POSERS WEARING THRASHER (Do You Care?) - Sports Latest

Monday, March 11, 2019


  1. jakie: Lmao
  2. Adrian dure: fuck trasher 😂
  3. 8t8: my fav scooter channel
  4. _HUNRUSPWNZ_: nice videya
  5. Alec Brickner: Word
  6. Justin Smothers: hell yeah ninja get em boy. to many fuckin whiners out there these days
  7. Goodkill: too bad most of them admit they hate skaters and just like it for the looks and nobody wanted thrasher to expand that way
  8. The THC MC: mberlolz lol same. love the culture but im not posin as a part of them
  9. Mur.: cringe
  10. jam on toast: how old are you
  11. Jesse Paton: I agree. Im in business school and look up to you a ton, im just wondering, if people started repping revive, but not sponsoring your content or subscribing, and marketed it as something...say religious..how would you deal with it? Obviously you don't have to live up to the unrealistic character that is Phelps, but im super curious because my dream is to start a company for skating for skaters hopefully..how would one deal with a culture blow like this?
  12. Sydney Skating: The Way I see it is thrasher is like a badge you have to earn. A badge that says I have bled and sweat and suffered for skating and its fucking rad. Not look at me I'm cool, was that a switch nollie heel flip or a reg fakie kick flip?
  13. Marshall Lee: so people can wear a football jersey if they support it even if they dont play, but cant wear a skate brand because they support it even if they dont skate? You are contradicting yourself.
  14. Ed Weird: 2:08 I was wrong in the previous video, this is the biggest truth ever told.
  15. Dante Bazzea: I agree with you
  16. Jean: declan russell knows what's up ;)
  17. Scott Murray: Yeah and I wear DC shoes because they are very comfortable. I skate every now and then does that make me a "poser"?
  18. Clay Soggyfries: Yeah just don't wear Thrasher if you don't scat board
  19. Brandon Martinez: Honestly idc its just like....why?
  20. Brian Gnow: thotties look 10x hotter with thrasher imo :)
  21. Mister Bubbles: Jonathan Kragelund same with Stefan Janoski
  22. Augie Sandoval: Joey Gale heheh
  23. Antonhurt: Dude companies don't care who wears their brand. Do you think that they want to make less money?
  24. taylar atherton: I agree straight up dude. who really gives a fuck about what you wear!
  25. Dylan Dolha: this is why I watch you, you some real shit ninja.
  26. Euan Kirby: What about scooters wearing thrasher what do you think about that
  27. Number Six: The people that care are people that currently define their identity by the companies they wear or support. They probably see non-skaters in the brand as a refection on themselves. You get older, the F's stop getting handed out. I think it's long past time to face the fact that skateboarding is mainstream. If some skaters are not ok with that, then it may also be time for them to re-evaluate why they skate. Facing that and re-evaluating long held views is uncomfortable.
  28. FlimFlam JimJam: I do not skate, I enjoy seeing people skating and I really am a fan of thrasher I watch every video, and I’m kinda in the skate community I record and edit my friends. I have a thrasher t shirt and I wear it and I don’t skate, am I a poser?
  29. Joe Padula: This is literally the funniest video I've ever seen
  30. Leon NULLANS: and if you come wearing a polo shirt, have u ever played polo ? so thats the same for all these people that wear thrasher
  31. Heartbreak Bandit: Preach
  32. Spoon Speaks: thetarheelkid im Alex jones and I'm a reptile
  33. Lölle SKuRR: Fucking amen
  34. MustardManeProductions: Nah
  35. Skrrrtt: i dont like the reason non-skaters are wearing thrasher, its kind of like the reason i dislike no complys. no ones doing no complys cause they love them, theyre doing it cause its . TRENDY. do i want people to stop giving thrasher their money, nah. but its gay as fuck the way people jump on bandwagons
  36. Jonathan Rice: unsub majer u tryna say something?
  37. Laughoutcereal: So is it bad, that I wear thrasher even through I'm just a cruiser?
  38. Thomas Good: Funny vid tho
  39. lunch box: Good shit so fucking true
  40. nollieflipcrook: Of course I don't care. The people that say "if you don't skate, don't wear Thrasher" look way stupider than the "posers" that wear Thrasher
  41. Ryan Wiseman: This was to hilarious 😂 good shit ninja!
  42. ToYYo: Caleb Heney huh you sound dumb,lost some brain cells from your comment
  43. Serene Burrito0: If you cant even push dont wear it
  44. Dohn Joe: The only thing that pisses me off is that it's becoming harder and harder to identify a fellow skater. Now I don't know if they are rippers or if they just like trash music. Holy fuck, the skate comunity needs a secret handshake!
  45. Young Brick: i dont care if someone wants to wear thrasher no matter what they do. but what's fucked up are all these companies making knockoff thrasher clothes. shit looks dumb as hell lol
  46. Furby On Benzodiazepines: lol splendid young sir
  47. Caleb Hollenkamp: Do you also get mad at people who wear Supreme and don't skate? its the same thing!
  48. PINEAPPLE SQUAD: Its a style ,and who gives a flying fuck how people dress.
  49. Vigge Bam: i love how you put people on point by telling the truth, its funny how do people get mad for this,
  50. Matt Rawson: Haha I used to wear a lot of element and billabong stuff before I was a skater and then I was a skater and nothing ever changed lmao
  51. Klaani K: Why the fuck people care? They are just good quality clothes and people like to wear them because they look nice... i don't skate anymore and i wear skate clothes so what are you going to do about it? Huh?
  52. Caleb Heney: I like donuts but don't listen to odd future, am I a poser?
  53. Goodkill: he's a showoff
  54. Caleb Likes: "Don't wear thrasher if you don't skate" is like saying "Don't wear polo if you don't have intercourse with horses"
  55. Haydeog: you atleast know
  56. Caleb Kouchnerkavich: I fuckin love how real ninja is
  57. ElemenTaL81: Unsub Majer 😂😂😂
  58. Mishpat Two: Jonathan Rice you have zero subs tho 🙌
  59. Kasons Skate Life: I agree with this completely. I am 12 and have been skating since I was 4, not doing tircks when I was 4 though. I always kept updated with the industry.
  60. Bartosz Sternik: Love your videos super funny
  61. jsk8et: Ninja you should feel bad. Just think how many kids are going to drown in their own tears because of this. 🤣
  62. Mihajlo Lukic: you are the best!!!
  63. Brad Palmer: these kind of youtubers bother me. shut up! don't say- "then why are you here?" dont say- "why don't you go play roblox then?"
  64. Fake Films: now im W O K E
  65. Matthew Leighton: I don't know, I think Phelps statement was pretty genuine. Like you said it's all business, and if these posers are deterring actually skaters, who are the target market, away from buying thrasher merchandise, it only makes sense he would be against it. It is clearly just another trend for these posers and celebs which will blow over in no time, but in the long term it is potentially damaging the companies image.
  66. Timmy Huffman: You are Hilarious please don't stop making these videos
  67. sadako: Brian Gnow true
  68. Dflyguy420: This video is the truth !
  69. grungeisdead: This shit is way better than flatbar Fridays anyways. You should do like talk show Saturdays or something. Always love hearing you talk, it's hilarious!
  70. majestic UNcasual: You make great points about the crybaby shit, skaters worrying about what other people think and do and the economics of skateboarding. Hard-goods sales have always been shit besides the few spikes. That being said, you being a skater deep down you know it's just fucking lame for everyone to be wearing thrasher. I'm sure you are just playing devils advocate for your own subscribers/ selling your own merch. Nothing wrong with getting your bills paid. I would prefer to have money than not.
  71. Pietro Giovanni Corbello: First like
  72. Punisher1101: Thank you for making this video. Needed someone to finally say this.
  73. Jeremy Montemayor: Joey Arthur Zooberry their everywhere dawg can't even skate a parking lot without getting told to leave lmfao
  74. Flips2Clips: I gotta admit, it makes me cringe when I see scooter kids wearing Thrasher. But he's right, if it's putting money in the industry and help making it successful then I can live with it.
  75. Marc Herrera: I don't give a fuck anymore
  76. M.B: So good,Ninja.....you should Post on SLAP !!!
  77. Legostarwars the clone wars Continues: Ninja I feel you
  78. Blake Roudebush: Unless you crack open volumes of Thrasher regularly, SCREW OFF.
  79. Jeremy Montemayor: I don't mind it I don't get mad I just laugh at when people wear thrasher and they have no idea how the culture really is spending hours practicing and especially the social part of it. I'm automatically deemed as a pothead and people see us as losers unless your a skater. At the end of the day it's up to you how you respond to it but still the people who don't skate won't understand what running into the cops all the time feels like. Just being a skater in general.
  80. ED LUX: Pietro Giovanni Corbello LUCKY 😪
  81. Nature: Josh Oyen thats my original point
  82. SL33N: Petey McEnroe you are just jellie about his talent
  83. CityKids: This vid makes me confident to wear Thrasher again
  84. Thomas Good: This bruh gains like one sub a day I just noticed
  85. Bobby Hoover: I'm on ur side but 2 people from dog town are stancy peralta and tony alva
  86. you serious: Nike
  87. hias805: You forgot the problem about fake thrasher shirts and hoodies
  88. Jacob Harris: I wanna hear your thoughts of the death of Standard definition (vx1000) and how these new super hd cameras are being used
  89. Anna: oof thank you , honestly I already know im gonna get crap from people for wearing thrasher and not skateboarding but idc its not like im walking around like “hey yo I skate “ because in reality people with sense don’t actually care 😂😂😂
  90. dmbsong411: It's not being a "poser". So if someone wears an NFL tshirt and doesnt play football are they a "poser" as well? That viewpoint is just a child's thought process into "being cool". Grade School & High School cool kid cliques that are "too cool/rebellious". Reality is they are immature and lame as fuck, not to mention clueless to how capitalism works and even more oblivious to financial Independence/success. Buy UP ALL the Thrasher shit and wear the fuck outta it!!! Good for the industry!
  91. Adrian dure: 3:48 had me FUCKING DEAD 😂
  92. Blake Lopez: I <3 Steven
  93. Tyler Crank: i had some kid at my school ask why my thrasher hoodie said magazine under the thrasher. i was weak.
  94. Toastergrow 420: When it gets to the point that you're watching ninjas vids simply in the hope he breaks out the high-pitched whiney skater voice,because I FUCKING LOVE IT LOL.
  95. Tane Livingston: holy moly, thank you for making me have a better understanding on this topic.
  96. Micah GomezSk8: Wasnt askin you
  97. Young Fox21: I'm just starting to get into skateboarding and does anyone have any advice into starting and not getting called out for wearing thrasher and I suck at skateboarding
  98. JJ ThaGeneral: swaggle
  99. ant: Thrasher is mad since they are getting fake support
  100. R26HMATZORILEY: I just hate People wearing Skateboard Clothing in general who don't actually skate
  101. Jacob Studnicka: Black Ninja is my spirit animal
  102. eggliketread: Thrasher sales' sound effects "Burrrrrpt" and the 'air typing' gesture with your fingers .. im dead. xD
  103. Jean: paying for his crack and beer addiction you mean ? lol
  104. newpa1n: Completely agree with Ninja. Trasher has backed the skate community in a TONNE of different ways since Day 1. As far as posers go, I don't think it really matters what the fuck you wear... What are we, basic bitches? People have been casually wearing Vans for fucking years.... Cons, Addidas.... All make lounging shoes for casuals. Meh.
  105. Skrrrtt: saying that, im not telling anyone to take off their thrasher clothes lol
  106. Daniel Gonzalez: Ninja 4 President
  107. Brad Palmer: Clay Soggyfries thats cause people who scoot are like almost all kids age 12 and under, and get in the way. BMX are usually older kids/people and don't get in the way.
  108. Nawaki: Truth is a huge percentage of their income is from non skaters... clothes are clothes after all, you need to wear some whether you skate or not. So be happy theyre wearing it or there might not be any more skate brands soon.
  109. mberlolz: I havent skated in years, but I still enjoy your channel, majer, braille, ECT. does that make me a poser? I never skated for tricks either, just as a mode of transport. I still buy skate decks and support but I probably can't even Ollie.
  110. Sigmund Fraud: Pure gold.
  111. John B: Pietro Giovanni Corbello I was lol
  112. ToYYo: 1
  113. John B: They can wear what they want ur just mad they look better in the clothing than u meany
  114. snake silence: your inspiring
  115. bordkid52: Skaters identity is skating. Thrasher is an extension off that and they are infringing on our identity.
  116. Fadecountier: Well said!
  117. Erik Sebastian: I love ninja. He doesn't give a fuck. I'm glad I'm paying his bills.
  118. Talking in Hexagons: calm down bro
  119. Seth Silver: John B awww muffin
  120. Run Down Collective: I love your videos brotha
  121. declan russell: lmao trans world for life
  122. Oliver Oliva: If u don't give a fuck don't say you don't give a fuck because you know ...you don't give a fuck
  123. Anthony Garcia: Is your hat and shirt combination a subtle way to say unsub from majer due to lack of content?
  124. unknown hooper: exactly, no one give a flying fuck anout ehat you were
  125. Caleb Heney: another thing though is half of the shit theyre wearing is fake Chinese reprints, and its annoying as hell to hear someone say oh metal is just screamin bullshit and skateboarding is for old fags in their 80s, and then you see them wearing a slayer shirt or thrasher shirt, and the fact that this stuff really does happen is sickening, ive seen several reprint guns n roses or metallica shirts and even a couple thrasher shirts, and you know the people at thrasher and etc aren't getting support from these shirts, IDC if you wear a thrasher shirt, (a metal shirt is a bit different for me because I feel music is a larger passion for me than skating, and honestly don't see the point of "metal fassion") but don't be a clown and abuse it (for example bragging about it and talking about like you know about it when you don't,) just wear the fucking shirt and nothing else, I see people at the mall litterely talking about their shirts and sounding like complete retards, I heard some girl saying how she has a thrasher skateboard,
  126. Lohst: You shouldn't be wearing thrasher if that's what you're asking
  127. hugh Jass: ooooh look at me I have thrasher mags I don't read
  128. Samisdead: i like these rants, makes me moist
  129. Cheeto Oteehc: Good video man. You changed the way i look at this whole thing. Plus the hype will eventually die down anyways. Just like it did with Diamond Supply Co.
  130. Myles Hagen: I used to be pissed when I saw posers wearing skate clothes... but this man's got a point
  131. Putrik Stur: I sprained my ankle. Does that mean I can wear thrasher xDDDD
  132. Crab Soup With Fingers: Riley what's the joke some fucking 10 year old in his house typing this shit
  133. CX_Jay Bird_XD: Truth
  134. MrCompatible: s k a t e r s a r e p u s s y s
  135. 636f: BEST. VIDEO. EVER. wear transworld if you're butt hurt.
  136. bos man: You got mad
  137. 緑茶: i just wear it cos i like the logo. Also because some of my favorite artists including justin bieber and taylor swift wear it
  138. Coconut Safari: 3:55 "i make these fucking videos because you retarded kids eat it up all day long"😂😂
  139. Killyahouse: hell yeah bro
  140. DryVacuumCleaner69: I finger board can i wear thrasher?
  141. bovedli: Benji it's not a clothing brand. It's a major skate media company with both printed magazines and daily video online page with a youtube channel. And they have clothes with their logos on. But yeah of course you wear whatever the fuck you want, I don't care. It would only maybe look funny at skateparks, because it's kind of odd for a scooter rider to rep a skate company. I'm a skater so I just want to buy skate gear rather than scoot gear or bmx brands or whatever. It's not because I don't like them, I just personally don't care. Honestly I don't even know about any Scooter or BMX apparel company. And that's just because I'm a skater and I only consume skate related media. So maybe it's just a bit weird. It's like wearing a soccer jersey on a public basketball court while playing basketball. Dunno. I personally don't care about what you wear I just kinda gave you some pointers about Thrasher. Maybe you like the logo, or maybe you've seen famous people wear Thrasher gear, and you got to know this logo and you liked it and wanted to wear. Fuck it. It's just weird but not a problem. I kinda just feel like its me goin out in a Metallica t shirt. Just randomly because I liked the logo and the word but haven't really heard about the fact that they're even a band or whatever. But I guess people are different...
  143. Ian Barddal: I think that the big deal when it comes to posers is you make the following question to yourself, and answer it in the most sincere way you can: are you into skate stuff because you want to impress others or because you really love skating? Are you trying to get applauses or to find a way of reward yourself with inner joy and pleasure?
  144. Hey There: Posers wearing thrasher Are Dumb pigs
  145. Goodkill: Bagof-T ikr he makes fun of scooter riders and he has tons of scooter videos. in this video he says "why should you give a fuck about what others wear" but hes throwing a fit about people who ride scooters
  146. Abel Alvarez: well fucken said all those kids that give a fuck probably cant ollie
  147. Alpha: Damn Bro, you are right. Ive never have seen it from the good sight. Ive just disliked these hipsterfags.
  148. Aethyr Weaver: Majer shirt hell yh
  149. Blue Division: I guess it annoys people whom really love and cherish something and who commit time and effort into their beloved hobby to see others who don't know or care about said hobby / Passion wear something that is apart of of said hobby/passion. This applies to lots of things, not just skateboarding. Take underground music for example...Metal. You see kids wearing that hip new Metallica t shirt or that super cool moterhead t shirt...it pisses people off because it's fake..these people don't know or care about said bands they just like "looking cool" Same goes for things like Anime and horror movies. Thing is fans of something or people who are not in something for money don't view things in terms of business. People don't care about Thrashers profits or how much money goes into or doesn't go into the "Industry" They care about skateboarding. Pure and simple. the truth is skateboarding has been a money making machine for over a decade now. It's mainstream...Street league, X games..hell mountain dew and Gatorade even have stakes in it. Thrasher sees profits...transworld sees profits...why do you think the best of the pros are walking billboards... they all have the same preppy look to them.. and all showcase big corporate names. They're like robots...they do what they are told and wear what brands they are told so that they can be payed. Skateboarding is corporate...this shouldn't be surprising to people..If you really want to get away from the business side of things or the "Posers" you would toss out your sweet new skinny jeans and stop wearing thrasher shirts and any other corporate named shirts in skateboarding altogether. Alot of times when brands whether it be in skateboarding or music or movies or whatever see a way to make money they sell their souls to the devil and put money as their number 1 priority ahead of their art / passion. How can anyone think Ninja would actually go against "Posers" or Thrasher...his income is through skateboarding...through youtube. You really think he want's to piss of thrasher or potentially push a way a "Poser" from his channel (His source of income and livelihood) The same goes for people like Andy Schrock. You think it will benefit him to piss off big names in the skateboarding industry? His brand has been made successful by being as PC as possible and pandering to anyone and everyone...that's business. This is the way of the modern world people...people who are "True" would not be wearing thrasher shirts to begin with.
  150. The Sagittal Crest: UNSUB is my favorite skate brand. consistently entertaining free content and poseur-free since forever
  151. Troy: anyone who has time to bitch about how someone else is living their life probably doesnt have much going on in their own
  152. jeremy skates: Ninja is REAL AS FUCK
  153. King Swine: I've never thought of it this way, a nice eye opener man! I say don't wear thrasher if u dont skate ironically but this made me laugh a lot
  154. Mon Day: They should wear whatever the fuck they want but they shouldn't say they skate if they don't
  155. Roblox Kid: Yessssss
  156. Alpha: Dank Meme I have posted a comment where I wrote that Ninja is right.
  157. DJ Jay The Dream: I wish that i could like this video a million times myself!!
  158. Tainshey113: declan russell hahaha I was so young then, don't do that shit anymore I forgot I had them on here! I am a skater btw so shut your little maggot infested mouth faggot, your nothing but a skidmark on the underpants of society haha.
  159. Jeremiah Orozco: ❤
  160. CrazyXooL: you make a great point you have changed my mind a bit and made me laugh so thank you
  161. The JuciestJosh: I don't care if people wear skate clothes...but if they criticize skateboarding and shit about. That's were I get to the point were I get a little mad. They wear clothes just look cool but they hate skateboarding and say it's not a sport
  162. Jeffrey Spencer: Only watched this video because I'm going to start wear thrasher and diamond, and obey and wanted to know if that was appropriate because I haven't started skating yet. A very good way to give information.
  163. Quinn Miller: Couldn't agree more
  164. Killercadoogin: Ninja is a fucking savage!
  165. Tyson Jarvey: Notice how there is almost no argument. I think Ninja has successfully got through everyones thick skull lmao
  167. Braden Smith: As long as skate companies only cater to skaters and whats good for skateboarding, I'm fine with non skaters wearing their shit
  168. NinjaLifestyle: A helmet.
  169. Goodkill: Alexis Lewis they can just subscribe to the mag and get a free t-shirt which is cheaper that buying every type of thrasher shirt which is more expensive. trendy people are retarded
  170. savier lierman: i just hate it that so mutch posers wear it that evry one that doesn skate thinks it's some fashion brand they don't even know anmore its a skateboarding magazine co. like that's thé only reason you should wear trasher not cause it looks good of fancy
  171. Cyrus Tho: It's just a brand bro let people wear the shit lol
  172. Goodkill: its not about how you look its about representing the culture so that's why its fucked now
  173. Ale Marquez: at the end of the day non skaters look retarded in thrasher gear but theyre feeding money into the brand so im happy :)
  174. Micah GomezSk8: hmmm never thought of that. good video. can you address the argument that the intentions of some skate companies might be to be by skateboarders for skateboarders and that some companies might not like non skaters wearing their brand.
  175. ThinkingJeff: I don't really care but if I see someone with clothing brands that I'm into it makes me a little bit happy.
  176. Jonathan Rice: You're the poser and your videos are garbage!
  177. Nathanelle Eveillard: Preach!
  178. Colby 1900: Dude ninjas the realest youtuber out here
  179. Augie Sandoval: You're welcome ninja :)
  180. Dante Bazzea: I agree with you
  181. Davey 'Dave' Daverson: LOL half these comments probably thought that but then because you said something they magically change opinions to yours.
  182. Chris Grieve: So funny how he calls all these little kids watching his videos retards haha good call because they all love your garbage content.
  183. Adam Leona: Your not apart of the Major crew Ninja so don't rock their shirts 😂 #justfuckingwithyou
  184. lil Clock: AndrewSchrock time to unsub
  185. J Kellan: I am a retarded kids, and I will eat up this video all day long.
  186. Alexio Doloso: love u ninja and i respect that the only problem i have with non-skaters wearing thrasher is that they buy it at zumiez go to an actual skateshop and buy it at least support the local skateshops so they dont lose money due to places like zumiez because ultimately local shops matter the most for the community
  187. Miguel Gonzalez: "a lot of these posers today might be Chris Joslin tomorrow"
  188. Benny46drift: Alright MUM calm down... you're a helmet!!! (I actually do wear a helmet) cheers for the vote of confidence though, the majority of people don't wear helmets around here 👍🏽
  189. 911: when you actually put this shit into practice. its really cringe and childish. imagine actually walking around getting angry at someones shirt.
  190. lil Clock: Headass, neck yourself with that stupid ass comment
  191. ninjalemurdude: I still think it's lame. I use to go up to people and talk to them about skating if they wore any skate brands, but now if I do it I get responses like, "I only longboard," or, "I don't know what you're talking about." It's like wearing a band shirt for a band you've never listened to. Sadly, a lot of people do that now too.
  192. Petey McEnroe: look at this guy black ninja. he's not black or a ninja. fuckin poser. bet he doesn't even skate.
  193. JesusEater: The skateboarding industry would crash? Nonsense. Deck,truck,wheel companies etc. would still be doing fine 'cause the posers do not buy skate stuff,they buy fashion stuff. Footwear brands like Lakai,Emerica,Fallen(RIP) don't make buck from the "look like a skater" trend because they won't put out fashion shoes or fashion clothing. The trend is going to fade,skateboarding will still be there.That is what counts.
  194. PalenSkate: The skate industry is actually embarrassing these days.
  195. Eli Eli: Talking in Hexagons hey buddy, take it down a notch
  196. Asp Anon: "NO ONE ON EARTH GIVES A FUCK ABOUT YOU!" fuck dude 😔
  197. Landon Tooloose: Best Damn video ever! *****
  198. Jetson: BUT NINJA
  199. andy r: Ninja's right. In the end, the people are supporting Thrasher, a core skateboarding magazine & not corporate brands to kill skateboarding like nike sb or some shit
  200. Cody Thomas: Who cares who's wearing thrasher, that's promotion right there.
  201. Austin Gehrlich: well shit I skate and sometimes wear surf or snowboarding merch ... So I guess I'm some horrible poser. guys skate died at the end of the 90s , and became a sales pitch. underground shit will never survive without going mainstream one day.
  202. King Peso: Genius
  203. nes shredder: Great points! Football fans wear jerseys and we don't call them posers. Why can't there be people who are skate fans who like the gear. As long as there not acting like they can skate.
  204. -lllusionz-: - oh but nobody cares
  205. Jon Doe: Im a poser cuz I skate a zero skateboard Hahaha.. great vid ninja!
  206. idiot.: I don't care if non skaters wear Thrasher, they can wear what ever they want. I just think they look whack lol.
  207. OhighO Skater: Haha ninja keeps it 100. Respect. Fuck what people think
  208. Run Down Collective: hahahahah
  209. Jaron Roberts: Too bad only 14k people saw this...
  210. abbe: him hating on scooters etc is how he pays the rent, those videos usually get ton of views. like he said in the video "its because you guys fall for it". but people will click on those scooter hating videos, he knows it, that people are falling for it. meanwhile he makes some money from it.
  211. Zach Coleman: lol Steve you're the man. Hey everyone, he's telling the truth. why do you think the first thing people do when you get to a park is look at your shoes
  212. Brad Palmer: Asp Anon I do.
  213. bnose202: Ninja love the honesty! Reminds me of the Vans debate from years ago. I agree, who gives a f#%&
  214. J. Cash Beatz: He has a great point
  215. Christina Gross: I love your ranting videos! 100% agree on this one. I'm not even surprised anymore that people are this stupid... Every support for the skate industry is goo. I don't fuckin care who it comes from. Also people need to grow up. There are much more important things to care about.
  216. declan russell: lol ur cod vids pure aids u dont even skate
  217. Benjamin SB: I think that it's just really cringey. They're always like 'Nah bro i don't skate but i'm gonna buy my first gnarly deck at Toysrus soon.'
  218. Caleb Heney: damn am I a poser for having grizzly griptape on my primitive board? that was given to me for free by my local skate shop owner?
  219. Alexis Lewis: true true aha
  220. Lizzie rods: I think skaters are TRIGGERED
  221. Adventure S: I love you bro
  222. Caelan Preciado: The best thing I have ever heard come from you
  223. Illegal Brick Connection: Big titted girls look dope in anything
  224. Princess Hart: ok people can love skating without actually skating
  225. Tylarious ': Ninja is a bald bitch
  226. Brandon Irving: Cody Thomas shut the fuck up retard ninja basically said that in the video don't need to recap )
  227. WEIRDOU: Is this Jeff Grosso's son after 35 years?
  228. Lil Fag: Supreme is a hip hop clothing brand that got popular in skateboarding because of their skate decks. You should have known that.
  229. Tristan Gagnon: Wear whatever the fuck you want. Although I know the type of person who doesn't skate and wears thrasher is a fucking thot.
  230. JayPostedThat: It makes u look dumb too care what other ppl r wearing
  231. ㄣ⃒Issa&Darko47ㄣ⃒: It's clothing made for people to wear, who gives a fuck who wears it
  232. Caide Hilker Readman: Fuck you
  233. Kevin Arango: Bagof-T retard
  235. Bok_Savage 420: Blunt af!! But kinda funny hahaha
  236. Alexander Hellsing: You are literally wearing my surname on your t-shirt man, you are not from my family, put it off!
  237. Andrew _Skates: Pure facts.
  238. Free Tacos: i don't give a fuck what you wear, just buy it from a shop, not a fucking Zumiez
  239. Gabriel Escalante: 18years Retired from skateboarding now I'm a BMX Rider but I only have my old thrasher hats so me not poser but now looking at people wearing it for fashion please haha
  240. Kevin Arango: Jonathan Rice retard
  241. Joey Arthur Zooberry: Jeremy Montemayor lmfaoo at running into the cops all the time ooooweee you're just a street soldier aren't u
  242. you wish: I think you mean discriminatory, not racist
  243. Giovani.Lopez815: Nope I'm
  244. lil Clock: Bruh this guy's a poser himself, obviously the white dude is gonna defend the trend
  245. Joey Gale: as long as jacob satorious stops wearing them im chill
  246. That1guyuknow 734: wow. these kids are fucked these days. seriously. who cares a shirt is a shirt... what happened to society???
  247. YouIntoMemes: good point, ninja! jake phelps does complain about celebrities wearing shirts though... not saying i disagree, but i wanted to throw that out there.
  248. Dolores Berry: John B 😞
  250. Augie Sandoval: Petey McEnroe you're kidding right?
  251. seddrick hartanto: What if I im handicapped from my skate injury and I wear thrasher?
  252. ᴢɪᴄᴇ -: 😂 now that is a poser
  253. Cruz Orozco: I saw a scooter wearing thrasher.
  254. Jonathan Kragelund: i dont care, but i still think its weird that people knows trasher for the hoodie and not the magazine
  255. expendable0youth: Lmao perfect
  256. Medicare Guy: haha I laughed so hard when you call out that you have to make garbage content sometimes and then you call your watchers retarded kids. Best ninja video ever... maybe second best. 😂
  257. Bret Maverick: he invented some of the tricks that are used in modern street skating. he didnt invent street skating.
  258. mrburns805: Whatever supports core skateboarding I'm cool with. Who cares if they suck? Who cares if they don't skate?
  259. MartiaN: I wear Stussy
  260. Augie Sandoval: Charlie A I don't skate alot but I get the magazines there brand and watch there videos
  261. Augie Sandoval: Gina McMa damn grandma
  262. Yiannis Sb: I don’t care about people wearing thrasher, but once upon a time when you saw someone wearing thrasher you could go up to them and say “hey dude you skate? That’s cool, we should go skate some time”
  263. lil Clock: maddman9876 hey shithead, sports jerseys, skating shirts, 2 different things. Sports are made for others to watch, is skating meant to watch? no you piece of shit so get the fuck out of here with your stupid ass comment
  264. AndrewSchrock: Amen brother. I was saying the same thing the other day. Worry about you, not someone who doesn't matter in your life. Your rant videos always crush
  265. Daire Mcewen: i live for these videos
  266. PhatLonelySkater PLS: Everybody should wear thrasher. They are fucking awesome looking clothes!
  267. x9x9x9x9x9: Why does it matter what someone wears? Now if they carry around a walmart board in a mall grab claiming to skate but you have never seen more than roll then sure yeah that's a poser. But clothes are clothes. I don't wear "skate clothes" but at the same time I really don't skate. I use my board as transport to and from walmart or other places near my work and will every now and then do a few kickflips or something but I don't go to skateparks or anything like that. Does that make me a "poser" no just means my ass is too old and worn out to be constantly trying to do tricks and too cheap to buy "skate clothes."
  268. Joshua Esparza: This is why I'm subscribed!!!!
  269. Goodkill: Look I dont care if you wear thrasher and dont skate, but if you wear it and you're disrespect skaters it's stupid because the same people who made fun of us for being different and skateboarding, are the same people who started wearing thrasher because everyone else started wearing it. The thrasher gear is what kept skaters different and we had our own community but now that everyone wears it, you cant really tell if they like skateboarding as much as you do and it feels awful seeing thrasher stickers on iPhones instead of skateboards. You can compare it to someone wearing a shirt that says you're against hunger or some other cause, but you're actually not and just wearing it because of the "cool font". I'm not going to tell you to stop wearing what you want, but if you were passionate about an activity you loved to do and get hate from it and then the same people start repping that shit, you'd feel disappointed that your culture is being used for fashion. Sure, we're making money and getting popular, but not in the way we'd want to
  270. riley: no you fucking retard im not even gonna explain it because your retarded ass wont understand
  271. Lulu Chan: For some odd reason YouTube unsubbed me from your channel... I thought you just stopped making stuff for like over a month haha
  272. soulcatcher668: 45 years old... still skate. This is the most logical and correct vid Ninja as ever made. Impressive.
  273. Skate And Explore: John B damn chill you boosted benobo
  274. Benny46drift: I know a few random people here that wear that brand and absolutely no clue what it is BUT.... I wear brands that I ain't got a clue about as well. On a side note... What can I wear to seem like a cool BMX rider?
  275. King Peso: How can I copy and paste this lol?
  276. Skate Or Love: I skate but i'm embarrassed to wear thrasher because some skater might think i don't skate
  277. Alexis Lewis: skaters just cant afford them because they be in the hood
  278. super duper tj: If you like the brand wear it
  279. Sam Lawrence: I think its a good thing because posers wearing skate cloths is making skating more popular.
  280. Jeff Wright: Appeal to your base enough and mainstream success will come
  281. -lllusionz-: Dank Meme W
  282. Caleb Heney: what aboot the death of film
  283. Clay Soggyfries: Its inhumane and shouldn't be tolerated
  284. Augie Sandoval: PalenSkate I miss the Tony hawk days
  285. tmommaday: love your vids keep up the good work.
  286. Jesse Paton: I was really changed by this Rant tbh, but I still feel like it would be so much cooler if all these people knew what a sick brand they were wearing.
  287. super duper tj: I see u fake hammer 35 Dude same
  288. Grant Brown: well put, Steve. you could publish a damn book called "Take a Second To Think about How Shit Works" hahaha
  289. el nikich: 2:26 WARNING: unexpected ASMR orgasm
  290. james edmiston: These are always my favorite videos when you lose it and rant knowledge to the kids
  291. Caleb Heney: I could agree with this, but over half of these thrasher fasion people don't buy the rea shirts, they buy 10 dollar Chinese knockoffs from amazon, and its also a little infuriating when the kids who said skating was gay last year now want to wear a skate magazine shirt, all that I would ask is if your gonna wear thrasher, don't be a clown about it
  292. Caleb Haggerty: Yea it's because thrasher stole the idea from a kid. #1 and #2 You don't know the history you have no room to talk politics
  293. Lezlie: hahaha
  294. BrianOfAteionas: Entitlement. The biggest fucking plague of our generation.
  295. dxmanforlife: I orderd a thrasher hoodie. someone stole it. *cries internally* also I think it's sick that pepole are interested in thrasher. hell they might start skating.
  296. bibibobo baba: man i love this men thinking like me ... peace 🤙
  297. Liam Rumble: i see what you mean, but i think people just find the skateboarding history interesting
  298. PERIPLAN0MEN0S: I would agree on all of them but not in the part of the history thing.History affected you in so many ways that you dont even realize.I dont think although that wearing skate gear non skaters it ll affect something.Skaters create the skate scene and we did an amazing job to ruin it.Well it was bound to happen for the moment it became famous.Fame brings money and money runs this twisted world.
  299. Johnny Gibson: i love your rants 😂 please do more!
  300. Nature: people shouldnt wear clothes and rep things that your not. It only makes them look dumb.
  301. Kevin Ethridge: Don't wear NASCAR shirts unless you are a NASCAR driver!
  302. Avenged: This sounds like an argument you have at school
  303. Dank Meme: Alpha, who gives a flying fuck, it's clothes, grow the fuck up and get out of your fucking bubble!!!!
  304. L3wis H: I wear element. Is it ok that I wear it or should I stop wearing id if I don't skate. I've never skated in my life
  305. Daniels Mardones: I can see why people wouldn't like this guy, but he's freakin entertaining, there's so much motivation and effort from him bashing on other people, it's awesome!!!
  306. jsk8et: Econ 101 with Black Ninja!
  307. Baki Hanma: I don't mind really, But I would like them to atleast have an intrest in skateboarding but whatever.
  308. Dan33al: I wear thrasher but I not a poser
  309. Jacob Brown: FUCKING GREAT!!!
  310. lil Clock: Emile Heskey couldn't find any shits to give bro
  311. Julie Branom: Fausto Vitelli rocked the boat in 1981 with the creation of Thrasher. I remember Frank Hawk telling me to choose between Thrasher crowd (to Frank trash) or the creation of Transworld (clean). Thrasher was the coverage of Jaks, punk music and the more dirty side of skateboarding. Many those people today who make a case against wearing Thrasher when you do not skate are nostalgic for the days of the underground skateboard scene they never were able to experience. Fausto Vitelli would have not been in approval of the mass marketing of his brand. This reminds me of the argument of skateboarding in the olympics also, everybody has an opinion.
  312. Angel: This is so fucking true man
  313. lil Clock: Emile Heskey Shut the fuck up
  314. Kitty Kat: My problem with posers wearing thrasher is that when you ask them what it is and they say it's a clothing brand.
  315. Joseph Martinez: Sounds like something a teenager would say lol
  316. Giovani.Lopez815: You guys are all pussy's dead ass it done matter to me honestly I'm still going to skate and do my own thing ware whatever you want it dose not bother me
  317. Champagne Boy: Amazing vid Ninja
  318. D R: Lol it doesn't seem like a badge to me if you can buy it for $24.95 at your local shop.
  319. Kool Kyle: wearing thrasher and not skating is like saying the n word but not being black. if you believe that you shouldn't say the n word if you're not black, then you shouldn't wear thrasher if you don't skate. respect our culture, we respect yours. I love ninja, and I agree with him to an extent, but this is just my opinion.
  320. Junior Gonzalez: It only bothered me cuz I would wear it 2 years ago and made fun of cuz I wouldn’t wear the trendy clothes and now those same people wear thrasher. I don’t get mad I just see it as being funny but now I really don’t care
  321. Augie Sandoval: soulcatcher668 Tony!
  322. i Dre: Ur ass at skating so ur opinion is irrelevant
  323. LilDoki: Ninja this is why youre my favourite youtuber
  324. Caleb Heney: kill the kardashians
  325. Jesus Bahena: I never realized how cringy this dude is until now
  326. Tainshey113: bovedli racist? No that's an absolutely ridiculous thing to say, Please prompt one piece of evidence that suggests skateboarders are racist. Whiney fucks on the other hand? Yeah we can be at times hahaha I get what you mean though racist is definitely not the way to put it though, man.
  327. Robin_h00d ': Good job there ninja!
  328. What’s up my Neighbour: Jeremy Montemayor this is so fucking true im totally agree with you bro
  329. C. W.: Everybody has there own version of who belongs and who doesn't. Its a natural part of our social mechanism. The logic applied to blocking out, or disrespecting posers always breaks down when you think for more than a minute - that is if you aren't obsessed with protecting your own point of view. I only write this shit because it helps the channel. Here are some letters: ignnnfastnyiol
  330. Daily Habits111: Holy fuck this was a good video! Just got out of a shitty 12 hour shift but now i'm fucking awesome! Thank you ninja
  331. Matt Smith: You suck anyways. Stick to your company.
  332. Saggy Titties: lets all stop wearing thrasher and wear the ugliest of shirt and make thrasher "the old trend"
  333. Ethan Costa: Hit the nail on the fucking head
  334. 緑茶: I scoot and wear thrasher, who cares its just a clothing brand
  335. Can't Kill A Cowboy: What a brilliantly open-minded (albeit angry, lol) response to the bullshit. If it keeps Thrasher and similar companies going, then let all the posers get in on it.
  336. you wish: bovedli yeah, I know what you mean. It really sucks how so many skaters are so close minded
  337. Egg Head: Don't wear thrasher if you can't fit 6 wheels in your mouth.
  338. Timmy TrapLord: this was one of the funniest fucking videos i've ever seen haha love you ninja
  339. Hanno Mack: I've got a thrasher shirt. everybody in cologne/germany wears Thrasher and i like it....yeah, i'm no pussy💪bitches
  340. Zack Arreola: It’s because fucking retards who can even explain what a kick flip is are always wearing skate brand clothes just because it’s cool and when u said that skaters say that it doesn’t matter what people think of them what are u a fucking cop stereo typing all skaters to be the same if you don’t skate don’t act like you even know what or why we do the things we do
  341. thetarheelkid: I am weak I am corrupt I am part of this earth
  342. slothy puzzles: I Long board and wear thrasher shirts does that mean I'm a poser
  343. Tainshey113: declan russell your a right little maggot aren't you?
  344. Caleb Heney: this needs more likes
  345. Heath Beaird: The history of skateboarding part is so true
  346. stiff little fingers: this is OUR! culture ...THEY! dont know shit about how a skateboard can save your life! locals only poser
  347. Elis: I think the main message was to go Unsubscribe Majer..
  348. lolidkwhatthisn: Its funny how you can sit over a screen and tell people what they should and should not wear. Last time I checked you do not make their decisions for them. If a person earns their money, they should be able to spend it on whatever they like. Remember its just a piece of fabric. Just chill a little. Your not their mom, you should have no right to decide what a person wears. You should be glad people are wearing the brand. Its expanding. Thrasher is becoming larger. More people are reading the magazines, and its attracting people to skate. So you can stop picking on people over a shirt :) Thanks and have a blessed day.
  349. Nothing Else: When something becomes popular it soonely becomes shit.
  350. lil Clock: Emile Heskey 😂 i got no time for 11 year olds sweetie
  351. Howdy Bitch: this vid was hilarious cause its true
  352. Ian Jones: I'm guessing this is the same for Vans.
  353. The real mvp: It doesn't really bother me, but i fucking hate it when companies steal the flame design for their own brand. Nowadays skaters looking fresh asf in polo and tommy.
  354. TheSuperstriker110: I love you ninja!
  355. Elijah Yates: Brandon Martinez me too, like i don't get mad or anything I'm just like why? 😂
  356. super duper tj: Nah everyone wear vans
  357. ryan rowe: Easily the best ninja video I've seen in months. Right. Fucking. On.
  358. toffeemug: I bought a Thrasher sweater back when I used to skate, and I still wear it to this day. It doesn't really matter to me that people who don't skate wear their product, unless they're like a major asshole or something lol.
  359. Vitalitay: Ninjas a fucking savageeee
  360. Edric Vianzon: Fuck yeah ninja🤙🏼
  361. IamSeasons562: I don't care who wears what honestly. 80% of people who wear Nike sbs don't skate at all. we can't forget that vans are originally a skate shoe and are worn by literally everyone. what annoys me though is seeing instagram models wearing thrasher just for a look for one picture to be taken. that to me is somewhat annoying. other than that who really gives a shit
  362. Ian Wesolowski: He dead ass said we are retarded
  363. ToYYo: FrenchToastKing no
  364. Aaron Ruiz: 2:08
  365. Jacob Maul: Great vid Steve! Was fucking hilarious 😂
  366. mberlolz: Monkey 34 its like hating on someone who wears basketball shorts and doesnt playbasket ball. what are they gonna hate on us for next? wearing sb shoes? They are comfortable af
  367. bovedli: Tainshey113 yeah I know man. Kaden Bohm got it right. Discriminatory was the word I was looking for. I obviously know what "racist" means. I just couldn't find the right word.
  368. Jack Song: I think those corporate brands using the thrasher font and fakes are way more toxic
  369. Fash: Dropped some knowledge so hard. I'm fucking dead
  370. Jack Wright: I wear cycling gloves and a helmet but don’t cycle, am i a poser?
  371. Ciaran Rashleigh: The only thing that pisses me off is when scooter riders wear thrasher, couldn't care less if other people wear it but if you scoot don't wear any fucking skate brand
  372. Goodkill: this shit is coming from the same guy who hates scooter riders even though he has tons of fucking scooter videos. this guy loves making fun of kids and hes a fucking grown man. If youre telling people to mind their own business and stop caring about people who wear thrasher and don't skate, then you need to stop giving a fuck about what other people ride!
  373. BenavidesJorge: I really dont care..but it would be cool if people knew about it.
  374. Benny46drift: The only thing I got from this video is... UNSUB + Major... clever Ninja (for those that don't know that I'm actually taking the piss cause people take things and read to far into the simplest things)
  375. Jackson Morris: I don't think I've ever disagreed with Ninja
  376. ToYYo: 😂😂😂you sound dumb asf
  377. Matt Roberts: I may be wrong but doesn’t Justin Bieber actually skate. Why is everybody hating on him for wearing thrasher.
  378. Caleb Heney: lol no its not, thrasher is more than just clothes, its a part of a whole culture made for skating, supreme was just a clothing brand that got popular in skating for a while, I don't care if you wear thrasher, just actually buy the REAL shirts and don't be such a clown about wearing it
  379. Walkvr: idc if people wear thrasher. its like supreme, people just like the brand. people wear trendy Metallica shirts all the time and probably cant name 3 songs.
  380. William Scanlan: Lots of great points here.
  381. littlenooby: "i make these videos because you retarded kids eat it up" LMAO word. liked
  382. Mr. Kipp: Well the thing is when you see a person wear thrasher do you think they are a skater I skate and use a scooter but they both are fun equally
  383. Lexi Spurgin: I fucking love this video
  384. VLSkate: agreed 100%
  385. Augie Sandoval: Tyler Crank lmao
  386. Pietro Giovanni Corbello: First comment
  387. Brenton Bolderoff: to my understanding, skateboarding hasn't been around "forever". rodney mullen invented street skating and his favorite skater was stacy peralta, those two are still alive, so skateboarding has been around for over a life time.
  388. BikeLife NACE: Charlie Reid exactly I used to I ride anything with wheels honestly so that's why a wear it and my brother is a pro skateboarder so if anything I should be able to wear it
  389. William Denusta: don't wear thrasher unless you can deep throat a skateboard
  390. OMGitsXNUKEZ: I like fucking with people who wear thrasher and asking them if they skate but I'm not going to completely hate someone who doesn't skate and wears thrasher
  391. bovedli: Skaters are "racist" in almost every possible way. And by that I mean that they hate scooter riders, non-"core" skaters, hip-hop skaters, well Dressed skaters, trendy no comply insta skaters, baggy pants skaters, skinny pants skaters, rob dyrdek, the megaramp, sheckler, nyjah huston, bam margera, longboards, penny boards, Chris Cole's style change, Lil Wayne skatin, bieber skatin with tony hawk. Blablabla. List could go on forever. Skaters hate on every fucking thing always. But I kinda feel like this is only an "online thing". In real life I never see skaters hatin, like guys from other sk8 crews etc. They just don't give a fuck and skate. But on Facebook and youtube comments every skater suddenly becomes a skate-analyst master. Or wtf. In the end of the day it's only just a matter of what's cool and what's not. But it was a very good point that you made that skating will always be fuckin cool and the best thing to do ever.
  392. DarthBoneless: Ninja, you are awesome
  393. Gina McMa: I'm 53 year old Grandma who rides longboards. I also flip around an 8 1/2 inch skateboard. I'm in the process of learning an Ollie with skater trainers. I carve my neighborhood streets up all season on my boards. I have about 7 longboards and 3 skateboards. I have poured a lot of money into shoes and clothing. I wear my thrasher shirt all the time. I wear Vans, Supra and others. People stare at me and they have laughed but I guarantee they can't do what I do. The skating industry all together should be glad that old people wear their clothes regardless of whether they skate or not. Your videos are very entertaining Ninja.
  394. Jarron Maguire: 👍
  395. Jesse Paton: I just wish the same level of understanding what your wearing existed like it did before the internet and instant trending accessibility to any archetype of logo that would make you fit the status quo
  396. Reese Maldonado: Hahahahaha I fucking lost it dude this is the truth
  397. -: I hate when non skaters wear skate brands
  398. Koala: bet he isn't even a black belt in karate. Smh, fuckin' poser
  399. Mclovinthedank: Bagof-T I have not tried to make you feel anything. I have continued to call you out on the bullshit you have said. Sorry you misunderstood what was going on.
  400. RickySanchez77: I skate and don't care if they wear skate gear at least they are promoting it, well said Ninja amazing video 👏👊✊💪
  401. Respect_thepope: I honestly don't give a shit about posers wearing thrasher gear, I just get pissed when I see somewhat rich, big name clothing brands or companies taking the same looking thrasher logo and changing it up for their own profit.
  402. I see u fake hammer 35 Dude: All the girls wear it at my school they don't even know what thrasher is🤣
  403. red panda: Skaters who care so much about non sjaters wearing skate clothes are sooooo much worse
  404. Clay Soggyfries: +Lian Morden Bmx isnt hated like scooters, But it isn't skatebording
  405. Jeff Wright: Great stuff ninja
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Sports Upload TimePublished on 31 Mar 2017

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