Does GABE CRUZ Deserve Revive Flow!? - Sports Latest

Monday, March 11, 2019

Does GABE CRUZ Deserve Revive Flow!?

  1. Danny Yoemans: i don't know why everyone makes a big deal out of it. id you think gabe sucks then don't go out of your way to try and tell everyone in the comments lol. if you think he deserves it then good for you. not a big deal
  2. CormDot: Benis
  3. Jay Ruin: Ahhhh dude you're always so right. You got dat troof.
  4. b: david forchard Revive is a group of friends. I don't think you entirely understand that.
  5. Ricardo Sanchez: you a solid guy
  6. alex: it's funny how when trolls get noticed they change their tune. stick to your guns don't give me none of that "it's a prank" stuff
  7. Sausage Studios: Maybe your channel wouldn’t suck if you didn’t call your audience retards
  8. Trident: You seem to have a lot of pent up aggression and homophobia
  9. 50 subscribers no video plz: Bro i know im late but i tink that about every youtuber like wtf if that was me and i seen some one coming id grab the camera and rail and run away
  10. jcash: Bro you think you're so much more enlightened than everyone smh
  11. farAz: I love how crisp this video sounds
  12. 1800ELVIS: no gabe cruz sucks
  13. Le rerpule dino La swag: IAmTheBestMang just made my name like that cus I never thought I'd use comments
  14. Vussbarm K: johny bigfahrqur dude try to talk and skate a fucking rail at the same Time and Come back to the youtube comments and Say How easy it was dumt as
  15. James Costa: Those who critique Gabe are the same that tweets #resistcapitalism using an iphone ...
  16. Jaro Ralph: Does cake muscle sell to the uk
  17. Samisdead: Before the video started i didnt even know gabe was flow for revive. But i was thinking, hasn't gabe helped a lot with the company, like filming for the revive street edits, why wouldnt he be apart of the team. Hes the homie.
  18. Cody Chismark: No
  19. Nothing Else: what mic do u use?
  20. edwinso1739: He said the kid got butthurt but ninja also got butthurt
  21. lowercasewithallcapitalletters: Gabe cute
  22. SSYabuddy: Chompy Omega yeah he's annoying as fuck
  23. Scott Baker: Dead on. Great video!
  24. johny bigfahrqur: ok im back and it was very easy thanks dumb ass
  25. IAmTheBestMang: Great video, really sums up a lot of the Revive hate we see.
  26. Nick Snyder: Maybe one day he should be but as of right now no .
  27. Bobby Russell: Gabe fits the Revive brand, and that can be seen as a bad or good thing.
  28. Beatbox King94: Real shit Ninja. Whenever (if) you come to Phoenix let's catch a sesh.
  29. Number Six: 6:58 I think the question isn't 'how do they close their eyes to this?', but rather "Have their eyes ever been open?" Have they ever tried to get a job and demonstrate value to a company? That's when the logic of these situations should become apparent.
  30. ShootinTheShit: meh you can go different routes and still be successful
  31. Brandon Um: Anyone passing through the plaza would probably think ninja crazy af talking to himself using hand gestures and shit lol
  32. onegonzalezzz: Man this guy knows
  33. Pig_Trough: "dozens of kinds have become bi-curious" LMFAO
  34. fingerboard2k: I think he good for revive he would be good for the team he does alot of good hard work he deserve it
  35. Jody Ford: Shit man.. I agreed 100% with you.. after starting my own skateboard company by making own decks I feel happy with myself and am able to appreciate and understand without hating and feeling jealous of other people’s accomplishments.. YOU HIT THE NAIL ON THE HEAD MAN.. seriously word for word..
  36. Blast This: a lot of shops do similar actually giving the homie a spot, most of them progress pretty quickly bc when you skate with good ppl you get good simple enough
  37. douglas d'rain: oh snap. go ninja go ninja go.
  38. alex: lmao my man bringing the logic this is why I'm subbed
  39. Isaac Feria: I love how ninja sets him self at a higher standard in just basically a session then all the sponsor tape that are submitted to him isn't a sponsor tape your best work or at least you try to make it your best work, Your trying to get sponsored right?
  40. Bawb17: "One skateboarder should not be concerned about another skateboarder" whole channel consists about talking shit about other skateboarders
  41. ShootinTheShit: well 200k subscribers and barley any views you do the math
  42. George Barrett official: What wheels do you have
  43. Luke H: "skate boarding can only get so gnarly then consumers want more" " the entire skate community is taking notes from Andy Shcrock from braille" lmao how can you state your bs opinion and try n pass it as facts?
  44. joe long: FastballFilms #DabsAffilliatedMedia jon bradford is already sponsered and also revive is barely a skate co they just sponcer homies and sell boards theyre not like big companies like habitat or birdhouse
  45. LuMMo Ops: agreed
  46. SkaterChan: Good stuff Steve! Fun session
  47. Giovanny Quinones: I fucking love ninja haha
  48. SSNS: Cool you still do the grip tape designs from the old days! And I 100% agree with you, gabe is an asset to any company who's product resonates with the skateboarding community simply for the amount of recognition he gets on the internet. Most skaters who watch YouTube at least know of him, or a video he is a part of. Why people are surprised is beyond me
  49. GIVE ME MONEY: no hes fuckin trash i honestly hate everybody on braille
  50. Fallen Eagle: His shirt is pretty cool.
  51. Luckas Nmezie: Dude you literally just spat some real truth in this vid. I literally appreciate gabe being on flow a lot more even though I was already happy for the dude😂 #senseininja
  52. scoopthefiend: Floppiest rail known to man
  53. Sauce Cornhole: YOU'VE ALREADY LOST.
  54. nucleareggplants: ur shits too funny and ur super real. watch out for my content soon. i challenge thee
  55. pizza party: I dont care for this guy... but I will say this. dudes right. straight up. no my opinion doesnt matter. wah.
  56. The Blow Up: Hi
  57. Nikolas Gibson: I always love Ninja sharing his wisdom
  58. hahahaha: i like Gabe, he has the Kim Jong Un supreme leader of north korea haircut and can skate at the same time... how cool is that right!
  59. Sauce Cornhole: Yes. I'd guess someone like Lil Wayne with considerably expendible income does infact use their income to purchase hobby items.
  60. b: david forchard except that half the skaters on it were friends making a little skate series long before they were a company...
  61. Zach B: if all of you guys knew gabe in real life you would't care about his skating. he really is an asshole, I've been to the braille house and he's not even good when teaching you someting
  62. YourFriendGoober - Twitch: WTF thats my name. Gabe Cruz. Andy I deserve a free board for that.
  63. RE Snow: There are real pros, ams and people on flow. Then there's you guys. The Youtube 'pros, ams and flow team' Comedy.
  64. Simon Thorpe: Yes
  65. Tucker Parsons: what are you talking about?! its legit the best board selling company that there is.... yall are stupid lol
  66. Chris Gaddy: A skateboard company would not sign Tom Cruise because he would cost far more money than he would generate in sales. He is not that appealing to their target market. Gabe Cruise (being flow) on the other hand, only costs a bit of product and he would generate far more than what he consumes in sales. If skate companies operated the way many of you feel they should, they would be bankrupt in no time.
  67. Mellow Mike: Ever wonder what it feels like to go out to a parking lot and see this guy skating and talking to himself
  68. Chree and JoJo: Hey Ninja, you also forgot how awesome he is at filming and editing.. I think Gabe is super rad and deserves anything he gets. Fuck the haters and jealous assholes.. OH and P.S. Are you from Arizona, Phoenix area? I'm going to be there for a few months in September.. Ight man, have a good one!!
  69. MarlinWasp: I would be curious if someone got something they seemingly don't deserve. Like if someone got a scholarship to an ivy league school despite being a waterhead. I personally wouldn't want to be a pro boarder for revive it just doesn't seem like a good job most pro boarders don't make that much money and I almost never see revive boards outside of youtube videos so I imagine they ain't exactly raking it in. There's not a tonne of cash in skateboarding. It doesn't surprise me though there's no regulation for what amount of skill makes a pro in skateboarding hence why it's not a real sport. You kind of just proved why skateboarding is a joke of a sport that doesn't reward skill level hence why no one takes it seriously. Damn right someone with a higher skill level deserves that spot over gabe how's that even a question what are you retarded?
  70. soulcatcher668: WOW..... Truth is the way. This may be the best Ninja vid yet.
  71. Jeremy 74: Its not his personality..he has been shoved down our sofagus since the a radio song!
  72. DougWasAlreadyTaken: subscribed just cause of this video.
  73. Kyle Angeles: He gets them more exposure but if it was skill then he'll no bc he's trash at skating
  74. T: Chris Bouvé lol yeah i realized that about myself. I was talking mad shit about John Hill, and then realized i still watch all of his videos and actually like some of them. He gets to do something fun every day and gets paid for it. I'm going to try and make a channel now too. (Probably apologize for bein a lil biotch too. 😂)
  75. ShootinTheShit: notice how you said nothing about his skill in skateboarding
  76. GrizzlySkater234: Tucker Parsons rip
  78. Fastball Films: Joe Long and also Jon Bradford got put on active after I made this comment 😂
  79. James: If the answer is that simple then why did you make a 12 minute video about it?
  80. ShootinTheShit: no one deserves to be pro on revive lol. they all suck its just personalities at the end of the day, just like the rest of youtube.
  81. Phoenix Cobra: Thanks for the device ninja.. this is gonna help me.
  82. SheSkates 926: :)
  83. wubzoh: Nyeusi Knowledge the biggest issue with this is that people keep bringing up names that have nothing to do with skateboarding. If you look at bams sales, they grew after he went "mainstream", no doubt. But he actually skates. Skateboarders were hyped to ride a bam margera board. No skateboarder would see a tom cruise board and be like "i need that in my life." Gabe cruz is relevant to skateboarding, whether people want to admit or not. Which is why it shouldnt matter if hes flow for a company
  84. NinjaLifestyle: I hope he skips straight to PRO... Just for the entertaining comments!
  85. Ryan Wilhelm: Love this shit. No filter fuck yea
  86. popKFJ qwerty: all pro am and flow skaters are just ads
  87. Kenzie Lachlan: Leave GAB alone bitches
  88. bbs540: one good thing i like about you is that you come into a topic with factual information to back what you say, but in my opinion, if someone challenges your view you just try to shame them instead of debate on why they're wrong, pretty much instead of saying "you're wrong and this is why..." you say "you're wrong you fucking retard, go kill yourself, im right, end of story"
  89. ShootinTheShit: except theyre actually good at skateboarding and not trash like revive
  90. Kyle Beardsleey: Whats really cool steve is the way you exolain things it goes beyond skateboarding. I personally love your demeanor and attitude on camera. I bet your exactly the same in person. Anyway bro, this video has made my day.
  91. King Pringle: Gabe is a slick skateboarder.
  92. Orpheus 010: I agree 100 percent. Well just one point I disagree with. As a company, it doesn't necessarily make sense to hire your friends. That is called nepotism.
  93. david forchard: kahn lol .. I'd say you do not understand that revive is amerchandise platform for YouTube skaters acting they are friends ;)
  94. ShootinTheShit: it applies to most people with common fucking sense. thats why his views tanked and he fell off. 200k subscribers and barley any view per video unless its controversial like this one. just thank god they didn't sponsor lance am i right lol.
  95. Norberto Lopez: I love videos like this real talk no censorship. Fuck YouTube selling out to the cooperate world, know, and be proud of your grass roots
  96. Don Teven: A lot of people call him an asshole (which he is but that's beside the point) but what he's saying is facts
  97. ShootinTheShit: because he sucks at skateboarding?
  98. ShootinTheShit: ok jizzy lol fucking gay ass name
  99. Dannydeleon1414: No no no
  100. ShootinTheShit: im loyal to pepsi can i get sponsored.
  101. Francky: Legit
  102. StreetFlow: Haha reading these comments is sooo funny. Why the fuck do you guys care about how good each other is at skating. Focus on your own fucking skating you jelouse idiots.
  103. anthony garcia: Fuck yeah
  104. Adio Aurel: Hmm 1 guy asked you this question on Insta and you make a video talking in the way that like 95% of the Skateboarding Community is not thinking for themselves?
  105. Cios Productions: Revive is a company founded, owned and operated by Andy Schrock and Brian Ambs. They founded this company while Schrock´s son was born. Andy and Ambs build it from the scratch. And then they founded Force wheels and now they build a complete webshop with all of their favourite brands and friend´s brands. It has nothing to do with "corporate sellout". They did it on their own.
  106. Chree and JoJo: #BrandonTheManiac Truth man!!
  107. Symbiotic226: Dude -.- their pros don't even deserve flow ...
  108. Hershi Schur: Subscribed glad someone is still calling out retarded peeps lol
  109. Aluch Cheers: Ninja you re so funny ... Dang it
  110. prodnobody: Look up your own video called Sponsor Review #4 "The Casual Skater" and skip to 8:34, you're a hypocrite in every sense of the word lmaoo
  111. Symbiotic226: Baker has done this since day one
  112. Lay you In: Good shit Steve, but if markability out sells skill then what is stopping a company from, say, putting Tom Cruise on their team? Understand the point I'm making?
  113. yoyomazali: 🛴
  114. cat fight: we reviewed it, it sucks...
  115. INTROBUST: The analogy of ya mates dick size as a curiosity was incredible lmao
  116. Chris Chronos: You salty son's of bitches lol grow up
  117. kevin vogler: gabe is a good dude. and he commands a youtube channel with hundreds of thousands of followers its about moving product. and so what if he doesnt shred that hard the dude it dedicated to skating and providing skate content.
  118. nick_gregorio 778: if you stop calling your fans names maybe you would have more of dem
  119. Mystik Profanity: Couldn't agree with you more dude.. Who gives a fuck?! Why hate on someone's success? Why not ask how they got there in the right way, by trying to learn how to approach it yourself? All boils down to "haters gonna hate".. Congrats Gabe, not that you'll ever see this, but I'm all for your sponsorship!
  120. Sudz-E Bucket: Eh yo ninja! love your style! and you have a very good point! people are quick to blame others for their short comings, but never look at them selves. its not why is that person manager I could do their job so much better. its, what am I doing to prove im a better manager. this is something ive fallen victim to myself. I had great friends and relatives that corrected my thinking. thank you for setting the record straight, also john hill has don a follow-up on aaron k. and said pretty much the same thing. being a face in the sk8boarding industry can be just as valuable as being a trend setter. Ninja keep up your great work, if your in cny n.y.  let me kno!  I know plenty of unrecorded spots that need your artistic flavor. ps. got some drops for jaws too lol.
  121. Dolores Berry: 🎏
  122. Brandon Blair: Lmao all the top comments are "youtube" skaters.
  123. Chompy Omega: fuck gabe cruz
  124. ShootinTheShit: bruh i love you but PLS put ppl on your team who are actually great at skateboarding. also i noticed you getting way better and its refreshing.
  125. THXRNS: Game does a lot for revive
  126. OhighO Skater: When you all came to Ollie's skatepark for the TOTW premiere Gabe was putting in work. He's good for real
  127. Arthur Tripp: I laughed at he casperflip thing. That was funny.
  128. The Sagittal Crest: BLAME NIKE
  129. Kung Fu Naki: This is true for the most part. Revive is whack. If they weren’t ninjas homies he’d be shitting on them
  130. Victor Espinoza: Pop yo shit
  131. Sauce Cornhole: REEEEEEEEEEEEE
  132. Fastball Films: Joe Long not a big company? Neither is deathwish? Lmao they still sell boards! That means they're a board company! What the fuck is wrong with this day and age!
  133. Cameron Turner: Your such a tosser, why should you care
  134. Fakie Boards: FastballFilms #TMGFilms your also a salty bitch
  135. killerxxturtle: You need a new rail it's warped in the middle bad get a element one
  136. Damion Williams: real shit , but dude. i feel you’ve had those same shoes forever
  137. Phoenix Cobra: Just got a subscriber because he isn't the guy to baby shit. He bites the bullet. He puts it the way some of us see it but he doesn't take shit I like this.
  138. namethatiuse: Doyouevenblade ollie*
  139. Shawn Molley: you're such a liar dude you were being such a piece of shit Ryan
  140. Steven Napier: This guy is a massive douchebag
  141. Kraysaurus: Hey you can spell Fagot with your name
  142. danny davideos: Gabe does not deserve anything. I kove the Braille dudes but you gotta pay your dues before you even get looked at by a company... Like come on now if your on YouTube nowadays you can do w.e it is you want and thats crazy but also fascinating. I like gabe but no way in hell did he deserve it. I thought it was a joke when i saw i got my first sponser video by gabe...
  143. Cios Productions: I agree with the business part of it. Gabe Cruz has a big social media following, infact he is flow (deserved). But we, the fans, who buy the products and pay their bills were a little upset, that Carlos Lastra got kicked off the flow team and was replaced by Cruz. At that time, we didn´t know he was going to turn pro for 3 block, so everything is fine now.
  144. azzkiller22: Much like my ss front board.. They're not valuable 😂😂😂
  145. Keith: Fuck no
  146. kent 420: is my hero...i wish u didnt remove that mario 62 video tho..shit was jokesss lol
  147. Hagen Timper: live lesson with ninja <3
  148. Sean Brown: I honestly don't get how people don't understand the business side of anything
  149. Hill Billy Buck: fuck you kelly
  150. Vmob tv: I don't care what you said or not
  151. Tyler Ford: to the ignorant cunts, skateboarding ability alone does not determine who gets on a team. There are multiple factors. He helps spread the brand to people just getting into skateboarding with the braille videos, which can set them up with tons of loyal customers. I got into Andrewschrock's channel back during the Revenge days, and it got me hooked on skateboarding because I looked at the way they acted and saw myself and my friends in them. Other companies make skateboarding larger than life, Revive to me humanizes skateboarding and makes it feel attainable. Gabe fits this image perfectly, because you can look back and see his growth through the braille videos. It shows the process to getting there, and the continued growth, not just the end result like most companies do. It is about what sells product, and NEWS FLASH!!!! ability alone doesn't move product. Gabe helps promote the brand to a larger audience and make it grow. He takes the initiative and puts himself out there. any other reasons and comparisons with the intent to show him as unworthy of what he achieved are just excuses to justify the simple fact that you are LYING TO YOURSELF! Don't get so butthurt about it, instead of trying to come up with reasons why he should not be flow, figure out what he did to become flow and be happy for the guy. Don't give him heat for succeeding, figure out how he did it and apply it to yourself.
  152. Dash Rendar: Real talk
  153. Kiss Of Kalamity: ShootinTheShit You're so fucking jealous deep down inside and its cancerous
  154. Darian Bell: That happens to be getting bigger than the "real skateboard company's". Who fucking cares what decks people ride, If it's something you like and want to keep around you support it. There shouldn't be hate in that.
  155. Rational Animal: Not sure what's "ninja" about this but I agree with you. Gabe's arrogance shows up once in a while and he's still young so it's to be expected. Kelly is young, much better yet much more humble and I think with Gabe's confidence and age, he's intimidating to older skaters or skaters of the same age who aren't even known. I envy so many musicians but I don't hate them nor do I find their success unwarranted or have any thing to do with my life. I do understand business and marketing despite hating the fact that in music and even in sports, the form of entertainment takes a back seat to the looks and or personality of the celebrity and not his/her talent.
  156. Dylan Gray: ShootinTheShit doesn't look like your career is going anywhere
  157. Adapted MC: I feel like revive is hated on the same reason Tony hawk was hated on at his height of popularity and even today andy is the shit that's all I have to say lol
  158. johny bigfahrqur: calls you tube viewers retards, can hardly skate a dick high square bar lol
  159. Kushtime420: I miss the 1996-2006 era of skateboarding. 😒
  160. Wade Longendyke, The Witchfinder: Who is he talking to?
  161. Tyler Barnes: Umm watch the video it’s mostly him skating and explaining his point bc dumbass people don’t understand
  162. Cody Davidson: I don't understand half the people in the comments saying "if you didn't disrespect you fans you would have more" or bashing you for how you say and do things it's his channel and you the viewers just viewed this video so fan or not he still made money off your pathetic comments
  163. Doyouevenblade: I can't even jump on a skateboard lol
  164. AndrewSchrock: You really need to start a life advice channel. Always killer videos dude. Also I insanely miss skating in Vegas with you and the dudes and seriously am contemplating buying a ticket right now.
  165. JAM Skateboarding: I agree with you. I like Gabe he seems like a really good
  166. Luis Murillo: This is so true ninja. This reminds of when Bam Margera was one of the biggest names in skateboarding despite not being really anything special. It's all about the marketing. You don't have to necessarily be the best skater to be a big name, you just have to have connections, charisma, personality, etc (Terry Kennedy also comes to mind). I feel like you cant get away with this more than any other sports.
  167. Chris Grieve: Lmao this company
  168. Spencer Marchewka: 4:27 mongo
  169. Robert Vasquez: I didn't know steve pushes mongo switch. It's weird looking
  170. SSNS: If he brought nothing else to the table ability would be a factor, but Revive's image doesn't depend on being the most gnarly group of dudes in the industry, rather the experience of skateboarding and the dynamic between friends. There is different criteria for being tied to a company like Revive. Most Companies: Started with a product, created an image, built recognition. Revive: Started with an image, built recognition, evolved into company. Obviously there is more to it but I am already spending too much time writing this haha
  171. Sugarheadboss Skating: The more you are full of your self usually the walls you are at skateboarding
  172. StuffIsCool: It's not. Who gives a shit what this guy says. Gabe is absolute trash at skate boarding. What revive is doing is throwing their brand out to the kids who think "anything is possible" which is 110% false hope. Same goes for gabe, he is just someone who'll make it while he's still with Braille. Which is also a fake ass company. It's all trash and it's all a brand deal and it's all just a quick dollar for the smarter company. It's fucking all hullshit.
  173. ShootinTheShit: im not jealous dude my life is great literally not even going to brag cause ill come off as a massive douchebag.
  174. Vmob tv: ShootinTheShit yeah you can go different routes it is just fucking retarded to limit yourself to only one way
  175. TheNewCards101: Lmao does Gabe have the skill hell no... can he be marketed... unfortunately yes...
  176. NaturalFork: Gabe is the man.
  177. rachael james: Dr. Heinz Doofenshmirtz now you change your wasn’t obviously a joke at all-negativity and hate
  178. ShootinTheShit: lets be honest, gabe is your friend and because of that you will defend him till the end. Is he a good skater? Yes. Does he deserve his spot? IDK, skill wise probably not. But its not about that. on Youtube you just need a good personality and a following and your making money. Hell, look at revive, its doing really well. Not from skating necessarily but from people falling in love with youtuber personalities. so does he deserve this based of his skill? or does he deserve this because of his clout? or does he just make it in because he is friends with the owner. who knows, but for me its all about who you know if you want to be successful in this world.
  179. That Dude: i grew up on casper flip. fuck the haters
  180. ocl zx: and the only reason gabs is so "martetable" is because he's been on aaron kyros channel for a long time basically any other kid that had that opportunity would be in the same position he is in not because of his amazing personality
  181. Marcow: Damn this one guy on instagram really got ur attention
  182. yoyomazali: Bawb17 🛴
  183. kmW: @Bagof-T You mean that world that you're not even a part of? Do you think sitting here shitting on Revive and other YouTube skaters is going to get you the fame and recognition you are so badly missing from those in the "real skateboarding" world? Take it from someone that has spent time around people in that "real skateboarding" world. No one at the top of skateboarding right now has the time or care to worry about what's "real" and what's not.
  184. Pj Ferdinand: "if you are that concerned with Gabe Cruz then you've already lost."
  185. PizzaShrapnel: Shop Hacks aww man I miss shredcast.
  186. Gabriel escudero: Proper schoolin on the kid haha
  187. Ryan Bartz: Its funny how you can talk shit about everyone and their friends but once we do it to you then its a big fucking deal... And hell I dont want Gabes spot fucking liar
  188. Irie Skating: Jody Ford nice company
  189. rachael james: Dr. Heinz Doofenshmirtz it’s people like u that Ninja talked about in this vid
  190. Mark Chamberlin: I find it truly upsetting that certain people who think that they are 'elite' even care about an issue such as this. Gabe promotes skateboarding to thousands on a daily basis... like it or not, more people are buying skateboards because Revive, Braille and Braille Army are teaching fundamentals and having fun promoting it. Andy & Brian can do whatever they want...they own their company. If you watch John Hill's or some of the other Revive skater's older videos, you can compare them to some of the best out there (JH's Ride Channel street part, for example), because everything looks better after it's been properly edited. What big brands - and Revive is quickly becoming one of them - are looking for is skilled (yes, they are skilled), charismatic, appealing and growth-worthy content providers that both promote and help them grow their own product or brand. Gabe fits this description to a tee. When you take the time to understand that, you might find yourself becoming a more positive role model in society. Until then, you can just do your own thing - which is apparently, just sit back and complain about others advancing in life farther than you ever will... ** for the record, I am a 45 year old man, who just got back into skateboarding, after about 30 years - with thanks to YouTube, Braille, Andy Shrock and a few other brands that promote without casting judgement...
  191. Alex DaGoat: MAKIS SB 47
  192. Andrew Zepeda: 5:56 had me dying 😂
  193. Omar Garcia: nick_gregorio 778 maybe if people were not such little bitches he would have more fans
  194. William Meisburger-Iwata: Here from John Hill. You deserve a like and a sub just for your honesty
  195. NinjaLifestyle: People are chosen to represent a company (sponsorship) based on what they can earn back. Pansy skateboarders have made up a new definition where skate skill is somehow involved. Do you think NASCAR sponsorships are handed out based on how much the pit crew enjoys BURGER KING? Skateboarding is literally the only sport where everyone lies to themselves about the definition of sponsor; Seriously look up what the word means in the dictionary. Gabe is a valuable dude to any company and if you can't see that then you're truly just being a 'hater'
  196. Grant Billard: someone got a little triggered
  197. fricken chickens: u suck
  198. Leif Christian Rosendo: ShootinTheShit did you even watch the vid + you should seriously watch the vid how gabe got in braille. dude as a 14 year old had initiative. after submitting his vid for help with his skating which he edited in with teleporting, he had the initiative to also give aaron his phone number. the dude was 14 and hes only 18 / 19 now. point is, you have to have initiative and youre gonna have to put in the work whether or not you get clout from your personality or your skills. both are important to a skateboarders career, unless you become so godly on one spectrum and it doesnt even matter
  199. Luke Does YouTube: OMG I LOVE YOUR VIDS
  200. Ballzai: You sir, are clearly quite bright and insightful. You have a nice way of cutting through a forest of confusion to reveal a nugget of wisdom. Your message is one i agree with and you use your vernacular with skill and ease. Props to Gabe for working super hard and being successful. Also, Props to you for shooting from the hip. That said, the bi-curious and ball taste fantasizers may feel unjustly ostracized by your commentary. Im sure it wasn't your intent, but it's unnecessary. Im impressed by your clear thinking and straight talking which is why i am taking the time to comment. Homosexuality is just a part of the human experience.Good luck and keep up the good works.
  201. Jack Robinson: hey kids, commenting on his videos actually helps him, it's part of the algorithm which helps a video/channel gain views. if your mad, especially bagof-T as you've commented on this video at leas 7 times that i've seen, maybe you dont need to help him with the algorithm. ok bye kids
  202. Ryan Bartz: Revive is like a kryptonics like skate company does nothing to skateboarding besides being a sellout
  203. Ian Boyd: yeah dildos and i bet you know a thing or two about how to use em too go fuck yourself you're legitimately what this video is about
  204. rachael james: You are SO RIGHT!!! Thankyou!!! I wish everyone (revive/Braille/other skate youtubers) linked this vid on their channels! John Hill did, and I’m so glad he did!!! Kids seem to think everyone else owes them-I don’t know how many times I see in comments GIVE me, GIVE me, GIVE me (free board is an example), hate comments, put downs or attacks directed at the YouTuber/other viewers being POSITIVE about the video they just watched!!! People work damn hard to produce content-if you don’t like something be CONSTRUCTIVE with your criticism (if you don’t have something nice to say, that is relevant/makes sense/is respectful-bite your words/characters). Obviously, (as you said) these people are not spending the time on their board to get real good, they are spending their time online being negative, hate filled and self absorbed so and so’s-who usually won’t post under their real name, hiding behind “anonymity”-spineless and gutless if you ask me. No one/nobody/no company owes anyone anything! Get out there an earn it, and PROVE your WORTH to the company-as you said, (and John Hill says it all time too), you have to be able to bring in the $$$ for said company-to pay for the product they send you and much more!!! As Ninja said, stop bagging, criticising, hating, being bothered by others success and get out there and PROVE yourself!!! I’m not a skater, but i do watch a lot of skate channels-I’ve found everyone (including Ninja) so inspiring! I appreciate being able to see the art you guys produce!!! It’s guys like you that have me wanting to give it a go (I’ve just gotta figure out how, with the health challenges I face). I just wish everyone out there would appreciate and respect Youtube skate content creators for constantly and consistently produce awesome vids for us!!! They Are PROVING themselves, doing it and showing us the journey-EVERY UPLOAD!!!!!
  205. cfo138: and (from what I hear at least) he is a hard worker. filming, editing and just being there to help out.
  206. namethatiuse: Isaac Feria he's trying to get the "standards" out there for everyone to get better
  207. CoolMan Caravan: I was like "why do you suck balls all of a sudden" then I realize u skating switch lmao
  208. Monni Koira: anyone curious how big gabes dilly is?? no homo doe, just curious...
  209. LIL Mayo: nick_gregorio 778 if you'd stop eating so much maybe you would lose some weight
  210. Beorn: holy shit i've never seen something so pathetic how long did that take you
  211. TR_ EvoLvE_YT: I'll never take Revive as a serious company. They only put friends on the company.
  212. Cathory: Point is; Gabe is a shit skater. don't you have a series on what it takes for someone to be sponsored? pretty sure Gabe wouldn't meet your standards if you were genuinely reviewing his skating. 10/10 bias. Good job.
  213. Kraysaurus: He calls names on you retards not his fans stfu
  214. ocl zx: its funny that you call people out for bitching but your entire channel is based on how you bitch about everything
  215. Nyeusi Knowledge: Some of this applies to you some doesn't. Its to popular opinions in general. So you said it marketability over talent... Fuck the talent and ability to actual be a skater musician actor and so on, fuck it lets join the rest of the mockery industries and fuck skateboarding and hold up and elevate ppl with big social media followers.. Now the metro fuckers, not all simply go for cookie cutter shit or spend time attempting something to get them a following (what we just talk about what the following does) and can't fuck do basics or other shit to save them lives.... *some. Now lets not get it twisted a lot of them are all around just as you said better than skaters in the game and many don't ask to be on they put them on their page. And a unrelated skate company vs outside brands... Stop. False equivalences. As for gabe and revive its not like they have a crazy standard you gotta be on, as you said its all friends and "family" which a lot of companies actually have been about. But revive gets the same framing as standard companies YET they never set themselves up to be or operate like them in terms of their talent search. It was as he said literally just his friends, he had some videos and they took off then he used that shit to launch a company with his own mantra and ppl got it fucked and again held it to the same code as other co. *basically anyone mad can take a second, look at their immediate group of homies or fucking CREW they have them damn selves, and ask if you had the opportunity to make it into a team would you or would you not bring your damn friends with... That rhetorical, no shit you would. So more than half the haters are hating for something they'd do themselves yet haven't the will power or work ethic and then want to hate. *even if "but I'm better than them" then again you said it, its clearly not about honesty using that gabe to that kid sell comparison showing hey Gabe you're money to us, we love you but hey, if you can't bring money... Nah that's not revive... That plays a part but they aren't money over family BUT the shit you are applauding as for the rest of the industry aren't like revive and don't care and will hold marketability over talent, not love and respect for the culture or talent... As in take away gabes family reasoning he got on and let it be "that kid" ( someone with no following) vs a "Gabe" (someone with a following) and let the one without the following be a million times better or even have a better personality as turns out, and who you think is getting overlooked solely on the merit of marketability not talent... Plus Gabe built a following off of them and being around them as in insert anybody and they can do that to a degree... Come on now. *NOW maybe not to Gabes degree because that's not saying he doesn't offer anything, isn't a talent, isn't entertaining, hard working, with a phenomenal personality and a million other things including dedication which is what sets him aside from the fact that you being connected to a entity and people with major followings has its benefits, then of course the rest is up to you. Lets be clear I didn't equate Gabes position to that or anything, but I'm speaking of others and the benefits. *Basically whether that kid likes it or not dude can skate and cares about it, been around, grew up as a youngin with the other guys, shown dedication contributed to content, produced content, has promoted the brand and been around through a large amount of it and cares for the team... That's a part of what Andy recognizes, not his common co. standards we traditionally automatically hold skate co. to. Plus its ANDY'S DESICION for any damn reason he wants, thats how that works when you own something. That's the direct answer and all that needed to be said BUT you knew as well as others there was more to it and they didn't say it but were calling in to question perhaps his skill level and shit... So of course you had to shut that fool shit down aside from the obvious "jelly" going on. (No grown man should say that word) because we all know this is what asshole do to revive in general attacking their skill level because they feel they should be in that position because they THINK and sometimes are better than them or others on the team. Some reason they think that's what a company is composed upon and needs or its not legitimate because they suffer from the Tard Tard strand. Ppl want to discredit them because of their bullshit standards of what makes something legit. We got Instagram models and so on with tv shows movie deals promotions and a million other things all because of SM...yet the actual people doing those same things losing out to them who have RESPECT and talent for the culture of What they are TRYING to do but get overshadowed by some bullshit you're embracing... How many of y'all start shit as co. Because you got a following.. Uh uh. Now how many are legit about it. Again don't conflate taking advantage of the "following" to profit, but look at genuine folks and how they are there for the love as I'm assuming cake muscle is, and don't get a damn. And some are so bad their mech still don't sell despite the following. There's undoubtedly that privilege of the following and while you can say "you got get one" doesn't negate anything said nor is it so easy. Especially those that got it before all this shit and take it for granted or are ignorant of how long it took. Then you got ass and tittes with millions of followers... Our thirst is real. I guess that alone is some bull vs making your own following which can be done. Its not impossible if I made it seem that way. And again if anyone is so concerned about then they damn sure better put the work in some, emphasis on the some have done and obtain it no matter how long. Like you, you've been at it lord knows how long. (or you, pretty sure you do) and you've done your shit straight forward and haven't tried to be PC (*cringe) or conform to anything you aren't as far as I see despite the potential of a increase of followers. You're more so keeping to who you are which makes me look at your following and others with a shit load more and see you got a actual core cult following if you will who are about you for you, nothing else. I feel your followers due to the genuine mantra are rocking with you a lot more than those other cunts. But surely the social media bullshit is more than a wild card and has now become the way to do it vs a struggle and hitting comps and the motha fucking streets for a part. *granted many who get on are capable. But we see so many foola with a following getting free shit Adidas and all that shit because of a following, not always talent, and all kinds of off brands trying to make a name etc or use your following and these cats go nowhere... They got all that shit but aren't shit. Which brings about the next level for those using the following which is absolutely a thing no matter how it can dishonor talent and the culture of something. I think rambled enough and might of started a new point without finishing the other just then.. Then again I guess as long as you point out the fuckery and bullshit of the following then its all good. I guess your point was that its a valid thing and here, not whether its always appropriate or its flawed b.s. in terms of those who fuck with the culture not "I'm a company I need MORE money" because that's a tiered excuse when co. are doing good as hell and do some sellout shit or they've made millions in cases and ppl wanna excuse the fuckery with "well they gotta feed their family" or "they're a company" yeah unless any of that is actual true and they aren't well off that shit don't work and is disingenuous and a dishonest defense. *now if losing money or anything or not having enough is what they want then so be it. I mean I can't tell a mofo how to do their thing and or value and respect the fucking culture(broken leopard..or record? ) over all else. But don't go bankrupt or anything dumb. But lets not be dump and put individuals or co. in that position of "they got this and that to do" when that doesn't apply to exude fuckery and be dishonest... Why the hell Am I still up and rambling, where's Cosby when you need him. See you can point out how things have changed or not (especially when mofos lay down to it and take the dick. Especially if in the profit seat like skaters who were core then all the sudden are corporate... Ha. But we love them so "they got fams to feed" despite being millionaires. *again not all are and that's legitimate lets be clear. But shit, I'm doing it again, you can acknowledge or even embrace things have changed whether someone likes it or not, but YOU still and gotta be if real, critical of that change. Or point out the fuckery of it which doesn't mean denouncing it or being bitter about it in every case. Oh hey Mr Cosby, yes I am thirsty from all this rambli...
  216. Ryan Bartz: ShootinTheShit hes mad cause his friend his probaly butthurt cause someone offended him so he needs ninja
  217. NinjaLifestyle: +HaveNoF34r Cortez Productions hamburgler and Ronald put him on because they were cool with him.
  218. david forchard: I find it sad to be honest. Gab Cruz is providing hell a lot advertising for revive on a daily basis. All he gets in return is products worth maybe 200-300 dollars in return annually which is a joke. In my books he should not be flow for revive but should be paid serious cheques for advertising non stop to a broad audience. Andy Schrock is abusing that kid Gabe Cruz and the kid is to stupid to understand that.
  219. Sk8 Board: Fuck you and you and your channel mr ninja
  220. NinjaLifestyle: Never gives back? Please enlighten me...
  221. ShootinTheShit: maybe thats the same attitude that killed his views lol
  222. ryan f: I love Gabe except for the fact that he is that one annoying dude in the group that overreacts to everything and tries to make it seem like everything they do is the greatest thing ever. there's a difference between hyping up on camera naturally and doing what he does which just makes me think he's 13 mentally
  223. Jordan Moskal: Je-sus. This is ridiculous. Why so much hate and fighting? Shouldnt we be happy for Gabe? Hes a skater, hes making it work for him. That's awesome. There are millions of phenomenal singers out there. Or artists. Or writers. Way more than the actual number making a living at it. There is no guarentee at birth that life is going to be "fair". Dont be salty when someone catches a break. Congratulate them and keep grinding, maybe you can catch a break later. How yall actually manage to enjoy skating while being so concerned with other people is baffling to me. Just fucking enjoy it. Mad props to Gabe, Revive, Braille and anyone else out there who is focusing on enjoying the sport. If you are only in it for the paycheck you should probably reevaluate your priorities. Great video Ninja, I wish more people had your outlook. "The only time you should be looking in your neighbour's bowl is to make sure they have enough" Ride safe out there guys, encourage one another, and most importantly, have some fucking fun with it.
  224. Nathanhoff: Hey what kind of mic are you using?
  225. Guillerno Arenas: Gabe is shitty at skateboarding but he's a cool person and friends with Revive team 😊😎😃 But since they could afford to have him on flow they hook him up 😊😁
  226. Fastball Films: fuck gabe cruz and fuck the skate scene now
  227. GotItDude: ninja this is a great video you are awesome
  228. Otniel Manary: This was boring
  229. Legend Lierle: Bagof-T let's see you get a business that big that's meant for real skateboarders then then you'll see how they feel
  230. C S: The whole Youtube shit with skaters is that they put a positive face on the media for us. I'm getting kinda old but I enjoy watching all these cats that just promote the upside of skating. I kinda grew up doing the punk rock shit and being an idiot and wish I would of put more of the good things out there about skating but thats why dudes like Gabe deserve a sponsor, flow or whatever. The whole ReVive and Braille scene is sick as all hell just cause they are good dude enjoying the same shit as all of us.
  231. Walk Hair: The Braille team is great
  232. Steven Rodriguez: Sounds like you gotta a problem with Gaybe
  233. NinjaLifestyle: He can pay rent by branching his audience out with the new promotion and attention he's getting. People are already talking about him more often then they usually would. People on MY instagram are talking about GABE CRUZ on a post that simply asked for current event topics. Seems to be a good move already.
  234. Shawn Molley: revive only cares about the money.
  235. Brandon Howell: homeboy you just a toxic piece of shit mane he was just curious about why a "professional" company would flow a piece of shit skateboarder while other skaters are littery hucking themselves down crazy shit just to get a free board every now and then while have Cruz can barley kickflip and gets as many boards as he wants and never gives back to the community of skateboarding
  236. Perfect Human Interface: Obviously skateboarding is about being better than everybody else.
  237. Posion The Village: literally go watch Johnny Giger or anyone on revive, just because you can't do shit doesn't mean you can hate on them
  238. AustinKane31: Saw those mongo pushes before you started editing them out.
  239. ShootinTheShit: last time i checked you get sponsored for your skill on the board and not what other unrelated skills your good at. i like his personality, hate his skating.
  240. ruben Moreno: MONGO PUSH
  241. Juan Esteven: this nigga weird
  242. Ryan Bartz: Uh huh
  243. JaredFN: You know damn well you watched he vid and just summarized that shit lmao... nice try
  244. kid Nicheris: Deeeeeeeeeeeeep
  245. Hazim Muzdahir: Gabe cruz is awesome
  246. Zach Hickman: Lance is a filmer. Who enjoys skating. But he can pursue whatever he wants.
  247. Salvatore Ambrosino: Drop a like for our boy
  248. Hayden Byard: It honestly sucks so much that becoming pro or going flow doesn’t require much skateboarding skill anymore
  249. Rational Animal: Right, give him a view and a comment. That'll show him. Dumbass.
  250. Evan Peck: Man that bar ain't even flat lol Great video though man, wise words!
  251. Free Tacos: "success is when preparation and opportunity meet". you can be the best in the world but if you never get a shot (and most won't), it won't work. and the kid is on flow for revive. it's not like he can pay rent with t-shirts and stickers
  252. JAFDOG THE FIRST: im the guy that asked ninja a bout the question he is such a dick
  253. Fakie Boards: Kaka Pepe your a salty little bitch
  254. Stuart Taracena: Not only can gabe cruz sell gabe cruz has been riding with revuve for a long time hes loyal
  255. Brandon Howell: NinjaLifestyle he gives to the community of revive not skateboarding no need to be toxic
  256. david forchard: kahn lol .. No point to discuss. You are a fan and I highly disagree how they shit 11 year olds.
  257. darrel padayogdog: Call it whatever you wanna call it. At the end of the day if you were an owner of your own're gonna wanna choose the best way the best person the best strategy to get as much money as you want in your pockets. Just like how Rodney Mullen skated for a watch company. And the company sold watches because of that. You don't have an investors standpoint.
  258. ShootinTheShit: I'm literally set for life.
  259. For Pete Skates: Hey ninja I broke my hand skating and I don't know if I should keep skating once it heals.. What would you do??
  260. Sauce Cornhole: First of all, congrats on the 60,000 view "viral" video. Great numbers guyo. I guess I just wish I got 2k views on my videos, so my question must be invalid. (inb4 I'm not a Youtuber nor a skater, so the ad hom that I just want my face on a shirt is bs.) I guess we should just start at the beginning. At what point in the video did you teach the viewer "HOW to think" about "this shit?" (inb4 you making a 12 minute video on this topic means "you've already lost.")
  261. Gary dela Rosa: hakuna matata bitches!
  262. Mcihael: Bagof-T d a w g , how many comments have you replied to on this video
  263. MarlinWasp: So you're going to use the old "oh they're jealous of me that's why they're criticizing me"!
  264. ShootinTheShit: i see it as bad
  265. Zac White: 4:48 why would you give a truck a shaka
  266. b: RE Snow Revive is a just a team for fun. If you want to see what that whole crew can do though, look at their sister company 3block. All the same group of friends.
  267. IAmTheBestMang: Shop Hacks He wasn't, he was on 4141 before he started his own company.
  268. ShootinTheShit: oh so its douchey to be good at a sport and only let ppl on who deserve it. oh ok.
  269. Vmob tv: I agree with ninja Yeah people want to make skating all about skill that is completely ridiculous because that is not what helps skateboarding companies become more successful. What does help skating companies become more successful is advertisement and how many people will buy the boards and get into skating so they keep buying the product making skaters and skateboarding companies way more successful.
  270. trapped 93: It's nice to know that smart people still live in this world !! Thanks ninja
  271. Rico Chet: Gabe did a lot for Braille/Revive! and gets a real good Homie of them.  and they gave him some boards and Stickers.  whats the Problem?
  272. Ozzy Cantu: 7:03 Hahaha ninja has me trippin😂 just calling it out how he sees it
  273. cat fight: Brandon Garcia Alabama
  274. willie childers: yes he's a really good skater
  275. Kelly Wakasa: Ninja is the funniest person ever😂
  276. Shawn Molley: no he sucks at skating!
  277. Kyle Beardsleey: And i dont subscribe often. This has now made my decision
  278. Jacob Pino: you speak the truth
  279. Nyeusi Knowledge: Too long, didn't read bro.. Triggered
  280. Ryan Bartz: alex d cause skateboarding is a bout being a sell out and as long as your just having "fun" thats all that matters not skill...
  281. Hueborn: It's 100% business. A company can decide to endorse or support whoever they want. This could be for any number of reasons, including, "Because I fucking said so". They don't even have to call it "flow" or "sponsored" IMHO. They can coin a new term if they please. On the accounting side it's anything from a contracted employee, full time, part time, and salary employees. Really, whatever is most profitable given the working arrangements. Now if Revive does want to use terms, like "Flow" or "Sponsored" and have people think it means something? Well, they are gonna need better Skateboarders, but that's not what they are about.
  282. Colby Tyree: Your mindset is amazing
  283. Jean: the redneckest piece of shit ever you mean and your the gayest little poser ever.
  284. Dohn Joe: Gabe is boring. How does he have a following? he can't skate or entertain.
  285. Simply Sam: Wtf switch 5 0? I got Ur trying railside the whole time 😅
  286. ShootinTheShit: Lance skates like a disabled child
  287. the_three_ toe: Gabe is flow because his work behind the scenes filming, editing, and working on the brand. Gabe is flow because he fucking deserves it for all the work he does for braille and revive. Haters gonna hate, potatoes gonna potato.
  288. capnslyfox: How "curious" will "people" be when Lance#skategod is AM?
  289. Andrew Zepeda: 5:56 had me dying 😂
  290. Rational Animal: Man, there are toxic people in every hobby's fan base. Fucking pathetic. It's not like you're talking about real world issues, you fucking wimps. You can say anyone sucks but at the end of the day, are they talking about you, paying you or watching you make videos? If the answer's no, shut the fuck up.
  291. apples: when you're thinking about balls so you miss the trick. Hate when that happens
  292. JaredFN: You know damn well you watched he vid and just summarized that shit lmao... nice try
  293. aka mash: Who is going to see Gabe Skate and promote Revive?? Braille Army +165K Subscribers. Braille +2.8M Subscribers Clearly a business decision from A.S and B.A. so why the but hurt bitches
  294. Grhaesyn McNabb: For Pete Skates Just keep on going, injury is apart of skating, just get back up and try again.
  295. sebisdead: You damn well know not even a local shop would sponsor Gabe he’s not close to sponsor material
  296. Nick Weber: Great video man. Love the message. I think this goes even farther too. Like the whole "youre a poser cause you mall grab" or you must be a poser if you push mongo" nonsense. When did skating become so political? I got into skating because it was fun not because i wanted to fit in with the "cool kids". Its skate or die, not skate the way we tell you to or we'll shame you out of the park. If people are skating its a good thing.
  297. sk8tann: “Got some tweaker watchin me” lol
  298. ShootinTheShit: i never said to limit yourself to one way did i.
  299. Hayden Byard: Most of his argument is straight up invalid
  300. brrnay: i mean obviously a good point and true, but you coulda just told him that and still made the vid. you hate on other skaters all the time man, hypocritical af. pick one way and preach it.
  301. Daniel Leeuwendaal: "one skateboarder should not be concerned with another skateboarder" - tells this to his 200k+ subs (who, I imagine, are pretty concerned with his life as a skateboarder) repeats the question multiple times for longevity* "have you ever been curious about how your homie's balls blah blah blah" - blurts out something completely irrelevant to the original question complete with homophobic slurs. I'd also imagine that a number of people are "concerned" with gabe cruz (he wouldn't be slightly internet famous if they weren't you dickwad)** "gabe cruz is the guy making this guy suddenly curious about revive clothing and hes curious about gabe cruz" - gee wiz, ya think? Brand and brand ambassador = public curiosity. proceeds to bash the dude on his skateboarding (not wholly wrong, just kind ironic) "the argument is this; gabe cruz cant do that many tricks on a skateboard, how could he possibly be flow for a company" gives reason - i don't know lol, something about people being jelly. ( I don't get it, revive is a company, so is nike, when someone gets sponsored we'd like to see why)** then proceeds to tell his 14yr old fan-base that these "other people lack value" ( i get you're supposed to be this predefined "asshole" but tbh you try too hard)** "if revive put your face on a t-shirt and then put gabe's face on a t-shirt, which would sell more?" - good question easily answered by another question Clears throat** "who's been riding revive's dick longer"** "Skateboard company" - your argument would make sense if the word 'company' were not prefixed by the word 'skateboard'. You see (and i hope you can understand this) I get that the point is business but its still sold with, you guessed it, skateboarding (winner winner chicken dinner). And yes, one must withhold a place of value in a company but that value must be defined by what the company's trying to market.** Okay I gave up halfway through this bullshit. Mind you this was the first video I've seen on this channel and was generally interested in the matter. I agree; Gabe Cruz is a cool dude and he deserves revive flow from a business perspective I guess (I mean Andy owns the brand and can do whatever the fuck he wants). P.s NinjaLifestyle please die in a pit of human excrement somewhere idk. P.p.s Braille's pretty dope, no hate. Kind regards Go eat a dick
  302. Deniel Cramer: Hahaha i fucking totally Agree man
  303. Billy Gaffin: Fucking solid. 🤘🏻
  304. LilDoki: ay ninja i got to support you for talking real shit rather than fucking with the bullshit titles and shit
  305. Matthew Welling: isnt that a salad grind to 180?
  306. supernewuser: You are partially right. He reps the brand and he has ways of drawing more attention to it. Plus he's a friend so who cares. Artists and personalities in general get sponsorship deals from major brands all of the time. He was also essentially created as a spinoff of those other channels if I recall, and all of those kids on instagram also have the same opportunity to market themselves. Obviously andy has struck gold and a rising tide lifts all of his friend's boats as well, so a typical kid on social media has a disadvantage in that regard, but the internet has really leveled the playing field for those who want to put in the actual work to achieve the success. The problem is none of the haters want to put in the work and they only see Gabe as somebody who gets free stuff because they don't understand the work that goes into doing and maintaining what he does.
  307. LUIS GONZALEZ: Answer: No
  308. swaineness: 9:26-9:40 is so funny
  309. ShootinTheShit: not really
  310. MOSHPIT OOF: My cousins husband used to ride for swatch which I found weird when I heard about it
  311. Diego Jimenez: You are a douche. And the top comments are just a Revive circle jerk
  312. mexican_afro122 8: Your too funny fuuck
  313. Bob 1: So by your logic you want to be a scooter rider? You talk shit about them all the time so do you wish you were them? I don't ride a scooter OR skate before you say anything like that. You can diss me for riding my electric board though if you want. I DO agree with your reasoning behind Gabe being on Revive though. It makes business sense even though he's dog shit at skating.
  314. Johnny Boy: How do you know the kid has a mom? What if his mom is dead and he lost his brother if he had one? I'm just saying
  315. Never Quit: Dr. Heinz Doofenshmirtz the only reason you say it’s a joke now is because you got fucking rekt. I can see right through you
  316. 24 1: Chompy Omega fuck you dumb bitch
  317. Jeterthecook #TDSCO: Braille army needs to fw ya boi pause 😂
  318. Whosmansisthis?: I fucken love this guy aha!! What a great sense of humor!! Aha 👍🏼
  319. Dork Dummy: thats a weird video... awesome idea
  320. sebisdead: i dont even consider revive a skateboarding company its just its own thing
  321. jsk8et: Before I watch, here's the answer: 1. Gabe gets eyes on the brand regardless of skill level, so it's a win for Revive in sales 2. Gabe's vibe matches Revive in making skateboarding fun and accessible rather than exclusive and douchey 3. Revive is a homie company and Gabe is their homie 4. Revive belongs to Andy and Brian and they can do what they want with it 5. Quit complaining and go work hard on something until you're successful or until it leads you to something you can exceed in
  322. Symbiotic226: If revive put out a t shirt the only people buying em is kids and bitches
  323. HaveNoF34r: I'm pretty sure at one point in time tony hawk was sponsored by McDonald's
  324. Brent Williams: Yes gabe does. Being on flow isn't purely from skill, but also loyalty to a company.
  325. Carter Q. Short: "It's called a hospital flip you dumb ass" was the best part of this video.
  326. b: david forchard see, I don't understand how people get pissed that Revive gets kids into skating, and then make up all these bullshit borderline conspiracy theories to explain their success. They're a homie company, not a skill company. They got big because they're funny, and they put theirselves out there on the internet. They have a more 'traditional' sister company out now called 3block. All the people there fucking shred, and yet people _still_ make up reasons to hate them. It's just bandwagon. Think for yourself.
  327. Max Molloy: Something tells me your a very unhappy person
  328. The Sagittal Crest: uhhh its pronounced GAB sheesh
  329. Norberto Lopez: business, the opportunity came up he seized it, and he put the great content
  330. FrankyMorata: Fuck noooooo
  331. T: While theres parts of this video i agree with you on, it sounds like you got hella butthurt about somebody asking a simple question. Its the internet. Kids are gonna say dumb shit, hate on people, talk shit. Who cares? Obviously you 🤣.
  332. Blue Division: Revive's business model is not based off of being good at skating it's about youtube and how many people like you. Majority of the people on revive are not all that great at skateboarding they market their selves through their youtube personalities. People like Andy, he's an upbeat guy whos constantly posative and happy go lucky and goofy, the masses eat that shit up. If you have a youtube channel which attracts a following and involves skateboarding then you are somebody who could have some value to Andy and Revive. Gabe is with braille, braille has 2.8 millions subscribers so of course andy is gonna flow the guy....especially since aaron is "pro" for his team. Let's be honest, when it comes to skateboarding companies and teams it's a business if you can make the company money then you're on the team. So yeah does he deserve to be flow? at the end of the day it's up to the person sho is giving him boards and he does well enough on the braille channel where andy feels he is worthy of flow. Judging by andys company and overall giant success with revive as a business I think andy knows what he is doing by flowing the guy. This by the way is coming from someone who can't stand all these fake ass happy go lucky homos on youtube. I like raw skateboiarding, in your face and fuck you attitude skatboarding....not these homo vlogs you see so much of on youtube. but this doesn't make you millions the way revive does. You can't blame andy for that. He saw youtube as an opportunity to do something in skateboarding with his own skill level. it's genius when you think about it
  333. ShootinTheShit: he got 200k subscribers but barley any views lol
  334. JJ ThaGeneral: This is tight
  335. The Mole: Gabe is Awesome! Fuck the haters.. Sadly that's this generation, bunch of cry baby participation award receiving snowflakes that would rather bitch then work hard.
  336. Duncan Walker: If im honest i agree with ninja, you can find raw talent practically anywhere these days. a sense of balance and cordination and a lot of time on the board and pretty much anyone can be as good as the pros that ride for alot of companies. However i dont want to buy a board from an asshole because he is a brilliant skater. I want to buy his board and literally give him and the comapny my money because he is a cool guy who is worth the price to ride for. This doesn't mean if somebody can flatground kickflip and they are cool i will buy there board but seriously personality matters. if imma spend 50$ on a blank of wood thast will last me two months i want it to mean something more then "He is good at skating"
  337. Shop Hacks: Ninja, how did you get on revive? Like how did you meet andy?
  338. Jack Robinson: YES Ninja! the truth baby!
  339. Skookum Bitingfish: I concur
  340. Josh Mendonca: Gabe is a logical choice because he makes 100s of vids on youtubes largest skateboarding page therefore getting revive more exposure than almost anyone . Gabe has made much progress recently as Steve pointed out incidentally which could in part be due to the flow sponsorship giving him more drive and confidence sounds lik a win win among friends
  341. Tim A: It's kind of sad kids are so obsessed with what another man is doing..worry about ur own self n success, not somebody else's. Common fucking sense n bro ur channel is dope, it doesn't suck lol
  342. maKis SB: how old is ninja?
  343. Brian Williams: You're the man, I'm happy to hear a independent thinker bash the fucks that bash others .
  344. Mxlevolent: This wigga is talking and skating like its butter, wish i could do that lol
  345. StuffIsCool: Honestly your video is fucking trash and so are you. Gabe is dumb shit at skateboarding. Fuck yiu
  346. Brandon Garcia: Kelly Wakasa Yo Kelly! Khalifa or Texas??
  347. G Grimes: No he doesn't
  348. Isaac Feria: namethatiuse I know
  349. Gas Gotti: No marketability = no sponsors. If people don’t fuck with you then they just don’t fuck with you. It’s really that simple. If you don’t have it you can’t find it anywhere it’s gotta find you.
  350. newthrash1221: You're an idiot. Yes, as a company, you need to sell shit. The problem with these lame companies like revive, Braille and whatever lame ass boards you sell is that your "value" is fleeting and all your companies are going to die because the people you put on bring such lame videos and content to the scene that appeals to little with the attention span of a...a little kid.
  351. Miguel Loiz: I SENT YOU A SKATE REVIEW ON YOUR WEBSITE IN CONTACT ! Didnt know if it was there!
  352. Justin Rios: Nah, I'd rather ride for a company where I actually deserve to be on. Not just for "personality and value" fuck outta here with all that shit. In reality it all comes down to Skateboarding not all this other shit. He doesn't deserve to be flow for any company.
  353. Evan Simpson: you're good as fuck at nollie heels, let's see a nollie heel fs or bs 50-50, whichever you could do easier, also if you prefer to do it on a ledge then cool but I want to see it!
  354. Karl trembath: The same dude talking shit probably watched all gabes vids
  355. LENTO NIGHTXCRWLER: Looks like boulder highway lmao
  356. Dave Larose: You ever curious about how your homies balls taste? LOL
  357. MattyB: Brandon Garcia if we're talking pornstars Alexis Texas is thee shit
  358. Charles Howard: StuffIsCool Have you tried the tide pod challenge? You should definitely try it!
  359. John Hill: This video is so important
  360. axolotlLover29: Thank you for this you're 100 percent correct at the end of the day it's up to Andy point black and gabe is a great choice hes a great human being and an asset for revive and the braille team
  361. Mike Penn: Gabe is awesome. And a inspiration
  362. Eric Brisson: Watch his vids before revive put him on he pushed revive hard on people he is very marketable for revive
  363. KILLEM ALL: Gabe is just getting a homie hookup. They put "flow" because that will stir shit up and get views. It's a like a subliminal message that makes you watch more videos.
  364. ryan f: and I have the same questions as this insta commentor and I don't even skate, it's just a general curiosity so you don't need to be a douche when more than likely the kid was truly just curious
  365. alex d: u right ninja...they are jealous...
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Does GABE CRUZ Deserve Revive Flow!?

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