TRUMP CAN'T STOP YOU! (Stop Crying) - Sports Latest

Wednesday, March 13, 2019


  1. Aa Aa: probably because of all that shitty anime
  2. The Puertorican Beast Jonathan Ayala: holy shit ive been subbed to you for four years.... you are a fucking beast man
  3. Nautical Noise: Make another scooter video
  4. Buttery Skater: speak for yourself. well as long as youre not an undocumented immigrant.
  5. Vasectomy Fail: steve- "thoughts and opinions are good" random kid- "what's your opinion on nike... or chris joslin?" steve- "I DON'T FUCKING THINK ABOUT NIKE! I DON'T HAVE A FUCKING OPINION ON CHRIS JOSLIN!"
  6. thegoldenwalrus: Usually I don't agree with this guy but he hit this on the button. Good work there Ninja - politicians can't control me
  7. cardigansarecool: You do make a very valid point and you actually do it respectfully (surprisingly haha), but there's got to be a balance in perspective. Sometimes, there are things bigger than you (ideologies, the economy/job market, the education system, poverty) that do affect your life in negative ways, it may be less things than we think, but acknowledging that doesn't automatically make you a crybaby. I agree that taking control and responsibility of your own actions is very important, and there should be a bit more of that, but there are systematic things that may make it hard for people to move forward, and it's not always from a lack of trying on your part. Everyone has a different set of circumstances that they live in, and sometimes those are really shitty circumstances that are out of your immediate control, and if change is possible for those circumstances, it's not always as simple as to just "quit crying". Just my opinion
  8. Emauri Singletary: People aren't going crazy because of what Trump is going to do (congress must agree as well) but it's more so that America as a whole elected someone who is so openly against the principals and standards America was settled on (he's homophobic, said sexist things, and isn't very religiously tolerant). This is from observation
  9. thegnarcs: Do you have a college degree ninja? Fuck knows why I asked that. Just interested
  10. t wilson: nuff said great video ninja
  11. Cameron C: Not first
  12. Isidor Backlund: Great video ninja!
  13. Green_Touko123: ...and I have SkatePro's scooter add next to Ninja. Destiny is trying to direct me to the easy life.
  14. Munchell360: THANK YOU
  15. Kevin Gilbertson: Thanks Ninja
  16. Ronaldo114: #NinjaForPresident2020
  17. Chris 131: I know this video is suppose to be serious but the song you put throughout this videos kept making me laugh
  18. Ryan Bullar: 3:01 seconds,,, as a scooter rider,,, that made my day and made me laugh for like 5 min straight. Keep it up man!
  19. 0 ͜ʖ0: #Obama2020
  20. Evan Simpson: Dang man you shoulda ran for president!
  21. ace8656: Ninja you my nigga, for real. MAGA.
  22. NinjaLifestyle: Did you read the hat or nah?
  23. Nillen: me too, haha
  24. James Buchanan: what the fuck is he talking about?
  25. Delaney Salazar: Edeword because Hillary would be SOO MUCH BETTER
  26. Run Down Collective: Inspirational as fuck
  27. Chris Cobra Elite: I literally voted for Pedro lol
  28. Doctor Zeus: This vid hit me in a way you couldn't believe man
  29. Brandon Powell: I don't like Trump but atleast we might finally have peace with Russia as to where hillary wanted to throw more sanctions on them and control them, and we don't have to worry about isis members possed as Syrian refugees and guns won't get taken away so.... pick your bullshit ideas stick them up your ass and enjoy your life =)
  30. Michael Rapaport: Trump is going to make America great again, which will make skating great again. Don't cry, pussies!
  31. S 4: These salty tears may be pointless, but they are quite tasty.
  32. jeremy skates: Great video and everybody needs to stop acting like bitches
  33. NinjaLifestyle: Dow Jones is higher now than it's been all year? Who told you that?
  34. Matthew Fine: Trump2016
  35. Jhon Dough: thrasher tee do you even skate?
  36. LandShark 11: #standwithscotty
  37. ares: 4:20
  38. Ethan Hunt: I can't go anywhere and not hear about the election. Like get your own shit
  39. Petey McEnroe: Gary Johnson 2020!!
  40. Andy Colbert: Dallas Cash they're
  41. Melissa Martin: Australias a joke Trumps the shit
  42. wyleFTW: preach
  43. Bagel Lovesfood: unsub then bitch. No one gives a shit that you don't give a shit. know what that makes you? A piece of shit.
  44. Jon Doe: awesome
  45. Ben Sutter: white people are to blame for trump winning
  46. ThomasThe CheezerTrain: This video is 420 long
  47. ruben källner boman: The only really big thing I'm actually scared about with trump as a president is that he doesn't care about the environment and that really important at times like this:/ I'm not from the US so when he says some of the stuff he had said it's just really different from how the politics are in Europe, at least in Sweden where I live.
  48. Domonic Nelson: video is exactly 4:20 in've earned yourself a clap and a like
  49. tyler lopez: you're a real ass nigga
  50. DylanSteeze: trump is fckin crazy
  51. CHASE BANDZ: this is so inspiring
  52. Ifixstuf: hillary is white and white people voted for her. Why are you so dumb?
  53. William Heard: My favorite part is the song at the end.
  54. Trevor Finch: Did you vote
  55. Samcooksk8er: See, this is y ninja is the shit. He's over the top screaming loud and obnoxious when it's necessary, and it's fucking hilarious, and is super inspirational when needed
  56. FRANCISCO Garcia: ninja
  58. Ethan Kissee: thegnarcs ya he has one
  59. MewsDaBest: thegnarcs I'm 99% sure that I heard that he did, forgot what he said for though. . .
  60. Leo DiPaolo: +Krusty Socks when did he say that Hilary was better!
  61. Martin Alfaro: amen brotha
  62. Jay Dee: Trump will stop women from getting abortions after he tips the balance on the supreme court and reverses R v Wade. So.....yeah...there is a lot he will stop people from doing.....He will stop people under the age of 26 from being on their parents health insurance.....these are two things that will impact all our lives...the list is pretty long when it comes to Trump stopping people....
  63. Chris Cobra Elite: you said it best bro!
  64. Johnny Baboon: Hahaha all the triggered SJW's on facebook are the best part about this
  65. TheBearzRule: Yo Steve I liked todays video, was cool to hear some optimism and inspirational(kinda) speech rather the usual talkin shit on everybody. Dont get me wrong though, I love the talking shit as much as the next guy! Good work.
  66. Eamonn K: Vmob S notice how the stock market almost crashed
  67. Mikael Thörnell: Yes, we can! =)
  68. Andrew Rangel: first
  69. bigbennyboy69: Everyone crying about the election needs to watch this video.
  70. Cody cain: congrats on 200k
  71. Allen Sherr: 💯💯💯💯
  72. bx man: Edeword 9gag
  73. Joey Quigley: Freedom is a lifestyle choice, not something that can be gained or lost.
  74. Mat LS: Im in the stream twitch
  75. ctrlPain: Good one. God bless Donald Trump! Greetings from Germany. #MerkelForPrison2017
  76. Mef262728: Oh moves on.
  77. DEX WW: You should be a life coach!
  78. Benny46drift: Motivation, a lot of people need to wake the fuck up and keep moving forwards and upwards. Nice work Ninja
  79. The Puertorican Beast Jonathan Ayala: No i want your mama
  80. ChichMcKill: your the man Ninja
  81. Adio Aurel: I was hoping for Wes! Wes we can :'( - Tears everywhere
  82. Nick Planidin: I'm a joke :(
  83. Alec Brickner: Fuck Hillary supporters
  84. nyk31: +Jack Beaumont yep
  85. Zack Zhang: So inspirational!!!
  86. Jakob Berman: Truley a great video
  87. Vanilla Swirls: are you complaining about people complaining?
  88. Anthony Tran: This country was like... founded on protest and dissent. So complaining is kind of important. Actually, more specifically, criticism is what is important to progress. When the soon to be leader of this country makes blatantly sexist and racist comments and nobody complains, our silence is saying that it's okay for him to do that. It sets an example for other people to follow. Just a few months ago, some dumb fucks came into an asian restaurant and started telling everyone to get out of their country. When I tried to break up a fight after they started attacking the staff, one of the fuckers bit me. Ruined my god damn dinner. We can't let hate become the norm. So yeah, people need to complain and let it be heard that racism and sexism isn't okay. So yeah, right to assemble, right to protest. All very 'murican.
  89. 8t8: Man!that hat tho. i like your gear 🖒 fckscooters
  90. Dank Souls Void: NinjaLifestyle You smoke you liar
  91. grave digger: AMEN
  92. oOPartyPandaOo: It's crazy how different people feel about the election in the south. The only sad people are the blacks, which really doesn't make sense, because Hillary would have done nothing but keep preaching this self-destructive rhetoric that is holding back the entire black community.
  93. Matt Kingsley: Not the video i expected you to make. But it was a great video
  94. GraigT: definitely feel you on this, hate when people complain about everything like its going to change shit. Yea it sucks a piece of shit is gonna rep our country but there isnt shit you can do about it at this point so just accept it, and worry about your real life.
  95. Dylan: Ninja says it better than anyone else lmao
  96. WtfSkarner: Its not the general population, its those who he has directly said he is coming after, don't they have more of a right to be scared?
  97. Joshua Boulard: Trump!! 😎
  98. Zachary Smith: Anthony Tran dude your a straight up punk bitch.
  99. ISnappy: NINJA for 2020!!!!!
  100. nick topoian: Exactly I'm tired of all these pussies crying
  101. Glitz Comet: Technically If you're an illegal immigrant working under the table and trump and congress decide to find them and deport them, he's pretty much stopping you
  102. MBK Skateboarding: savage
  103. Seth Bailen: Dude when you talk sometimes you really do channel Stone Cold Steve Austin
  104. Justin Smothers: one of the best videos so far man great words. keep up the vids buddy
  105. Oscar Thomsen: Hell Yeah ninja!
  106. TheBearzRule: Ha ZING! You got told Vanilla Swirls!
  107. Benny_bricks: only funny part was the talk about scooters lol
  108. james edmiston: Fucking scooters
  109. ZuñigaFilms 1: ace8656 he is not a nigga
  110. Isaiah Paget: Ninja2020
  111. Aiden Benzinger: Subscribe to my channel to help a small youtuber out
  112. Motti Harvey: much needed video. congrats to trump and the republican party. i don't agree with trump and his views but i believe this was the change america needed. trump isn't a politician, he's a business man. he doesn't "look" a president. now he has to assume the position and responsibility of the president and do what it takes to make sure the country succeeds, and logically speaking, do you really think the house or the senate would allow a wall to be built? worst case scenario trump does nothing the next four years. and we're back at phase one. so i agree with ninja, the complaining has to stop for progress to be made
  113. TheSamuraiApocalypse: I like your hat and zero fucks given attitude, it's like a fuck you to all the whining scooter bitches in the world.
  114. Yung Relish: idk why but I rly like how the lettering on the hat looks lol
  115. Kermit Snorting coke: trumps a joke thank god i live in australia
  116. CRandallsWorld: Psa from the man!
  117. Nick Planidin: I dont think it matters who's President I feel like there's more people behind making the decisions
  118. ace8656: ZuñigaFilms 1 But hes my nigga
  119. Rich Ramirez: 4:20 you pot head
  120. LAeveryDAY: NinjaLifestyle haha he doesn't have enough attention at home so he starts stuff here
  121. Steven R: Truest thing ive heard in a while
  122. Jack Willett: Get off YouTube
  123. Skate And Explore: check out our vid with you ninja
  124. Get Right Entertainment: A new motivator
  125. Cole Simons: I agree he is a jerk but is pro business
  126. JACK & OZZY: tru
  127. Eamonn K: it almost crashed last night
  128. Cruciflex: Wise words Kuna Matata
  129. Travon Williams: Thank fucking God Ninja isn't a fucking retard. Literally everyone I know that's anti Trump is complaining and shitting themselves bc of the election
  130. Grant Gerig: Ninja's wise words. Ninja for 2020
  131. NinjaLifestyle: This is me going to work... Notice the new video you got today? Had I sat home crying and not filmed and edited a video to entertain you, you could have blamed Trump... or Obama for now I guess.
  132. Dylan Matthias: All these bitches saying they gonna move like bitch you don't have enough gas money to get out of your city
  133. fooly: i love u ninja all homo
  134. Vmob tv: Ninja would make a great president
  135. DylanSteeze: ninja you liar haha :D
  136. Josh Katz: Really solid message, Steve. Also was this one take? Always impressed by how fluid your talking bits are.
  137. Vinial Hugo: pretty sure he has one also, he said it in a previous vid
  138. Furby On Benzodiazepines: Why don't you realise that EVERYTHING you see and experience is controlled by the elite, schooling, music, movies, the news, THE ELECTION, it has all been planned out and set into motion the way they wanted it to. On that note, you should question why everything that has gone down has gone down. Why did Trump get voted in, why has it all happened? I see way too many Americans falling yet again for the tricks of the trade, the system setting up their ruses and fucking you all over, don't fall for it guys
  139. Ryan Bartz: this video right here is another reason why I subscribed to you!!!
  140. max kd: I pissed on your couch
  141. Zane Weaver: Better than being bombed and living out the movie Red Dawn.
  142. Capt. Cutler: Dude, the left has a problem with this very simple fact, that you are the controller of your own destiny. That's why they are on the left to begin with. The premise is "Gov't. Please make my dreams come true by suppressing everyone who out-competes me!" There is no modern left without that premise, hence the fucking tears.
  143. Thomas Cook: What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in Aquatic Renaissance Art, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret watercoloring expeditions, and I have over 300 confirmed splashterpieces. I am trained in pool noodle warfare and I’m the top soaker in the entire US Academy of Pools & Paints. You are nothing to me but just another source of artistic inspiration. I will paint you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of waterborn craftsmen across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes the pooldeck with the pathetic little thing you call your art. You’re fucking mine, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can splash you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed soaking, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Kickboard Militia and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable art off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit water all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.
  144. Nate Balzary: legitskateclips unsub
  145. RonnieBavs: ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ ░░▓▓░░░░░▓▓░░▓▓░░░░░▓▓░░ ░░░▓▓▓▓▓▓▓░░░░▓▓▓▓▓▓▓░░░ ░░░░░▓▓▓░░░░░░░░▓▓▓░░░░░ ░░░░▓▓▓▓▓░░░░░░▓▓▓▓▓░░░░ ░░▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓░░▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓░░ ░░▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓░░▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓░░ ░░▓▓▓░░░▓▓▓░░▓▓▓░░░▓▓▓░░ ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ ░░▓▓▓▓░░░░░░░░░░░░▓▓▓▓░░ ░░░░░░▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓░░░░░░ ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░
  146. MaxxMayberry: Love you Ninja
  147. Vmob tv: Ninja is a nice guy and he is good for business
  148. CraziestCoco: DylanSteeze x.
  149. BrianOfAteionas: I can't believe Trump is president. Thanks Obama...
  150. Xyinza: BUILD THE WALL
  151. Braxton Roberts: I love trump
  152. RickySanchez77: Powerful words Ninja #NeverGiveUp
  153. Edeword: 9/11 forgotten never 11/9 regret forever
  154. ZuñigaFilms 1: ace8656 damn, he is your nigga SHREK
  155. Madchewychunk: congrats at 200k
  156. NinjaLifestyle: Nevada voted... Too bad I don't smoke huh?
  157. Zachary Smith: Trump Trump Trump!
  158. Class Clown: My school is having a walk out protest and it is so not important I could make a grilled cheese and that would be more important
  159. david kolb: inspirational :''')''''
  160. DylanSteeze: Ninja for president !!!
  161. Vanilla Swirls: NinjaLifestyle LMAO Obama is to blame!
  162. Joao Rogeiro: 3:00 lmao
  163. Matthew Leighton: You missed a golden "sorrrrryyy" oppertunity.
  164. AlienMud: Penis
  165. cn: great job ninja that was pretty sick man!
  166. Vmob tv: I think trump is great for businesses like yours and will be great for the economy
  167. Zachary Smith: Great video, im so sick of these crybaby liberals blaming everyone for there problems, there pussy ass little bitches.
  168. Charles Fetters: Scooters are gay from golden_black_owl
  169. Caleb Shuping: Great video my dude!!!! Keep killing it👌
  170. nyne: Ninja for President
  171. Xavier Israel: I'm so damn ready for 4 years of meme magic and making America great again
  172. Kermit Snorting coke: trump or hillary your still fucked hhahaha
  173. Jonathan Perez: #ninja2k16
  174. i sayu: Japan is concerned about the future
  175. Shiva Rainchild: Trump sucks. But better than a war with russia..
  176. oOPartyPandaOo: Liberals are so fucking delusional.
  177. lord chronos: did you learn your motivational speeches from Adolf Hitler because this is great motivation
  178. FH73: Steve I love the hat man. Subbed since 8th grade now im 2nd year university, keep on Steve
  179. Vmob tv: Cole Simons ninja is a nice guy and great for business
  180. Ralphie Barba: I really dont give a shit
  181. grungeisdead: Hahahaha!! You made my girlfriend laugh with the scooter thing and she hates you! lmao
  182. Ricardo Mondragon: You the man ninja
  183. Jonathan Katrowski: For once you are wearing a different shirt haha
  184. Delaney Salazar: The Puertorican Beast Jonathan Ayala u want a cookie?
  185. Mark Kaz: ya bro it aint hard ninja, don't stress, YOU ARE A LEGEND!!!!
  186. Ben Sutter: +Ifixstuf i'm not the one who voted for trump or be a jackass who throws their vote away by choosing third party lmao
  187. Austin Ayers: Great vid ninja haha
  188. Monni Koira: ninja for president 2020 straight up
  189. Cheets: 4:20 it's lit fam
  190. MewsDaBest: Trevon Williams "Just watching trump win made me *LITERALLY SHAKE*" -A quote by some stupid sjw in my class
  191. Anthony Rodas: Well said ✊🏽
  192. Marcos: Fuckface Von Clownstick is Trump's real name
  193. Jason Smith: I didn't really care who won as long as it didn't affect skateboarding
  194. will_scott__: aww u mad bro, cry more noob
  195. telphey psn: i have so many thots
  196. Tyler Tucker: Props to u Ninja.. Proud to say Trumps my president
  197. Diego Maldonado: stfu dbs is picking up
  198. RobsFatGlobs: Hey Ninja, I would just like to say that I am wearing the same shirt as you. Nice shirt.
  199. sqpd: can you say that I'm trash it will make my day
  200. legitskateclips: i have a thought and an opinion and that is, stop trying to be fucking montel williams no one gives a shit
  201. Gabe Santos: It's 4:20 mins long
  202. ANGRY_YORKSHIREMAN: love it!!!
  203. stiff little fingers: booorrriiiiiiiinnnngggggg
  204. Derek Weaver: 😂sniff. Damn, I'm proud of my country.
  205. Zach Murdoch: Fuck yeah Ninja. Thanks for not being a fucking pussy and grinding always.
  206. Wildfire Hooligan: One of the reasons I respect you as a person Ninja, Fucking make the world around you better and don't just accept it if you find it shitty, push push push! thats what I get from every video.
  207. Jeremy: I bet Richie was happy
  208. So Original: You can't stump the Trump
  209. skateboards of Québec: You sre the best man!!!
  210. An na: Thank you
  211. Yimyimyim Xd: I like england
  212. FredProvencal: john julian fuck you
  213. WillSkates: ITS 4:20 MINUTES LONG
  214. Cade Nielson: Edeword don't compare 9/11.
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Sports Upload TimePublished on 9 Nov 2016

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