Steven Review #1: Taste Your Own Medicine Meanie - Sports Latest

Monday, March 11, 2019

Steven Review #1: Taste Your Own Medicine Meanie

  1. Will Romeo: I loved it 😂
  2. Skate Rat: this was funny but lasted too long
  3. JAVI: I honestly only like your reviews because it's funny and your other videos are kindve boring I'm not gonna say no offense becaude I know you aren't offended
  4. Ryan Loucks: why don't this damn dude just get a life honestly but no you just sit back and make shitty ass YouTube videos that make you look like shit LMAO
  5. Jonathan Gonzalez: I LOVE THIS plz do more
  6. Joshua Bolin: As a gay, gender fluid, mongo pushing scooter, i've never been more triggered in my life...
  7. Jelle Steukers: Haha that's funny tho!
  8. Freeze: Funny but that voice got a bit annoying dude
  9. Dohn Joe: this sucked. I got it! the kids these days are too frightened to stick there head out of their mother... fuckem Skate damn you!
  10. Steezy MARLON: This was funny
  11. Supreme Chief: Wtf is this 😂😂😂😂
  12. shnam: Ninja this shit is fuckin hilarious, I forgot it was even you halfway into the video
  13. Alex Begue: this was great
  14. CozyCraig: This is fucking gold, good thing im a douche and find this entertaining unlike the kids actually getting offended
  15. Gabe Carter: I love ninja he's funny as fuck but this video was annoying. Hope he doesn't keep making these.
  16. SK8VINTAGE: i can see all the scooters at my local being like this
  17. Colin Henn: this shit is so funny
  18. Anthony Rivera: It's jimmy's brother from sponsormeplease
  19. Unethical Lemon: Lmao ninja making too much off the scooter bait videos yall watching just pays this man. Keep it up Ninja these vids are fucking lit!
  20. celph titled: When you get a notification and expect it to be shit but it's good ol Stephen Santa lmfaoooooooo
  21. wakeupvonletsgoskate: this shit is so fucking funny
  22. Matthew Shelby: I'm so dead
  23. Kylie De Hanz: Steven you sound like girl with emotion problems , no hard feelings
  24. Fonzo Angulo: Beautiful.
  25. anthony romero: This video was hilarious 😂
  26. will_scott__: this video was incredbly irritating, i think its the voice you were putting on. reminds me of mr. meseeks
  27. Mac demarcos #1 fanboy: Why tf are u wearing that Christmas hat
  28. Kean Scott: I usually fucking love your vids but I guess this is the last resort when you run out of content... CHOOKS x MKB x CARROT
  29. Garrett Rose: Ill be honest I agree with your reviews 100% of the time, but this video was just trash.
  30. Toaster Burns: I don't know why people are such pussys you are reviewing their stuff perfectly it must just be they crawled out of their safespaces and didn't mean to get here
  31. 9: I like this
  32. Christina Gross: You just made your comment section come to life. 😂
  33. FeR crack: first??
  34. Hey Qwinkie: Why the Santa hat though lmao
  35. Scott Bogan: corny
  36. maredevil1: lol you should have worn the unsub hat
  37. Adam edwards: VossenLow hahahahhaha
  38. Nick Franzini: This was so funny, killin it Steve haha
  39. Connor Rekdahl: 😂😂😂😂 this is awesome, good job ninja😂
  40. Jacob Maul: Haha
  41. Chad Huish: This was prolly the funniest video I've watched this year
  42. treyvorak: this is the funniest cringe vid ever
  43. dc shears: I don't think anyone acts like this hahaha
  44. Retrospect skate: When you run out of video ideas and aren't getting enough views ...........pathetic
  45. emoboy panda: haha thats amazing
  46. FH73: I like when ninja mixes it up with vids
  47. Retrospect skate: Filmingwithfriends oh dam ...... 8 year old insults ........ Fucking burned me there 😂
  48. Ronaldo114: This shit funny but trash at the same time 😂😂
  49. Vussbarm K: Hgahahhahahhahaha best shit I ever seen
  50. Zacary Teague: I think ninja and steven should play a game of s.k.a.t.e
  51. 抖音tiktok精选视频: Lmao
  52. Nick Planidin: You know how hard it is to think of video ideas every day
  53. BRANDON myNAMEis: Yeah this is great man lol
  54. joey o connell: You are suppose to encourage people to fucking skate not make them hate skating
  55. Blind Fox: I don't get why people take you so seriously lol
  56. Panduh Army: CRINGEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  57. C Randall Game: You are ridiculous ninja lolol
  58. Jamie Lerwill: haha so true ninja
  59. Colin Mcneil: LMAO
  60. Harrison Cody: this is awesome video.
  61. Nicholas: please don't make this cringe fest a series
  62. MyMadHeart: Is it okey to cringe?
  63. Scooby B: i think I just shit myself a little bit from laughter
  64. skatebits: i get what hes tryin to say, but that shit was too long. dont make this a series
  65. Caleb Likes: This killed me
  66. Nick Planidin: That will show him :)
  67. Jacob Maul: Awesome!!!
  68. ajamchomp: lmao why the santa clause hat XD
  69. Get Right Entertainment: he sounds like he rides a scooter in this vid
  70. Giovanni R.: this had me dead as fuck but also cringey
  71. Haezel: This is fucking retarded
  72. Retrospect skate: Filmingwithfriends 250,000+ subscribers .........yeah ok mate
  73. pepe munoz: this is funny ass fuck Steve you should do more of these videos
  74. Cr3zY's CS-GO channel: Plz do more
  75. Clifton Wink: Ahhhhh, back in the day when Ninja was still Optimistic about his subscriber, lol... ;)
  76. Grant Brown: Yvngfijixn Rvpist because Christmas should be all the time. it's a time where things are happy and there's no hate or meanie heads
  77. SkateProEdits: F***ing legend 😂
  78. Huntrea9: this shit was hella funny sounded just like my grandmas voice and the way she always tries to say nice things about everybody
  79. Rock Schouman: Hahah, you are a fuckin' trip.
  80. RickySanchez77: We have Scooter Steve and Sensitive Steve lol
  81. Carlos Martinez: Keep doing what your doing, this video definitely wasn't one of best, you should take it back to your roots cause that's when it was pretty funny
  82. TRÉ Landings: get it how you get it!!
  83. Nicholai Korb: This was the best idea you have ever had
  84. Jacob G.: please keep making these, it's fuckin funny
  85. CX_Jay Bird_XD: Love Ninja, hate this character with the santa hat. Sorry bro I tried to finish the video..
  86. SkaterLauro: Lol this is gold
  87. Loser_Sheens: ninja keep em coming. you never fail to keep it real
  88. Music Music: haha your funny
  89. Jordan Kuzich: lmaoo
  90. toastyy butter: Nick Planidin lets get 'em steven lol
  91. Quentin k: Every kid at my local
  92. mamonsin: we need more of this
  93. actual skateboarding: Love this.
  95. Anthony Lizzio: hahaha I almost forgot this was you for a while! Funny as hell but pretty long for the same bit
  96. Mluna792: haha At first I was like who the fuck is Steven
  97. Jackt112: please do a steven review with a scooter sponsor me haha
  98. John ': U made ur voice go so high ahahaha
  99. Landon Tooloose: NinjaLifestyle 😂
  100. Ruth Houtman: Couldn't stop laughing
  101. Nicholas Hosn: best video ever
  103. Braiden Stubbs: PLEASE DO MORE OF THESE😂😂
  104. T.C. Covell: Scootles!!!!!
  105. Jonah Perez: 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
  106. capo: This shit funny as hell
  107. BuntMunt: Sounds like Stuart from MADtv
  108. Brendan Howe: Do more Steven reviews 😂 So funny
  109. SharkieJeannie: Not sure why he chose to wear the Santa hat, but this vid was hilarious. Can't wait to see more
  110. Isaac Flatford: Your reaction to hate is incredible. keep at it.
  111. Young Brick: josh bolin you probably no comply on your scooter, don't you?
  112. Wolfster: holy shit this was good
  113. Jayson Stone: Is it bad that you sounded like Rodney Mullen on some parts😂😂😂
  114. phil dude: Just go skate bro wtf ur reviewing yourself you could be at a spot right now
  115. PalenSkate: GOD BLESS YOU!!
  116. mrvea87: NINJA!!! You're falling off, bro! Stick to your guns-- Cookin' with Ninja and Day in the life's, homie!!!
  117. Gubz On me: So fucking good
  118. Magss: Review SCOOTER sponsor tapes! Lmao. Be great!
  119. Brandon Thomas: Now ninja should review Steven here and then Steven can review that and just keep going until you can't make out what anyone is saying
  120. jamie williamson: This is honestly hilarious, please continue this
  121. Ryan Kirkwood: This shits histarical hahahahah please please please do more of these!!!!!!
  122. aleksi sk8: Someone is ready for christmas
  123. D666ist: this shit is amazing
  124. Jasper Harber: Garrett Rose Looolll
  125. Anonymous: Hands down the best video I've ever watched on YouTube! Hahahaha
  126. Sean Pamintuan: i fuck with ur ignorance lmao
  127. 123 456: do more videos like this, they're funny as fuck.
  128. tristan lux: This Video was bad xD but aye Ninga your other stuff is funny af
  129. Session1: I laughed my ass off! Keep up the good work man
  130. Dopey Aman: I can't handle his voice like that man I like the angry ninja that cracks me open with his fury 😡😡😡
  131. ThinkingJeff: Kearns Bruh same here 😂😂
  132. Thomas Ricci: Steven reads hate comments? Lol
  133. Bran Sykora: this was funny but please not another😂😂
  134. Spencer H: Are people not getting the idea of this? Lol
  135. Filmingwithfriends: Lol when you have no channel, no views, no subscribers, and no fucking life and you try to talk shit to someone one with 250,000+ viewers, FAIL.
  136. John MacDonald: I've been watching your videos for years, and I especially like the sponsor tape reviews. But this was fucking stupid man. I got the joke the first time you satirically imitated the haters on the series. Your content is usually consistently good. But this isn't an enjoyable video. Wildly uncreative.
  137. Jay Dee: inception
  138. Brand Tha Don: the cringe
  139. CoolMan Caravan: This is the best please do another
  140. Nate Wyatt: Lmao fuck this shit had me dead
  141. Princess Hart: lol this is hilarious
  142. Egg Head: This is how you fucking bitches be
  143. lakaisk8er96: Plz do more 😂😂
  144. Ryan Gazarian: gold
  145. Linden Meeks: this cracked me up lol
  146. Owen P: lmao
  147. Fredy Alvarez: Fuckenn amazingg lol
  148. DarrelDonald: This was hilarious. Could you raise the volume on the original video a little in future Steven Reviews though? It's kind of hard to hear what he's referring to when he says things.
  149. Luis Almodovar: I laughed all the way through. Great video!
  150. JaquanRusselTV: this might be your greatest video yet lmao
  151. Loser_Sheens: when Steven said "he's already pro" I cried
  152. Snot Rag: A funny video but the series will get stale after 1 episode
  153. Chris Landa: This video was funny af cuz it's ture!!
  154. Dea D: All the haters are the People that don't understand the point of this video lol. Great vid Steve 👌🏾 :)
  155. Joanna Juarez: when both Steve's are talking at the same time it sounds like they're arguing 😂😂😂 funny ass video ninja !!
  156. TrevorClark_37: It reminds me of two people arguing
  157. Show Man: All of you babies saying "un-subed" is THE REASON HE MADE THIS VIDEO!!!!! btw this is the funniest most relatable video ever 😂😂😂
  158. Yama Sultani: Idk about this series...
  159. NinjaLifestyle: If the video triggered you... it's because Steven reminds you of yourself.
  160. -chase: +Young Brick LMAOO no comply scooter tricks
  161. Dank Souls Void: I like this new guy Steve. More reviews from him please he's not a meany
  162. Skiers Paradise: Bruh, I legit forgot that this was actually ninja 1/2 way through cause he did this act so well! By far favorite skate YouTube ever. He even did the act just as great. Keep it up!
  163. JJ ThaGeneral: the santa hat is a nice touch
  164. John Stewart: You need to do more of these lmao
  165. Henry Rendon: best intro of 2017
  166. maredevil1: lol you should have worn the unsub hat
  167. Simon Jackson: split is one hell of a movie
  168. JonahSskating: Contrary to popular opinion , this was gold.
  169. Jasper Harber: Damn.. I can't believe I've been watching you for 2years plus Time fucking fliesss
  170. Itsthatnigga Mouthpeace: yeah don't do a video like this again
  171. hampstershat123: You sound like Kyle from goodneighborstuff
  172. L SZ: Support cake muscle skateboarding,I have one!!
  173. matt: yep, oh yeah, that made me laugh
  174. Nick Planidin: :)
  175. Daniel Finegan: This is the best shit ever 😂😂😂
  176. LV Skates: this video was funny af!!!!!
  177. Klayton Donovan: 😂😂 video so funny man
  178. BASSWEAZAL: He's been mean for so long haha
  179. Jesse Kopchick: this is the best
  180. Robert Page: I don't get the point of videos like this, seems kind of petty, but I guess it can be funny
  181. pianoman lee: NinjaLifestyle hey bro, loved this video. Im waiting for part 2 of this fucking gold
  182. Jake Lison: Steven is every 12 year old in the comments ever... Prove me wrong.
  183. Charlie Marks: cringe
  184. Skater6453: Do this some more bust out the Steven reviews! 😂😂😂
  185. Na-il: lmfao so funny and true😃😂
  186. CrazyXooL: do a real video
  187. ryan rowe: can we get a ninja review of steven review #1 tho???
  188. SkaterLauro: Lol this must hurt your voice
  189. Red Banga: 😂😂😂
  190. Jared King: This shit got me dead 😂😂 keep it up
  191. Steezy MARLON: Do more like this
  192. phil dude: Pretty funny but really gay
  193. Thomas Ricci: Yo fuck you Steven.
  194. Jacob Maul: This was fucking great!!!!!!
  195. albie baggins: Now do ninja lifestyle reacting to Steven reacting to ninja lifestyle reacting to sponsor tapes.
  196. Brandon Meade: Lmaoooo
  197. hampstershat123: Look up "Kyle sports"; this sounds exactly like him.
  198. Tanner Janzen: anyone who can't respect ninjas honesty and humour is dumb, the dudes hilarious
  199. Mista Iced: WHY IS THIS SO TRUE!!!!!!!! great video
  200. Skate And Explore: The voice slowly is killing me
  201. Brooks: This gave me a good laugh
  202. Hidde W: Hahahahaha
  203. failing phantom: NinjaLifestyle what's up man long time fan and follower. Love you vids man keep it up
  204. Ender_p1g __: do a second one of these but please for the love of gawd change your voice cuz i wanna punch your face other than that i cannot stop laughing
  205. Luke Sanchez: NinjaLifestyle please do more of these🤣🤣
  206. Petey McEnroe: Cartman bruuuuuh! reviewing a review lol funny as fuck.
  207. Curlzys _: LOL DO MORE
  208. League of Brothers: I like how ninja says he Is so busy but he makes the lowest quality and effort consuming videos I have ever seen on YouTube.
  209. Demons In Ties: Fuck you steven kill yourself you necrophiliac jk this was funny
  210. An na: merry christmas
  211. Walkvr: lmao
  212. Kyle Sakowski: i thought someone made a video reviewing your tape i was gonna cry😂
  213. Jod Life: This guy is amazinGGGAAA!!
  214. Brandon Foster: And the Oscar goes to
  215. ThinkingJeff: 😂😂😂 and with the damn Santa hat
  216. C. W.: The guy with the santa hat is hansom but not very smart.
  217. stinky1138: thought you were finally going to honestly review your own skating. this was just stupid.
  218. emoboy panda: omg dude i cant im going to die lol
  219. Nick Cole: hahahahahahahahahaha, awesome, cracks me up
  220. Sir Jorge: Can we get more of these, I was dying, geez
  221. JAVI: I thought this video was funny btw
  222. Mk Mk: this was funny 😂😂😂
  223. Nate n: This was kinda funny, but id probably end this serious and stick to reviews and skits.
  225. Yung Relish: great vid ninja
  226. Griffin Landry: I like when he almost falls out of character
  227. Wazir Wajdy: one way or the other
  228. BASSWEAZAL: This was hilarious
  229. Shawn Ramey: I like most of your videos man, but this wasn't really entertaining. It was too long too. Just do more real sponsor reviews. Those are my favorite personally. I think it's hilarious when you roast people
  230. Jørgen Nybøe: this is hands down one of the best youtube videoes
  231. Art Anime: Y both are sucks😂 but I enjoy watch your videos
  232. Tannish Brown: Please don't do this again
  233. Blind Fox: yes!!!!! troll the bitches
  235. Grant Brown: Steven could beat your record in Super Mario 64
  236. Filmingwithfriends: Retrospect skate omg, im sorry, 200,000+ subs, my bad, he's only, 200,000 times cooler than you. Douche
  237. The Nonchalant Gamer: This is funny as fuck do more of these
  238. Jordan Bruynzeel: your a fool lol
  239. 抖音tiktok精选视频: Ninja you should be an actor instead of a skateboarder
  240. Avenged: josh bolin You're a drink ?
  241. ElijeeTeeVee: Is Steven really Ninja orrrrrr......????????? They look similar 🤔
  242. Cheeto Plug: Idk why people are so pissed of by this but actually i love this video hahah
  243. Nick Planidin: wow this guy really knows what hes talking about skateboarding is all about fun and shouldent be skillfull and there should be noo meanies like that guy im subbing to ninjalifestyle and turning on notiffications so i can come to the vid early and leave mean commments!
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Steven Review #1: Taste Your Own Medicine Meanie

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Sports Upload TimePublished on 20 Mar 2017

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