
  21. Jackinson: Stfu grandpa lookin ass nigga
  22. Kk Kk: what does it feel like to be gay?
  23. AntiIchIchIch: Can you pls just make skate videos? I kind of liked you before you opened your stupid mouth.
  24. Benny_bricks: love that ninja keeps it many sensitive people now a days!...keep it up.
  25. guad: fuck this guy, he doesn't seem to get how offensive it is to use someones sexual orientation as a joke, something people can't control. how funny would it be if i said "scooters are black" and then said "oh I'm just using 'black' in a funny joking way". not funny at all, don't use someones way of life in a derogatory way.
  26. The not so amazing sheeple atheist: Early 4 Life leafy is a poser bitch
  27. f*ck google: Brian was always one of my top ten skateboarders, now i like him even more.. also love your take on this, oh and fuck those SJWtards
  28. Joel Grayson: this dude is a closet homophobe
  29. In1tiate: Why are you still uploading?
  30. Patrick Flannery: This guy is a fucking idiot. He should really keep his opinions about experiences that he's never been through to himself. It's super rad the way the skateboarding community has accepted and rallied around BA but that shouldn't be an excuse to write off anyone else's experiences.
  31. bloobloodachoo: Shit Glitter stop being a sensitive bitch
  32. ctrlPain: Great video. You're deep ninja. Deep like deep thought. Don't get me wrong ;D
  34. Chris Cobra Elite: learned this from John hill a few days ago and I was shocked by it...I grew up watching this guy skate and he's gay! but I don't care the dude skates on another level. Brian Anderson is still a guy I looked up to when it came to skating, I'm from a family that doesn't except gay in the family so seeing gay out in public is a cringe to us but I don't discriminate I can't judge them.
  35. Daniel Mcginnis: ya a shop owner told me he was gay back in 2006 and i thought it was well known.
  36. Paul Desmond: Bet your pissed that Ryder threw that game of skate again
  37. Asp Anon: I'm gay and BA has inspired me to come out to my homies next time I stomp a crispy tre
  38. Kyle Test: Steve out here talking about wieners when he should be doing hardflips
  39. Pete &Pete: this dude's fucking lame I wanna smack the the fuck out of him
  40. Tony Gamez: lmao
  41. thegnarcs: The whole Revive team to come out next surely!
  42. uh nah: damnit the title made me shart blood again.
  43. Vasectomy Fail: pretty cool to see you have a mature positive opinion about this subject
  44. kirk stromgren: Sams wife is a beard dudes suckin caseys tip
  45. Albin Ekström: Cool thing about gay guys is, they will never try to take your girl.
  46. Cody: Still one of the best to ever do it
  47. JeffDeChesare: Dude I know me and you have had our differences, but this was hilarious
  48. obeastness: Every person faces their own struggles in life, everyone has some obstacle to overcome, I think its about time we heard the story of what its like to be a skateboarder who no one wants to be around because they smell bad. maybe Ninja could be that guy to come out and star in a vice documentary to help the kids like Brian Anderson did.
  49. ZENMOD 16 LF1: so is ninja racist
  50. Kas7K7: atomic banana...
  51. Alex Faulkner: Brian is still the most hardcore skater and like he said he doesn't like skaters
  52. EnglandJOE: 2nd comment
  53. seBong odrajaF: some humanity from ninja. faith in humanity restored
  54. Keith: slapuhho youre an idiot
  55. Alex Guerrero: The end got me😂
  56. PriorityMail: Daku89 but no one gives a fuck about you so who cares
  57. Fukkin Thikk: This guys a loser
  58. stiff little fingers: do a gay for a day ninja vid !!
  59. Alec: gay or not the guy has great parts shout out to yeah right
  60. Slim Ass Mothafucka: you racist
  61. Austin Robinson: I still don't believe in that gay about
  62. DeepSea: LMAO
  63. en broder: Haha in my school there is some dumbfucks who call me faggot for skating
  64. PancakeHut: Love this video 😂
  65. Austin Fenske: your a bitch your a loser I don't no why your even having a talk show on suck bad at skating ...if you dident ..then you would be pro
  66. RickySanchez77: So does that mean Scooter Brad is next lol jk glad he came out :)
  67. Ola Nilsen Kjøren: thank god i was not the only one.
  68. S Arcand: ASH EATS POKEMON
  69. jakenafziger: i don't really care personally, but i think when people get upset about the use of words such as gay and retard is because it was used as a negative adjective to describe something you hate so i see where they're coming from. but to be honest people will somehow find a way to be offended by literally anything you put on the internet so who gives a fuck
  70. John Navarro: Aj Lucier , people who are struggling with there sexuality
  71. Matthew Leighton: Brian Anderson should start scootering now just too make a statement.
  72. Garrett Kennedy: fagggggooooooottttttssssss
  73. morevidsplz: mrburns805 Brad staba is fruity too
  74. bootie bois: truth
  75. SilverBulletTj: The "victim" and "oppressed" claiming people these days suck. Steve's right in that other parts of the world, what they're saying might hold some truth. But in 2016 America, people are only victims to their own stupidity. This is a land of equal opportunity, not of equal have to work for that part.
  76. That Blackguy74: XD!!
  77. kelton: Is it tough being a closet Ginger?
  78. Geoff Bordeaux: im not gey
  79. Mikey Cruz: Really like your videos about "controversy/shocking" news in skateboarding. I feel like it gives some of your audience more open mindedness about the topics.
  80. WabiSabi Ethan: Steve has a good head on his shoulders, good video.
  81. No Wifi: make a series drinking with Ritchie
  82. vonslagle: I met him in Sf with his boyfriend about 10 years ago. I think the people he let know can keep a secret.
  83. Serene Burrito0: +doc mobster fucking homos who say first or second deserve to be rapped by a demon with 13 cocks
  84. Will Louison: Fuckin childish video title got an immediate dislike from me.
  85. JM Streams: Great video ninja i liked it
  86. David Nsengiyumva: you mad ?
  87. Matthew: you should do stand up man.. for real you have me cracking up for years dude
  89. Run Down Collective: John Hill takes it in the poop shoot.. No way that dudes straight
  90. Erik Johnson: I love when you're fake angry about things and you're visibly trying to hold in laughter while you're yelling.
  91. DREAMY: i'm a bisexual guy and i'm on flow and been skating for 4 years 🙃
  92. NinjaLifestyle: Same.
  93. Matt Slone: You said exactly what I was thinking. People need to lighten up.
  94. William Unzueta: Yeah Ride them without handles
  95. Joey Gale: if this comment gets 100 likes then ninja has to sell more scooters r gay decks
  96. PsychoticLeprachaun: My name is Aaron Kyro and I'm a sponsored skateboarder from the San Francisco gay area
  97. Ron Burgundy: Hahahahahaha awesome. The victim thing is so true.
  98. mrburns805: I knew he was gay like 10+ years ago. I don't remember where I heard it, but I thought it was common knowledge.
  99. Chur man: well said Ninja
  100. Jake Robertson: Holy shit you too?!?
  101. Justin Cruz: just like the kickflip timing
  102. Shequeefa Laught: Jerry HSU came out on Ride Channel over 3 years ago....
  103. jack zar: clown lives matter
  104. KoreDragon: brian's still cool as shit
  105. Benny46drift: I can't believe you want all retards to die! Haha (it's a joke for those who are idiots)
  106. Invitingsauce: BA was always one of my favorite guys growing up. All thoes old VHS toy machine videos. Anderson, Maldonado, and Templeton. Good times....
  107. Dakota Whitespeare: what a kook
  108. Matt Law: Albin Ekström Your gonna need to get one before someone can take it
  109. 0 ͜ʖ0: Cam Oneill please explain
  110. Gavin Dunn: this video was fucking gold
  111. Tristian Allen: Using gay as an insult is in no way homophobic
  112. Jackinson: Fuck ninja
  113. PriorityMail: Abbe Rosén being gay isn't normal so yes it is shocking to some. Not everyone is a liberal hippy fuck like yourself.
  114. CoolMan Caravan: Neat
  115. Michael Gillet: next time get your shirt press if you want to look good on camera
  116. Psy from Gangnam style: 2nd
  117. CamColeParker: This is hilarious. You give props to a guy who came out of the closet, but you criticize scooters for being gay. Hypocrite much?
  118. EnglandJOE: Grrrr just beat me
  119. Kari Greyd: Haha a gay friend is someone you can actually trust hanging out with your girl lol
  120. Deadcell84: I thought it was known he’s gay. He was with Brad Staba back in the day.
  121. Janne: do me a favour and kill yourself
  122. dt0c: ninja way to use the 'hot news' title, hopefully you get a ton of views :) good video even though you suck i love you
  123. Cutter Kelley: I think your making it worse
  124. Mike Kearney: DontMakeMeCallBovice wow, you're a fucking idiot
  125. Mishpat Two: Angelo Delevingne no he's not he said a while back he isn't attracted to men
  126. Arno Theadorno: So why did BA have to wait until so late in his career to come out? Because professional skateboarders depend on kids wanting to buy their pro model boards, shoes, etc. Being young and susceptible to peer pressure, most kids wouldn't want to rock gear from an openly gay skateboarder. And yeah, part of the reason for that is because 'gay' is a common shorthand for 'pussy', ''pansy', etc. If you really need to call people 'gay' as a put-down because that's who you are, no one is actually stopping you. But this is why it's not only taken BA so long, but also why any other gay pros might think twice before coming out.
  127. Raccoon Skeeet Gaming: I feel like Ninja is the Leafyishere of skateboarding
  128. Kari Greyd: DCM14 Not normal but not bad.
  129. Pam G: Yo stop calling brian anderson gay dude or ima fuck you so hard!! Stop it!! Hes so manly! Hes not gay!
  130. Chris Cobra Elite: Not knowing brian anderson was gay for over a decade is a surprise to me, i only payed attention to skating!
  131. Steven: I fuck with your vlogs, ninja! i love the raw feel. Nothing is sugar coated. I fuck with the energy. And its funny too. Good job, ninja!
  132. Scott Murray: Hey Ninja, ever watch a movie called "The Breaks"?
  133. Janne: pretty easy to judge from the prospektive of your privileges as a white, straight man. You are not entitled to judge about people who experience discriminations you do not have to suffer from. And shifting homophobia to south-africans is simply racism.
  134. -chase: 2:03 is that an Eric Andre reference?
  135. Alex Faulkner: Ninja dont you agree that if people have a problem with something instead of complaining and bitching they should find a solution to it
  136. Austin Robinson: shit
  137. Aj Lucier: Who gives a fuck if he's gay. He skates like a beast and that's all that matters
  138. Mike Mathews: You are not an intelligent person.
  139. Riding Gravity: this video makes me =) you say exactly what i was thinking. see what happened in the world is that 90% of humans are now too sensitive about everything and the rest of them feel entitled ...........
  140. Jose Ramos: u killed it man
  141. Daniel G.: This title is so stupid
  142. Invitingsauce: Scooters ARE gay.
  143. Nillen: uh nah I thought i was the only one
  144. SKATEPRO221: Really liked this video, we have pretty much the same mindset on all this gay and retarded shit
  145. Hewhois willbe: and you are a halfy
  146. Jacob Apiary: real talk
  147. Rosko: cum on
  148. B guy: startin to think ninjas gay lol
  149. bloobloodachoo: Will Louison is it cuz you like Weiners also
  150. Lew.: Idk, somehow it didn't shock me at all, I followed him a lot growing up as a skater, he was easily one of my top 3 skate idols, and I always had a bit of a feeling that he was gay, but who cares if he is? It's the same as Terry Kennedy coming out as a black skater lol, its kinda pointless. But was still good to see him put it out there, must have been so relieving.
  151. Lil Lysol: who gives a gay if he's fuck. he beasts like a skate. and that's all that matters.
  152. tyler gates: On the down side, the girl would prefer them
  153. Goat Otaku: YOU'RE THE BEST! MAAAA
  154. nick barnes: fuck off you are boring
  155. 13TripleBass: Gay, straight fuck it let's skate
  156. NinjaLifestyle: I'm the 49 millionth gay youtuber. Dang.
  157. RobHP: who gives a shit whose gay?
  158. Mason M. Franco: stop using the word retard in the wrong context
  159. Devon Graham: If gay is your way thats okay, especially when you skate like a fucking monster like him
  160. Jack Christian: You're very over confident.. I'm not really sure as to why... You look old, but you act like a kid.. it's weird.. You're one of those socially awkward overly loud people I'm sure XD Didn't you get taught any manners as a kid
  161. Gus Skates: haha thats great
  162. gstate4ever: Shut the fuck up.
  163. Chris Cobra Elite: gays get Wal-Mart discounts?! it's news to me!
  164. Cam Oneill: Fuck off the clown things gay
  165. Jack Beale: hahaha basically
  166. Anthony Rivera: Can't wait for the skatersrgay graphic.....
  167. supernewuser: Well, brian did say during that doc that one of the reasons he didn't come out is because everyone around him was dropping words like 'faggot' and so he thought it wouldn't be accepted. You can also tell because of those reasons he had to live a very sheltered and hidden life where he felt he couldn't show people who he really was. As far as using words like 'retarded' I think you misunderstand why you shouldn't say it. It's not because some people think it means you want everyone with a mental disability to 'die', it's because some of those people actually watch your videos or hear people using those terms and it hurts and offends THEM. The very people who have difficulty processing or understanding your jokes. At any rate, why punch down? You are using those terms to be funny or shocking to your viewers, but a person coming here with a legitimate handicap is like "why is he just targeting me?"
  168. David A: My best friend is gay, we were friends for 10+ years and I had no idea 'till he told me. Get to know people before you judge them, ppl suck for many reasons - gay or not ;)
  169. Junior Ramos: shut the fuck up nigga
  170. Janne: i do give a fuck ;)
  171. DontMakeMeCallBovice: Man, it sucks that Brian Anderson has to stop skateboarding and start riding scooters now.
  172. William Schut: well put sir well put
  173. Ken Ang: Back that
  174. Gênero Homen Aranha: you dont care about what you say, just admit it.
  175. Alex Orth: Gays r disgusting
  176. Blake J: Harry Mancave da Rugged Scatpipe powerbottom lmfaooo
  177. Alec Grace: Hats off to brain Anderson. same to you ninja
  178. Gonz Wouldgo: Your best video yet
  179. abbe: lol someone being gay shocks you? weird
  180. Marcos Sosa: Best video ever! White gay guy that calls himself black ninja lol only kidding guys just thought it's funny anyway good outlook on things good video
  181. Harry Mancave da Rugged Scatpipe: He is into manly beards so he must be a catcher/receiver, ya know, a Powerbottom, dude still shreds tho
  182. bloobloodachoo: Geoff Bordeaux the way you spell "gey" is gay
  183. Kari Greyd: He's a legend. Being gay isn't bad. He is one of the best skaters of our time. Just watch him skate, he is just so determined and smooth. Pretty amazing
  184. Voodoo Vaughn: Had to rewind your outro hahahaha I love it
  185. Psy from Gangnam style: I was 2nd
  186. Justin Washu O'Brien: You gonna start dating him Stevie? Will you stay with Richie and just make him your side chick?
  187. legitskateclips: dick licker
  188. Eddie Guevara: What a title! Haha
  189. Geoff Bordeaux: really?
  190. Michael Youdontneedtoknow: Prediction: being gay is about to be very popular and attractive for a little while in skateboarding. Look at the cosplay scene. I've had friends and my sister in that forever and I saw when all the short chubby girls wanted to go by names like Ricky and say they're boys or lesbian or whatever it blew up like crazy crazy crazy like it hadn't been before. Brian Anderson is gay and is getting all this attention. He's gonna sell pro gay products. Other kids that HAVE to stand out with everything they can are going to think they're gay. It's not bad enough we've got kids wearing high waters, pastel shorts and all the other weird shit we have in skating now?
  191. Faux Fox: LOL He often mentions that his viewers ask him if he is straight
  192. Egg Head: It's a pr stunt for a movie
  193. Clifton Wink: HAHAHAHAH... The beer was only 3 dollars, so the gays weren't doing the whole it's more expensive because we're gay thing!!! Lost it, at that point!
  194. Israel Dominguez: I think he definitely chose an appropriate time to come out to the public. things could've have gone way differently if he had when it wasn't as accepting to be gay. I grew up in a small town where even now it's still frowned upon and only recently came out. His documentary definitely would've helped me out when I was struggling with telling people about it.
  195. 0 ͜ʖ0: Matt Law hot damn
  196. JHorkan: get fucked mate.
  197. Janne: can't see no joke, hope-person
  198. Benny46drift: Hakuna Matata Ninjas?
  199. hillybillyscrotum: DontMakeMeCallBovice fuck off
  200. Robert Denis: Brain rips, point blank period. I never imagine or picture in my head what "the dude that killing it now" or what my favorite skater is doing with their other half, gay or straight . It's about the skating what they do privately turns into obsession. Don't be a stalker 👀........✌🏽️
  201. blackmagic1966: wait is he gay?
  202. Najob San: Peter Carsten i really hope your joking
  203. Dank Kush: Do a vid about clowns
  204. William Howell: lmao
  205. Braden Smith: Too many social justice warriors out here trying to label every person who doesn't speaks completely politically correct as bigots and racist. It's fucked up.
  206. unlike portraits: I just don´t use gay or retarded as a negative dscription and I don´t feel like I´m missing out on anything.
  207. Jack Beale: Is this the build up to your big comming out video you're uploading soon?
  208. Clay Soggyfries: MrTLexify?
  209. william7614: So what he's gay big deal
  210. ouncy: +Shit Glitter He was just making a joke. Chill.
  211. Kagan Wolfe: Your ignorance literally screams over your voice
  212. Ken Ang: Lmao late ass video
  213. legitskateclips: so why do you have to go and make a huge deal/video about it? douche
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Sports Upload TimePublished on 5 Oct 2016

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