HOW I WIN GAMES OF SKATE (Strategy) - Sports Latest

Monday, March 11, 2019


  1. Dustin Mikolon: Trying to get forward flips down so people are like wtf. Then after i just fuck everything upπŸ˜‚
  2. Doctor Skipwith: I usually get letters on people with a casper flip and double flips. I usually end my opponent with a fakie double flip or a triple flip. I like flipping.
  3. Dan Phillips: Lee Harrison im saying πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€ he had nothing to say
  4. GrrLags: For competitive games I start off with a fakie hardlip, switch tre, ghetto bird, switch backside flip, and last is usually a laser or switch laser flip. (If they miss them all)
  5. Kidanis Cortes: I sometimes do a "run into a skater" that always wins
  6. Stefano Addis: If you set first those 4 switch tricks would fuck me up my switch game is weak but I come hard with the fakie big heel/front heel variations which often get me 3 or 4 quick letters.
  7. Trevor Francis: this is one of the best youtube comments I've ever read
  8. fuckingslayer skateboarding: my lineup is varial flip kickflip front180 fakie flip fs half cab bs half cab casperflip kickflip under flip fakie bigspin no comply impossible
  9. Marduk Panzer: know what i just realized? YOU NEVER 360 FLIP. Or do any fullcab flip tricks. its extremely rare.
  10. Steak: Huntrea9 yeh that's true tbh there are many more than just bars and whips, some people nowadays can do triple backflips and even things like skateboard tricks have been done on scootersπŸ˜‚
  11. CamColeParker: Nope he was at a skatepark... but nice job making light of a person who was almost killed...
  12. Alexander Aldana: Damn a few of those tricks would already get me off the bat lol I need to switch my shit up. I do kickflip heel flip hardflip tre flip fake heel verial heel back heel fakie back heel then probably bigspin flip
  13. Toetouchtoomuch Slm: I like doing fakie heelflip/kickflip to swith casper for my ender
  14. Zacary Teague: the trick that i use to get everyone down is nollie gazelle spin
  15. Sir Luxington: varial flips for sure
  16. AskateR: I probably won't have chance against ninja because my switch game sucks, however I like doing these to get letters: -Bs 180 heel (regular and fakie) -Varialheel -Tre (regular and fakie) -Fakie fs bigspin -Fakie bigflip -Pop Shove-It late flip (inspired by ninja)
  17. scenekidsdie1: nollie backside 360 nolli frontbigspin nollie 360 frontside shove fakie 360 Ollie and fakie backside 360 oliee and for banger its either frontside 360 ollie or switch bigpin
  18. Gordo: That half cab flip damn
  19. Obey the walrus: 1st?
  20. CamColeParker: I guess you will be happy that a scooter was shot at at Hunt Skatepark near Riverside...
  21. Zack V: I am not too good at skating, as I just started skating a year ago. But for some weird reason I only get letters on really good skaters at the park with fakie frontside pop shuvits and regular 360 shuvits. I'm assuming they aren't go to tricks for a lot of skaters to practice or do a lot maybe? But anyways, I really liked this video!
  22. AceOfAids: Do you win by being good
  23. tScrib: ThΓ©o Lcr is bigspin flip just called a bigflip?
  24. Supreme Chief: Learn Ollie sex changes those are pretty fun too
  25. marco crivellaro: pressure flip, impossible, front bigspin, double flip: 4 letters :D
  26. Derty Hairy: I use the buttery ass odds
  27. Pierre BonnafΓ©: I always do a lot of basics like all the shove-its and nollie and fakie bigspins both ways, some cabbalerial and then if they don't have any letters I throw in fakie biggerflip, cab flip and finish off with a switch ollie late flip that's how I do it ^^
  28. Tim: i'd punch u after a game of skate
  29. Zachary Akin: Fakie inward heel Inward heel Switch varial flip Double kickflip Nollie frontside flip Not necessarily in that order
  30. Number Six: 2:18 Any time you're playing Kyro.
  31. Richard O'Donnell: I've always get other ppl letters with fake varials it's simple but effective
  32. gaboskatelife: Normal FS BigSpins are always good, because a lot of people do it switch and they are suprised when i tell them it was normal and always bail
  33. Lucas Mazzoli: kickflip, fakie kickflip, nolli heel, switch heel, big spin, tre flip, full cab, fakie fs flip, bs flip, fakie tre, bs nolli heel, switch fs heel
  34. tomcaptures: half cab flip was so clean ninja !
  35. Zew Kee: FS shuv, kickflip, nollie flip, switch flip, fakie flip, heelflip, nollie heelflip, switch heelflip, nollie bs 360, varial flip, bs flip, half cab flip, fakie big flip, FS flip, hardflip, inward heel, bs heel, bs half cab heel, if i havent won or lost yet I pull out my ass: fakie tre, fakie 3 shuv, double flip, fakie double flip, Casper flip, toe flip
  36. grungeisdead: I learned pop shove late flip because of you. Also because I can't do a regular late flip worth a shit... But yeah, I end the game with it all the time.
  37. Zane Hubay: I don't have many trick on lock, so I start with a fs and bs 180 and then fs half cap and sometimes bs half cab, for flip tricks I go far a kickflip, fakie kickflip, and half cab kickflip, and usually the order changes sometimes, this has helped me many times, especially when someone is stuck on a trick, I've even beat two people against me
  38. Trojan Burgess: I do all the basics in a row in every stance in order to bore my opponent to death πŸ’€
  39. jamiejamiejamiejamie: I start off pretty easy with some 180's and 360's, then step it up to bar spins and tail whips. After that there aren't any other tricks to do on a scooter so we both win.
  40. diam pasma: i always start my game with a hospital flip
  41. Moose: I go shuv it in every stance to see if they are comfortable in all stances then just random tricks
  42. Pyrofritte: Usually start with kickflip or 360flip than Hardflip, Nollie bs flip, sw fs flip sometimes i also put a varial heel in there, if they i see they're weak at Hardflips i start to do them in every Stance and if they haven't got any letters i start out with nollie laserflips, fakie bigspin inwards, 540 flips and all kind of double flip variations
  43. Michael Rapaport: u have footage on ur channel dont front
  44. Kevin Kelly: I only do no complies.
  45. Howdy Bitch: sick video to be honest, but you just gave away your strat ;)
  46. Brian Gnow: nollie heel switch heel tre fakie tre switch tre
  47. Brian Crockett: 98th. Heck Yeah!
  48. Stafa03: kickflip sex change
  49. Jacob G.: I start off with 180s and kickflips then nollie bs 3s then varial flips or halfcab flips then treflips then heelflips then varial heels and sometimes I'll throw a nollie flip in there or a nollie bigspin then if they're at T I do a Casper flip
  50. albie baggins: I usually go with the 'Varial flip late double half under double half late rewind flip quarter flip - "a great trick to start off with in a game of skate" - Ninja 2k16
  51. Nathan V: i can get really dirty in S.K.A.T.E if i need to
  52. Kalmxr: Repost the pop shuv it late flip video from a super while ag. that was the og ninja
  53. Shlomo Skates: Doubleflip, fakie doubleflip, bs doubleflip, rickflip. always do varialflips, it's so funny how nobody can do them and they hate it
  54. sick one: I got finished by a pop shuv lateflip the other day
  55. Cole Karimura: 1.shuv revert 2.front shuv revert 3.switch shuv revert 4.switch frontshuv revert and finish it with a dolphin flip XD
  56. Space Cakes: Bs 180, pop shuv, fs shuv, fakie bs bigspin kickflip, fakie heel, fakie bs heel, fakie disco flip (dirty, I know), nollie 3, nollie pop 3 shuv, fakie bs flip, tre, ollie late flip, pop shuv late flip
  57. Jaime 04: I usually pull out a nollie half cab or a maybe a fakie heel
  58. michael poirier: Nollie flip Switch flip Switch front shove Nollie big spin Fakie flip Full cab Hardflip Backside flip Bigflip Switch backside flip Nollie backside flip Usually it's over long before the last few tricks but if they outlast those than Nollie biggerspin, Nollie Varial, and last but not least backside big spin!
  59. N-Depth: Nollie Hardflip is usually the fatality
  60. drama eazy: Steve I challenge you to a game of skate $5 bet
  61. Petey McEnroe: start with nollie backside 3 shuv then nollie front 3 shuv, switch double flip, casper flip, ender alpha flip. if I feel like being a dick shuv reverts any stance.
  62. ZivilpersonZX87λ²€μ•Όλ―Ό respond, Be patient: I do following tricks: 1. ollie to tick tack 2. nollie fakie switch 3. Hand Stand Bend
  63. Jonah Perez: When I am playing competitive I like go a big spin type then go back to flip and mix it up to see if they are good at flipping and spinning the board
  64. NinjaLifestyle: Insubordinate and churlish
  65. NinjaLifestyle: Did he try to snake at a gun range or something?
  66. Matthew Leighton: In this order 1.varial heel 2. half cab heel 3. half cab flip 4. hardflip 5. fs flip, bs flip, and bs heel I have these all pretty constant and they have given me pretty good results. Only problem for me is my switch skating is complete shit, I only have switch and nollie heels and the basic shuv combinations.
  67. Braden Smith: fake and nollie varians are my bread n butter!!
  68. Mishal Adam: old school kickflip , old school inward heelflip 😎
  69. Free Tacos: you got me on anything switch/nollie heel
  70. grungeisdead: I'd still really like to see you play Kyro. You could win, but he also plays games of skate for a living, so that might be a challenge. Either way good game and I've been saying this for over a year!!
  71. AverageSkater: Back 180 Nollie 180 Fakie 3 Shuv Kickflip Nollie bigspin Nollie 3 Shuv Heelflip Backside Shuv Fs Shuv BS Heelflip to win
  72. Lapis Eye: throwing out pop shuv its, and switch pop shuv its are usually my go to's to knock someone out the game. most people kinda forget the basics once they learn harder tricks.
  73. Callum Kelley: where can I buy ninjalifestyle clothing
  74. Dohn Joe: the only nollie trick I have is nollie big heel. is that fucked?
  75. Negan Winchester: capnslufox get out of here with that bullshit
  76. Jasper Harber: I'm not super good, you can probably tell from my lineup lol
  77. team toilet: I do impossible first then pop shuvit late heel. double flip. then nollie heel :). then switch varial rewind
  78. Felipe Benavides: I usually do these tricks: -Switch 540 flip -360 Hardflip -Bs 360 double flip -Late Christ air -Fakie late coffin -Ollie late ollie -Does whatever a spider can
  79. Gregory Gilchrist: fakie varial flip is easy for me, and i really want to learn nollie bs heel after watching this
  80. Tyler Masse: Order: Kickflip Tre Flip Nollie Flip Switch Heel Halfcab Flip Double Flip Fakie Bigger spin Fakie bigger Flip Tre Rewind
  81. Tit...: fakie tricks are awesome to win ( sex change , fs bigspin ... )
  82. Jordan Berry: Nollie hardflip, nollie gazelle, switch hardflip, hospital flip, front shove late flip, varial heel, fakie front heel,
  83. ThatDumbAss Skater: I like half cab flips and heelflips when I play skate
  84. Henry Ochoa: late shuv , Tre flip , switch variel heel, nollie fs flip
  85. Parker Nicholas: Nollie flip, switch flip, 360 pop, tre, fakie tre, kickflip, fakie flip, switch heel, heel flip, fakie heel flip, fakie 360 pop, switch back heel, frontside big spin, backside flip
  86. Grant Claerhout: Nollie impossibles will get them letters every time
  87. Kamrin Murphy: I do a few warm up shuvs and 180s in some different stances to start, typically gets people a letter or two, I usually do them in this order FS or bs 180 Half cab Switch fs 180 Front shuv Nollie fs pop shuv or fakie bigspin Nollie bs bigspin Next I throw in a few flip tricks and 360s I have consistently, not risking anything yet however Kickflip Fakie flip Heelflip Full cab Nollie bs 360 At this point my opponent usually has T, if not I pull out some extra switch basics or 3 shuvs which will do the trick. Now for the finale I do an intermediate flip trick of some sort (my flat game is weak) Varial heel Half cab heel or kick BS flip Switch or nollie heel
  88. Joey R.: Jizzdouken
  89. drama eazy: shit we can even do a game of drunk skate winner gets 5$ and a cold beer losers gets a pie to the face
  90. giorgio545454: What the fuck is a toe drag?
  91. JaquanRusselTV: I think and play the same way haha i start out with nollie 3 shuv fakie front big fakie flip sw front shuv then usually my kill tricks r hardflip inward heel laser or doubleflip depending on how good the person im playing is
  92. Austin Kalgren: Switch fs shuvit gets everyone✌️
  93. capnslyfox: 1. Half casper/pogo varial flip out 2. Nollie Dolphin heel 3. Merlin twist 4. Pop shuv rewind 5. Front 3 shuv late flip
  94. daanfentoon: always start kickflip. feels almost like handshake for the game. then i go pop shove, surprising how many people overthink and letter that. then front side flip. then ill throw a treflip just for shits and gigs. followed by switch pop shove or the same reason also another overthought trick. i like to throw fakie frontside 180 in there because its amazing how many really good and consistent people cant do that. i also like to pop shove body varial, (favorite flat or small gap trick). my killer tends to be front bigspin or switch varial flip. thats that. i want to throw heelflips in there but honestly, thats my weakness is why its all toe shit
  95. Jack McMullan: I am one of those skaters who knows only a couple of grinds but most flip tricks in regular stance. I like to learn weird tricks and I have a few that I am very consistant with. My tricks to hopefully win a game of skate would be, Late fs shove, fakie ollie body varial, double kickflip, fakie double flip, cancel flip (half kickflip late back foot half heelflip), late backfoot heelflip, dolphin/forward double flip
  96. hugo schombourger: Lmao , have we ever played a game of skate before ?
  97. Nathaniel Rossi: How i win games of skate :) #1 Ollie fs body varial! #2 Nollie fs 360! #3 Ollie Late fs shuv! #4 Fakie Ollie fs Body varial! #5 Tre Flip! :)
  98. team toilet: his nollie flips are sexy!!!
  99. GuDL -: Dirty ninja XD
  100. TTGames95: His tricks were so damn smooth
  101. Michael Rapaport: ok subscribed hope to see a laserflip sometime this eternity.
  102. Jordan Kube: I like to do switch frontside big spins cause not a lot of people have those consistently
  103. Rav3style: pressure flip, impossible, 540 flip, 360 underflip, switch bs bigspin or nollie bs gazelle, double heel, fakie fs 360 shuv, nollie bs 540 shuvit, nollie fs gazelle
  104. GING3R: switch pop shove,heelflip or kickflip,tre flip,switch 360 pop shuv and switch backside bigspin(or pop shov it revert,hospital flip,fakie flip,if i feel good on the board id do a verial heel or inward heel)
  105. Vitamin Luther: switch impossible is my kill
  106. Otniel Manary: get a lot of people with vairel flip and fakie vairel also another good one is pop shuv revert haha
  107. Jiblish Giblish: Well I'm a beginner so I start with boneless finger flip then switch bs revert then Ollie then caveman 180 then switch boneless then boneless then (if I can) shuvit and lastly cigar flip
  108. Connor Smith: N-Depth Nollie Impossible ;)
  109. Alex Ortiz: Treflips then fakie big flip frontside flip switch flip and fakie heel flip and impossible
  110. Zack Holtz: No comply whatever flip in all stances, then repeated but with rolled up pants.
  111. drama eazy: also I'll buy some beer
  112. ThΓ©o Lcr: Bigflip is an abbreviation for bigspin flip ;)
  113. Knufflon: Old school kickflip
  114. ThatDumbAss Skater: Those are my go to tricks
  115. Jasper Harber: Here's my trick line up Kickflip Shuv it Fakie shuv Fakie three shuv Fakie varial flip Heelflip Fakie Heel Fakie FS heel And if I have to get dirty.. I pull out shuv it sex changes I can do them in every stance lol
  116. Jiblish Giblish: And acid drop
  117. colin: more old school reviews
  118. Amos Vuille: My lineup: Pop shuv Fakie pop shuv (funny ppl can't even land it) Nollie bs shuv Switch front shuv Nollie front shove Switch bs shuv Kickflip Heelflip Varial flip Nollie back 3 Fakie flip To end it: fakie tre or switch fs bigspin
  119. Bozzatronio Teabag: I start with a hardflip then 3 flip, fakie double flip, 3 shove, and backside double flip, basically only do bangers :))
  120. ThΓ©o Lcr: Usually go for a flip, fakie flip, then double flip, double fakie ;) always finish them on a fakie hardflip or a bigspin flip
  121. Gaming And Stuff: First 5 tricks in skate for me: 1.inward heelflip 2.fakie inward heelflip heelflip 4. Half cab heelflip 5.Swich pop shuvit
  122. Unethical Lemon: Thats how you beat Andy's kid huh? Savage!!
  123. mr: i have the same 5 tricks in a game a skate and i never lose. lazer hardflip switch ghetto bird nollie 360 inward heel varial late underflip
  124. Thompson Geraghty: that pop shove late flip so clean
  125. _HUNRUSPWNZ_: pressure flip =-P
  126. Madness Skateboarding: Back 180 front 180 kickflip fakie flip heelflip nollie bigspin and v heel not in that exact order except the 180s but usually I get people by those tricks the most and sometimes 360 pop shove it and half cab heel
  127. Gordo: Personnaly I do whatever the fuck feels good at the moment but I always bust a double kickflip Double kickflip bodyvarial Ollie body varial
  128. Justin Brantley: Always an impossible. You have to do a real proper impossible though, so that they need to do it proper.
  129. NinjaLifestyle: See a video of me having a normal game... Can anyone describe what's happening in this video?
  130. BRIDGEBURNERS TV: Kickflip, fakie flip, full cab, switch fs 360, fs flip, backside flip.
  131. Tariq RIAHI: What a sexy ninja.. <3
  132. david masterson: start off with kick flip then heelflip then fakie bigflip then nollie bigger spin by now at least two letters, then late fs shuv then double flip then back heel, now most likely at t so now it's time for nollie big heel or 540 shuv. gane over
  133. Frank G: i just shuv and fakie shuv. fakie oillie. fs180 and thats it. Skating for a year and still no where lmao. I can ollie gaps and stairs tho
  134. JM Streams: I usually do a bunch of basics like 180s and shuvs cause people overthink then I'll do kickflip then I'll go to 360s then fakieflips
  135. Marcos Calderon: Reynolds got a letter on varial flip
  136. Evan Simpson: Late shoves work almost every try for me, that and just flat out fakie heel seems like lots of people struggle with that one
  137. Endey: Huntrea9 im just saying that he is doing a kind of 70 different tricks in 5 minutes. Scootering its not only tailwhip and barspin :)))
  138. Jake Lison: I just got kickflips back so I've been starting with those and then some other basics since most of my friends aren't too advanced as am I.
  139. Jackson Lewis: Shuvit underflip and fakie bigspin underflip
  140. Lmao ur booty: Back 180 Kickflip Tre flip Nollie big spin Bigspin Half cab heel Casper flip
  141. MeAndMyBrother: My tricks: Ollie 180 Pop shuvit No more because im shit
  142. Lmao ur booty: My SKATE tricks Shuvit Kickflip 180s Casper flip Varial flip 360 flip Backside flip Fakie bigspin Nollie shuvit
  143. Cole Karimura: yeah i wouldnt even hate you for that XD sry if my english is not that great
  144. Brent Hickory: Inward heel! You get that trick down, then do variations of it = Guaranteed S.K.A.T.E.
  145. Erik Johnson: 180 fakie/nollie heel/kick flips are my favorite looking simple tricks.
  146. Supreme Chief: Jonathan Mendoza πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ bro he skunked him
  147. NinjaLifestyle: V heel and fakie tre typicaly get me letters!
  148. Michael Rapaport: I do a few basic tricks then I keep messing up and hope my opponent keeps messing up too
  149. Lesh Man Vids: i start off easy with a Kickflip and Heelflip . then halfcab kickflip , casper flip then tre flip, bigspin kickflip or forward flip
  150. urdeath01: Varial flips, 360 shuvs and Inward heel usually get people letters
  151. Negan Winchester: I usually go with these: Sw Fs 180 Fs shuv Fakie fs bigspin Nollie bigspin Fakie/nollie big heel depending on the day Very few times it have let me down
  152. hugo schombourger: it's not because i haven't uploaded a video of a laser that i can't do it , it's not like i upload everyday
  153. hugo schombourger: bigflips and laser flips works 9 out of them times
  154. Anthony Martin: Fakie front bigspin, sw front shuv revert nollie bs bigspin revert fakie bigger flip and last nollie gazelle spin 100%
  155. Ryan Munzlinger: back 180, Ollie late shuv, fakie late shuv, switch popshuv rewind, back 3, kickflip, healflip, toeflip, hardflip, nollie heal, switch heal, switch front shuv, back bigspin, fakie back bigspin, fakie front bigspin, nollie back bigspin, and switch front bigspin. if he's still not out then I start to do gay tricks like pressure flips n stuff
  156. ZuΓ±igaFilms 1: nollie bigspin heel
  157. Bacon Bandit: do you think bmx is easy
  158. NinjaLifestyle: Pretty good strat!
  159. Daire Mcewen: 180s in a few stances, kickflip, heelflip, tre flip, nollie flip, switch flip, late shuv, fakie tre, halfcab flip, halfcab heel
  160. albie baggins: Jonathan Mendoza get fucked scrub
  161. Vigge Bam: funny we have The same ender but i do it fs shov
  162. Brandon Martinez: I try to throw in an impossible or 3 pop
  163. Jonathan Mendoza: You lost to josh katz shut up
  164. Oliver Johnson: I start off with sex change tricks because the opponent never expects it and I gauge how good they are at sex changes. No mercy forget honor.
  165. drama eazy: and a pie to the face
  166. brandonholtuin: My trick line up is: - Pop shuv-it - Kickflip - 360 flip - Fakie Flip - Double Flip - Fakie 360 Flip - Halfcab Flip - Backside Bigspin - Hardflip If I have to give out letters I always do fakie 540 Bigspin, 360 double flip, forward flip and a pop shuvit late flip.
  167. Gladful: 1: Front Shuv 2: Nollie 180 3: Kickflip 4: Switch pop 3 shuv 5: Fakie variel heel
  168. hugo schombourger: +Michael Rapaport thanks for subscribing
  169. 11223344gates: fakie hardflip @_JONATHAN_BLACK_ on IG watch the first clip
  170. JP Garcia: Dirty pressure flips lol Dope video bro! Clean AF tricks
  171. Carlos orta: U fucking albino
  172. Kikui: Nice
  173. Vmob tv: I do warm up tricks then I do inward heel, tre flip and then a switch frontside flip
  174. Yuri Lopes: i just start doing stupid ollie norths, and fakie ollie norths, and bs and fs 180 norths, and shuv reverts, regular and switch. no one can fuck with those
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Sports Upload TimePublished on 11 Apr 2017

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