Setup: Kicked Off Sponsor, Progression, Video Games - Sports Latest

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Setup: Kicked Off Sponsor, Progression, Video Games

  1. Nik The Vegan Welder: because, since day one of that ramp people have asked that and he gives the same reply overtime.
  2. -chase: what happened to: welcome to the city where all the ladies are pretty and do anything you want em to do??
  3. Alex Ochoa: +Quinten Peña lol I know it's supposed to be a kickflip...I said that because he hates no complys and it looks like one
  4. ThunBeast: it was cool to see my question answered. I really enjoy your videos, keep up the good work.
  5. Larry The Gamer: The video came out on my b day
  6. TT Decoy: Savage....
  7. Brett Pasco: the game is real
  8. Dylan Moore: You have a mom ass.
  9. Francisco Garcia: sexy ass foo
  10. skoitoblog: what a dumb way to find the holes... i would never do that to a new board.. wtf?
  11. Knight Solaire: You probably got kicked off because of your attitude
  12. Ralphie Barba: yeah like on skate 3 I did a nac in 10 minutes and I will never land one in real life lmfao
  13. JOSE MEDINA: Ugly ass hat
  14. TheGreenRoom: Close try Industrial lmao
  15. John Hill: I would be super focused into what you were saying, then the freakin song would kick back up, haha so good.
  16. Life of Cam: What the fuck is up with this music lol? Anyways still fucks with the question time!
  17. Stx tilt: Jesus this dude is a cock who likes this guy
  18. Wyatt Forster: You just basically said you can't be a smart skateboarder
  19. Jordan McMahan: mine was around $350-400 to build and skate
  20. Slave to the Curb: This ninja guy is probably the biggest kook in the skate scene.
  21. Immajust Somaguya: thanks!
  22. Romain HEIMBURGER: You suck go to hell
  23. Nikolas Gibson: Bruh I learned skate 3 in like 2 minutes. Its just fun to play on days you cant skate or late at night and stuff. Not much is hard in it, sometimes you accidently do insane tricks.
  24. Tucker Parsons: It would take one try to kick flip on Skate the game lol it's so easy and fun
  25. Congreskate: I always imagine serial killers listening to this type of music.
  26. Texas Bum: those were awesome back in the day. wasteland was cool!
  27. David Dwayne: I suck at video games but I can play Skate just fine... And dissing people for playing them too is kinda weird. I really only play skate when winter becomes too cold to skate.
  28. Jack McMahon: next gen skate games are easy m9
  29. Old Deleted: kill your self
  30. Tanner Blatz: lmao skate is just as easy to learn as the Tony hawk games
  31. Quinten Peña: +caiden vannier I asked him he said it's a kickflip so gtfo with your "big guy" what the fuck kind of gay shit is that?
  32. Jason Jimenez: Skate 3 is the easiest game to play you must be mentally retarded to not be able to play it
  33. Robyn A: I'm not sure, I'm leaning towards no cause he said corporate and pharmacy isn't corporate. So maybe industrial or active if there's one out there.
  34. Dan Knaggs: im subbed to ur channel
  35. Egg Head: LOL
  36. ActingLikeABoss: Who the fuck pokes the hardware holes out like that? I've never seen someone give so little of a shit about their griptape.
  37. 6dgar: yo ninja the mini ramp question was a simple question. answer it and move stop being so immature
  38. Matthew Leighton: +RickySanchez77 I never said he pushed anyone, not sure where you got that. As for the screaming and throwing others people's scooters, I promise you that happened and it was fucking hilarious.
  39. Garrett Rose: ill be honest, the boards look of ass.
  40. Texas Bum: it's all good though.
  41. Ethan Costa: How long did it take you to get the basics? Like ollie, shuv, fs180, bs180, kickflip, heelflip and tre flips
  42. Texas Bum: Some of us can be pretty annoying... I know i was when my dumb ass was self promoting my channel when i first started...
  43. CTI: Cakemuscle sucks tbh
  44. noahcomply: +Number Six it was actually the menthols
  45. Bryanna Royster: Haha did you watch Sam Tabor's set up videos?
  46. Fabio Bruno: Cool story man
  47. Sam Jameison: this guy is a jack ass
  48. Egg Head: I do real tricks like hardflip a set
  49. -chase: 8:35 LOL I just realized the music in the backgrund
  50. Chan Son: Not a chance
  51. 47Tunes: +poser sh!t dudes out here be having 10.5 shoe size and riding a 7.75 🙁
  52. dc shears: He probably got ripped off
  53. Jaime Elliott: Skate with better people than you, you progress faster
  54. HuttonYeah: The kid asked how much it cost HIM to build HIS mini, not how much it would generally cost to build one. Nah, his response was rude as hell and unnecessary. Why get people to ask questions if you're just gonna shit all over it with responses like that?
  55. S L: Haha same
  56. 321berber: Diggin the walzer!
  57. ALLMIGHTYSO 300: You are such a negative person
  58. Kaleb Jones: so true homie just all around hater
  59. RickySanchez77: +elementsk84life1 Dude I have been subscribe to him since day 1 and he never push or yelled at anyone, why u always lying in every Skateboarders videos
  60. Ryan Gonzales: woah why shit on the mini ramp question? that was fucked rude ass
  61. Jake Price-McKenna: Well that was better then I I thought it would be
  62. logan weisman: i wonder if this is a real story or fake?
  63. Karl trembath: your the man ninja.
  64. AE BREEZY: you got kicked off but you were the best on the team??......right makes total sense and corporate was totally fine with it. That's complete bullshit, you are either lying or you were doing some fucked up shit!
  65. Gabriel Hampton: my friend jimel's comment is right above yours lolololololololol
  66. SK8EVERYTHING 4EVER: Ninja gotta be stupid. I'm not, and never have been a gamer, but I have had the displeasure of playing all the THPS games as well as all the EA skate games, and EA's skate if far superior in terms of being a skater. If I were a gamer, I'm sure I'd favor THPS for all it's ridiculousness(on screen cluster fuck), but as far as being injured and craving the all mighty skateboard, playing a skate game that actually uses real foot placement/movement trumps the sonic the hedgehog like light show that is THPS. I figured out EA's skate in an hour because all I had to know was skating and that the toggles are your feet, and tada! I'm skating with a broken fibula. I still can't beat any levels in THPS but I can skate any diy in any city/any famous city spot in the skate games, and I can just forget about points/collecting stupid things for points, and freeskate for days.
  67. Garrett Leance: To you ever think of making workout videos?
  68. Pj Martin: Sooo, Pharmacy?
  69. stiff little fingers: Where'd you get your ramp plans? COOKING school ??! !
  70. Pete Mcgeary: Let's go skate sometime.
  71. Texas Bum: The 1st skate was the best minus not being able to get off your board...
  72. Gage Wilson: Skate is so easy
  73. Daniel Yeary: +Danny Capps are you stupid? Ninja and Andy are homies
  74. IAmTheBestMang: +Nikolas Gibson Really isn't though. Depends what you call an insane level. Hardcore mode and getting realistic lines without underflipping? That's difficult. Tricklining on easy? That's simple. The game is a lot more intricate than you give credit. Again, I don't care how you play, I'm just giving my thoughts.
  75. will_scott__: lol internet creatures trying to tell people who to be friends with xD i love john and i love steve but their content has many differences and similarities; at the end of the day the guys obviously like eachother, just respect that maybe?
  76. IT'S MONKEYDUDE456: Don't watch his vids
  77. John M: Holy shit that's my comment
  78. pbirky: I used to be a fan, but now I'm a conditioner.
  79. Texas Bum: I like your profile pic haha
  80. Bobby Walls: that's the dumbest way to find your bolt holes
  81. Gerardo Rodriguez: ha ha ha Ninja. what a liar! that's one hell of a story getting kicked off your unmentioned shop! this guy is such a loser.hate this guy. the last and only video I'll ever see if yours. "the winiest" lol. whatever bro. ha ha ha
  82. Miro Novaes: make one, I did. didn't need any stupid questions. he was right to be fair
  83. Nickolas Farrell: kicked you off cause you're a jock
  84. RickySanchez77: +elementsk84life1 Oh I miss understood for another comment
  85. Landon: What's the first song when he was setting up his board
  86. Ryoull Wayne: he was jealous of u bruh...wasnt too full u were a winner and he was salty af lol he was jealous and wanted his son to be you
  87. Blue Division: I feel like you never really played skate and took 3 minutes to learn the basic's actually easier and more simplistic then thps button mashing.
  88. Number Six: Well, really you were just asking for it then.
  89. Reshock: Danny Capps That's how he always does it. Do your research mate.
  90. mattyc !: I honestly can’t decide if I like this dude or not, but it is funny to me how many people are hating on dumb shit like how he finds his bolt holes lmao
  91. Texas Bum: +Headbutt things! hahaha...
  92. Bromega 3.0: Bro skate 3 is dope af. So much better than the older ones & the graphics are a hell of a lot better. Once you get good it's so much fun
  93. Bryan Rhode: how much did you pay for your half pipe ? please tell me I can't find any info on the matter anywhere. PS it's for my scooter
  94. Danny Capps: congrats on putting your ollie line (which is lame anyways) on your nose and not your tail.. good job.
  95. jt sword: You should do a segment where you answer questions and record yourself setting up a board
  96. johnny quest: new language bitch theory
  97. zirenter28: Where is the glowstick lesbians video
  98. Patrick Bennett: Skate 3 is the FUCKING EASIEST GAME EVER,PERIOD!!
  99. MrDadaffy: wiener waltzer in the backround hahah Austria represent !!!
  100. Nikolas Gibson: +IAmTheBestMang Yea I feel you man!
  101. Th3OnlyLoneWolf: Nice music
  102. silverballer1911................................................................: help mister can a car tried to run me over today what do
  103. supernewuser: I personally find how much people spent on their ramps interesting. My ramp cost a comically large amount because I bought an 8 foot from oc ramps which required renting a forklift, and then I added an additional 4 feet using their transitions as a template. In retrospect I probably could've built the entire thing for like 400-600 bucks but I'm fine paying for the learning experience.
  104. saul martinez: Just realized your videos are cringy asf
  105. C.J. Mitchell: Glowstick lesbians was the best video of all time
  106. 47Tunes: what size deck does ninja skate
  107. Lamarr Marcel: my favorite series was you talking playing Mario that shit was so funny bring it back haha
  108. Matthew Leighton: lmao I remember that video. but he's best videos were the ones of him at his local park just screaming at kids to get the fuck out of his way and ripping scooters out of their hands and throwing them. its a shame he deleted them
  109. Spacee Kingg: We inadvertently learned that Steve is a fan of Mozart
  110. Isaac Silva: u suck
  111. Johnny Loreaux: Don't give a shit how much it costs I need good plans first can anyone recommend a good source?
  112. flea dipper: your a dick but I love it
  113. Sonic go: Look up plans for the size you want write down the materials on a piece of paper and go somewhere that's sells wood(Home Depot or something like that) and then on that same price of paper write down prices.
  114. ToledoSoldier: please make a workout video!
  115. Osta Skate Shop: Pow 🔥
  116. DR Skates: me and a few of my friends want to start our own skateboard company and wanted to know if u had any advice for us.thanks
  117. 4our 7even: You spit the most negative shit dude, like I feel like I've had a bad day after 2 minutes of this shit.
  118. Reese Maldonado: Skate 3 has to be one of the easiest games ever to pick up. Richie either sucks dick at the game or plays on hardcore
  119. caiden vannier: +Quinten Peña chilll hahahahha
  120. Dom ritchie: How do u think scooters feel
  121. Egg Head: easier to flip lmao it's all relative if you're big like us you can't skate a 7,75 I'm skating a 8,5 cus my shoes 12,5.
  122. Erica Kane: why are you always a dick hahahahahhah
  123. HMK.skate: I'd like to see ninja switch double tre flip of a 7 stair with hand rail challenge bitch
  124. Evan B: Unsubscribed
  125. Tugberk Sengezer: Hakuna matata, bitches!
  126. Rogan Bennett: Why the mozart music? 😂😂
  127. Dolores Berry: +Larry Crumbs wow. what did that help with?
  128. TheNewCards101: +Larry Crumbs i am white af so it would actually be piss off wigger
  129. Kohl Marantz: it’s def pharmacy they are corporate, they’ve franchised their shops in two states. and he grew up in vegas so i feel like if locals knew the shop and they had corporate it has to be pharmacy
  130. Hey Qwinkie: This music kinda throwing me off, lmfaooo
  131. Danny Capps: congrats on putting your ollie line (which is lame anyways) on your nose and not your tail.. good job.
  132. KO sniper pro: Yeah, we know a lot about you that you look like a fucking choad C"x hang your self you make this world shit i would rather watch ISIS youtube channel this this shit tbh.
  133. Pinoimaster: What shoes do you skate, its the same pair os shoes i see in every video
  134. Groovyzed: Sub to me my channel is groovyzedgaming
  135. jonathan Romero: skate 3 is simple as fuck u just move the right thumbstick
  136. Vivid Royalty: here we go another war between tony hawk games and skate games
  137. newpa1n: Ninja, bro, just get an icepick or even a paper clip and puncture that griptape from the other side of the board when you're setting up your trucks for the first time. Rather than slamming around the screwdriver randomly. Makes it way easier to finish the job from the other side.
  138. spinn: Ninja the trucks are backwards in your intro
  139. pvpsurvival: Hey ninja, sit down with skate 3 and some beer, I guarantee you and your boys will get into a heated game of skate. Good times man.
  140. IVAN KILLZ: You should try playing skate3.
  141. Evil Master: idk man looking at your face YOU seem like the biggest douchebag. Soooo would you kill yourself?
  142. Criminvvl: Lmaooo i laughed so hard when u talked about skate3 and shit
  143. JonieBalonee: I hate when people ask those questions "what's the easiest way to do this trick?" There is no easy way to do things in skateboarding. You have to put in the effort to get the results. You can't watch one of Brailles "easiest way" tutorials and expect to go out and do the trick. The best way to get good at skating is being consistent.
  144. Sandoval Bruh: advertising his channel on YouTube helped
  145. Daniel Snyder: third like
  146. siren: You're a jackass
  147. Egg Head: Lol did he hurt your feelings ?
  148. Rich Bitch: i fucking love love when every video is over and hes singing with that kind of funky funny music. so hillorious dude
  149. kero cali: Dylan Moore Couldn't agree more.
  150. Nik The Vegan Welder: were you sponsored by Pharmacy?
  151. Ali Sabouri: why would u roast a kid for asking the price for a miniramp you fucking bald peeled potato looking piece of shit
  152. Karl trembath: what's the profile like on cake muscles?
  153. Ryan Gonzales: +PaulHuttonYeah thank you!
  154. Immajust Somaguya: exactly this
  155. DJ BURNA ,: Get a FUKING logo on ur hat
  156. B Oi: will I get beat up in the skatepark by scooters if I skate with a cake muscle deck
  157. Reg Webber: Mall graber
  158. Caz: Yea so the ramp he built is cheap as fuck. And damn this man thinks he is so good but 5 years and only 200k daaaamn that tells you he's pretty bad
  159. Anthony Mendoza: thanks, thats all I was here for lol
  160. Jesus Ochoa: Pharmacy is hella corporate lol. They franchise out their shops. What's more corporate than that?
  161. RC Codes: lol stabbing at the hole is actually much harder than just finding the hole naturally... your board and your girl friend would appreciate it, even if its all about acting like you dont care.
  162. Brandon Sarmiento: Not a chance
  163. Vetle Bentdal: hi
  164. Bi Di: His boards are retarded
  165. Beeb Muff: was the shop pharmacy
  166. logan weisman: NINJA YOURE SO CLOSE MINDED
  167. Quinten Peña: Besides it isn't even him
  168. Daniel Seol: ure shit
  169. Charles Gutierrez: Bobby Walls pretty much damaged a perfectly good g tape. But hey then again he probably gets hooked up a ton by Doug at am grip or jessup since all the revive guys get em for free.
  170. Silvia Garcia: I wonder out of the 192,000 subs how much can actually can log back in to there account.
  171. TheNewCards101: First?
  172. Nick Brenes: okay. the reason i just became a fan was purely for the fact of the "Hakuna Matata...bitches" that shit killed me. lmao
  173. Nils Perrin: Haha thx bro!
  174. Glen Barrantes: that's what i was thinking lmao
  175. Mark Simpson: ninja has changed a lot. He is more nicer
  176. Robyn A: Pharmacy isn't corporate. Idk what shops are out in LV. But maybe active? Or industrial?
  177. Vlone Tyler: Here before 1k views
  178. Eric Martinez: 9:35 talks about him getting kicked. thank me later
  179. Garf2O: is ea skate really that hard? to me after a little while it was pretty easy
  180. Mike Addison: pharmacy skateshop
  181. Daniel Yeary: What?
  182. Dan Knaggs: congrats lol
  183. Texas Bum: +WubstepNetwork i know dude i stopped doing that shit though. That was stupid of me... sorry
  184. Tristan Skates: Your thoughts on skate games are fucking stupid
  185. Harley Gunzz: what skateshop was he sponsored by?
  186. Ken Ang: Lmao he just asked how much your ramp is, why the fuck do you have to roast him lol
  187. Number Six: Was it the too early part that made her leave or the "OH YEAH!!!" at the end?
  188. Seth Richardson: Active I think
  189. flea dipper: sir I in the process of building it
  190. Osta Skate Shop: Pow
  191. Negan Winchester: skate games suck
  192. James Mccandless: John!!!
  193. Fariz: i like how he talks about skating games being to hard and he would want it to be easy. then he says scootering is way too easy and he brags that skating is hard and you would take months to learn how to kickflip. biiiitch get yo shit together
  194. HMK.skate: They probably don't want fuckboiis in the team
  195. Alex Ochoa: If you look closely on the into ninja does a no comply flip :o
  196. Danny Capps: congrats on putting your ollie line (which is lame anyways) on your nose and not your tail.. good job.
  197. TheGreenRoom: You were number 1 no debating ? Right..... Not tryin to hate but bruh thats cocky af and not true. Cmon man really? You were good dont get me wrong but not number 1... I could debate that all day i can think of a few people easily man , im sorry. Oh and you forgot to mention it was industrial rideshops corporate ass
  198. Danny Capps: stop talking to this guy john. you're part of revive and braille. you're better than that
  199. IT'S MONKEYDUDE456: I watched a vid and got pissed at him
  200. AE BREEZY: why are you such a douchebag lol. I don't know what it is about you but your so god damn annoying lmao. Kill yourself
  201. Drew Bilodeau: Was it zumiez? lmao
  202. DEX WW: I don't know what it is but Ninja's videos have been super entertaining lately and he is killing it! 😲 I would love to see Cakemuscle grow into an enormous company in the near future!
  203. Rich Ramirez: clean your backyard ninja your hillbilly ass goats aint coming home dam nazi
  204. Reshock: Stx tilt He's actually a pretty cool guy
  205. Tylarious ': Looks like u used a 10$ camera for this
  206. Young Brick: You really couldn't do a kickflip in skate 3? I can't stand the Tony hawk games
  207. Gerardo Rodriguez: oh and I've seen your mini ramp on a majer vid. shitiest mini ever built. I wouldn't mention how much I spent on that either.
  208. 91timmyd: thats the only way to play tony hawks low stat life
  209. Young Brick: Yeah that was the dumbest ducking thing I've ever heard
  210. Jonathan Mendoza: Steve how about you just give a rough estimate on how much it costed? fuck man you have to rant about everything you remind me of my friend lmao
  211. Apocalyptic Concepts: I still play tony hawk's underground 2
  212. Vita Vegeta: I fell like he hates his subscribers
  213. Texas Bum: Yay!
  214. Daniel Simon: " of the 1st sponsors i ever got the boot from .. " lol one of the 1st ? how many total BNinj ?
  215. Dylan Moore: first time ever playing was hard. Second I came back to it I got it real quick. It's really addicting.
  216. Fabio Fordon: it's johann strauss.
  217. Sam Naylor: Yeah too bad he's never done that right?
  218. Will Laird: Mall grab at 12:21
  219. Egg Head: sheckler out here wearing 9 skating a 8,25
  220. noahcomply: wow you took the bait lol
  221. Gabriel Towell: jk
  222. Danny Capps: +Dylan Moore ?
  223. Hairy Pooter: Ya like I skated a lot then I started snowboarding and now I just skate 1) for fun 2) to help my snowboarding progress.
  224. Texas Bum: I love it. haha it's different. Goes well when he starts ranting...
  225. Patrick Bennett: I could never take a company called "skate muscle" seriously at all,, "hey dude what board you got? oh its a cake muscle" like what the fuck??
  226. Dade Kobies: Not a chance
  227. Ethan Costa: Skate 2 and skate 3 are amazing and so fuckin easy.. you would love it. Just imagine a skateboard is the right stick. To ollie you go back and then forward just like in real life. Kickflip is the same except you flick off to the right. Its awesome
  228. Jaime 04: Patrick Bennett then don’t one , crackhead
  229. SMOKED OUT420: haha like the intro
  230. GrizzlySkater234: The real MVP
  231. Texas Bum: no le mientas.. don't lie to him haha
  232. Tim G.: I think Richie just sucks at playing Skate. In my experience I had an easier time learning to play Skate than THPS
  233. TheNewCards101: +Larry Crumbs i am white af so it would actually be piss off wigger
  234. ahisrealyoffthechain: I think what he was trying to say is that if you want to learn a new trick in real life and you can't even do it in a video game it's hard to get hyped up and motivated to do it in real life. At least that's what I got out of what he said.
  235. TheNewCards101: +Larry Crumbs lol this is as classic youtube as it gets!
  236. HMK.skate: I fucken hate ninja he hates scooters like there's nothing wrong with it bitch
  237. IAmTheBestMang: You guys definitely learned easy mode. Insane tricks aren't Skate. Leave those to the Tony Hawk's games. I play both, so I'm not calling one superior. Flicking the stick around doesn't count as learning the game. When you memorise the majority of the tricklist you can say you have learned the game. Sorry for the rant, but these are just my personal opinions. If you want to trickline, fine, but I'm just stating my opinions on that :).
  238. Nick LeQuesne: Vegasskating was the best, I miss the day in the park videos
  239. Nikolas Gibson: +IAmTheBestMang Nah, Tony Hawk games are ledgendary, however skate is more fun and it is hard to play at a "insane" level
  240. Groovyzed: +Valdemar Bailon sub to me my channel is groovyzedgaming
  241. Maykoh: I would consider myself a causal skateboarder living in Canada only skate once or twice a week and not at all in the Winter
  242. Nurb: street dreams lol
  243. Manuel (Mogely) Herrera: Was it pharmacy?
  244. Dan Knaggs: +poser sh!t shoe size isn't linked to board size. I have UK size 6.5 (I just turned 13) and Im riding 8.6 right now
  245. Robyn A: +Nik The Vegan Welder yeah but all the shops that have been open came straight from the owners pocket. It's not corpo like active.
  246. Ike Buttle: +Dan Knaggs I ride the same as you and I'm UK 12 on a welcome deck so yeh shoe size means nothing
  247. Kendall Lee: Why are you not riding clear grip anymore?
  248. Keenan Herlihy: I enjoy the classical music in the background, nice touch steve.
  249. Christopher Hannaman: nice music
  250. AE BREEZY: for sure
  251. Quinten Peña: +Alex Ochoa oh ok
  252. Brett Harvey: +Valdemar Bailon crack up
  253. Nik The Vegan Welder: pharmacy has a couple stores though, idk, someone from lv would know probably
  254. Texas Bum: hahaha 😂
  255. Jakeyjammin: waiting for ninja to tighten his hardware like 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀
  256. Bryan Rhode: Thanks guys but that was a joke I have common sense but I appreciate it
  257. HoriZons: +Valdemar Bailon lmao you were just self promoting a couple days ago on Lamont Holts channel....
  258. noahcomply: last time i came this early my girlfriend left me
  259. animal chin: cake muscle sucks ass
  260. Gabriel Towell: ha bet he got kicked of zumiez for being hated more than the company
  261. Cole Simpson: Was the shop you were talking about Industrial Rideshop?
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Setup: Kicked Off Sponsor, Progression, Video Games

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Sports Upload TimePublished on 17 Aug 2016

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