SAM TABOR GayComply Challenge! - Sports Latest

Monday, March 11, 2019

SAM TABOR GayComply Challenge!

  1. Jordin Lewis: hahaha ninja you are a douche but i love you!
  2. Im XD: Why are you so homophobic? Do you have latent homosexual tendencies or something man?
  3. Brandon Irving: Im XD I do
  4. Thomas Cintron: Lol! Damn you guys killed Zoltan hahah!
  5. Swysher: No idea how this dude hasn't been jumped or shot yet. I'm only subscribed because I wanna see a video of him with his face all purple and swollen. Someone make it happen, I know vegas has savages...
  6. Daniel G: ninja-say HAKUNA MATAT BITCHES! sam-HAKUNA MATATA...3 second delay
  7. Speed Allen: grungeisdead I'm just saying bros a dick that's all
  8. Jackin: Turned off the Braille video for this!
  9. -chase: black ninja is the Angry video game nerd of skateboarding lmao if yall know who that is
  10. Yo Jimbo: Some of those actually looked alright
  11. -chase: i wonder if ninja has any chill lmfaoo
  12. CoolMan Caravan: Obviously you don't because it's been a year and that hasn't happened
  13. B4D-W0LF: I got unsub'd for some reason. That was weird
  14. Guitar Kenny: he actually said hakuna matata correctly
  15. ifeelit: he invented it for luls. He doesnt take it serious where as most skaters who do no complies genuinely consider it as a style or whatever. U wont see ninja do a rolly polly in a serious line. ever.
  16. j: Been watching your vids since I was like 14 and I'm 19 now (from the UK ) and I think you're funny as fuck, love how you feed off the kids tryna hate as well hahahaha
  17. John Lennon: Haha what ever you say kid, he may not look like a damn ballerina on a board but Ninja's style is the definition of landing bolts. Everything he does is just fucking solid
  18. M.B: Hope BA kicks his ass someday....still funny though!!!
  19. Alan Aziz: Gabe Gabriel 2 hours? damn u kinda suck tbh hahaha
  20. Adam Soto: If he did a straight comply , would it still be gay ?? 🤔
  21. Jim Knott: 10
  22. MellowLuis: *Double Subscribes**
  23. Hunter LaFountain: whometh woke?
  24. Rafał Biały: It looks so fucking boring and bad. No more videos like that please.
  25. Unhealthyscreentime: You're kind of ugly and cute at the same time
  26. chandler buben: Sam u should of did no comply impossible
  27. David Gonzales 7503: Jack Nicholson ??
  28. Levi Knight: When you say no complys are gay and then you do roly polys lol
  29. auto45: You'll notice that not one homosexual is complaining about him saying gay. It's only the white knights saying he shouldn't say it.
  30. Josh Burke Films: I would love to hear Sam say hakuna matata bitches! Idk if would be able to stop laughing!
  31. rroollfallen: Sproings are the best no complies in my opinion. They are fun and they look cool. I have a lot in my channel!
  32. yu cunt: Sam is such trash hes never improved he should stick to fingerboarding n fingerbanging josh katz butthole
  33. Chill Foster: Limp Bizkit is way more entertaining
  34. 0-100-REAL QUICK: Yeah it's me. Do you have a question for me.
  35. capnslyfox: "it's legal now!" - died
  36. Tyler Conigliaro: Speed Allen he gets no bitches
  37. Jackin: Would be the best if Sam just nutted ninja
  38. Dav: Gay Complys, haha! 😅😅😅
  39. Brandon: Sam and ninja, 2 completely different personalities. great combo!
  40. Swysher: Bet you're kinda ugly and ugly at the same time.
  41. Daniel Fajardo: Bomb down that garage blackninj
  42. Brandon Irving: I fucking hate revive now I got my second deck on Christmas from them and they sent me a warped board
  43. daPMF: Hahahaha, great video. Despite him being uncomfortable out of his mind, this shit was entertaining.. probably because he looked so cringe hahahahahaha
  44. -chase: hes making fun of the tricks not homosexuals
  45. mrburns805: Cat Malkovich it's pretty obvious that ninja grew up around rough and disadvantaged people while the revive guys seem to have had quiet suburban upbringings. If you can't tell that they're uncomfortable around him because he is harsh and blunt and they're typical nice guys then idk what to tell you.
  46. Joe Williams: ninja your style is the worst lollll especially your bulky ass shitty es shoes
  47. grungeisdead: Not really.
  48. Nathaniel Rossi: ninja when i get to vegas i got an ass load of gay complys with my flood pants so i got you my guy
  49. Sparngl: I fucking hate how people get mad at someone for using gay derogatorily it doesn't mean he's homophobic at all it just a way of saying something is bad like when you say something is lame people don't say "you can't say that it's offensive to people with one leg slightly shorter than the other." also why aren't rape jokes funny anymore.
  50. Unhealthyscreentime: Swysher probably
  51. Daniel Melia: its boring how he carries on a joke thats not funny.
  52. Art Walsh: Skatings about being chill and loving each other not putting people down. We all shred with the same wood, bearings, trucks and wheels.
  53. Levi Knight: he literally did two roly polys in his what time when part, and its in his intro..
  54. David Dwayne: Thomas Cintron you look quite flamboyant yourself.
  55. Luke Reynolds: Hakuna matata man hahahahaha
  56. FH73: Zoltan Friendly nah dude u cant live in Vegas and go out every day and hate gays, he's just joking around pretty easy to see the difference, and offensive jokes =\= hatred
  57. Mark Yoshida: Sam's the man!
  58. Burnham420: I've seen you do some "gay complys" before
  60. celph titled: Hakuna Matata, Man
  61. scoopthefiend: Stay woke
  62. Josh Burke Films: Swysher straight savage😎
  63. Itis CGBurrito: For anyone who says ninja is homophobic, he's not he has a whole vid about it.
  64. OhighO Skater: I thought it was how many he could get period. Not different variations and I guessed 72 lol. I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed
  65. lil figer: kys
  66. Dylan C: Rick Taylor haha I think your got Brian Anderson mixed with the revive Brian Idk how to spell his last name. Anyway he said it because Brian Anderson is gay
  67. Jacob Evans: Speed Allen you realize ninja is a character Steve does for YouTube right? It has been said many times he doesn't act like this off camera.
  68. CoolMan Caravan: Hm you should probably not be such a giant cuck. If it's obviously being used in jest, why do you have anything to say about it at all?
  69. Im XD: smh yall fools are ignorant as hell.
  70. Keruvim: Adam Soto wait... um.....
  71. mrburns805: FlakJackal I'm not saying he's an asshole all the time. He actually seems like a cool guy to hang out with. Obviously if the revive guys didn't like him, they wouldn't colab with him
  72. Joel Taker: how the fuck were you subed in the first place ? hes been calling them gay-complies forever.
  73. Speed Allen: Jacob Evans iiiii don't care it's really not funny to me
  74. Egg Head: It's all about nikes and nick tucker steeze
  75. ifeelit: so cringy
  76. wyleFTW: "Hakuna matata man!"
  77. Vitamin Luther: 11
  78. Hueborn: Subbed to Sam Tabor for sometime, and this was funny as hell. Ninja is a savage.
  79. Hayden Anderson: I won the stickers!!!
  80. AceCallum2008: ninja is so edgy compared to revive
  81. Nut Chunder: Hahahaha, opinion denied.
  82. David Gonzales 7503: Jack Nicholson I loved u in the Shinning!!
  83. Chris Morgan: jit cant normally no-comply....
  84. SkaterLauro: Probably not
  85. grungeisdead: The comment section is way too political. I'm still subscribed.
  86. dddek: Hunter LaFountain whomst've'd't'ive be woke?
  87. Speed Allen: I would hate to skate with Ninja. Bro is the biggest dick. No homo
  88. killerxxturtle: Unhealthyscreentime r u a scooter kid cuz gayyyyyy
  89. Nathan Usi: u can tell sam hates u😂😂
  90. Freddie: Hm you should probably stop using gay as a way of saying something is wrong
  91. Rich Johnson: If brian anderson does one is it just a no comply?
  92. Alan Aziz: Gabe Gabriel man u dumb af
  93. Caleb Shuping: Ayee Sam da man👌
  94. mark britto: damn he did a switch no compy big heel but he didnt do a backside no comply haha
  95. mrburns805: It's funny cuz I grew up with guys like ninja. The guys on revive are all pretty soft because they're always nice to each other. it's hilarious when he talks shit because they don't know how to respond. You have to learn how to hit back haha
  96. Zoltan Friendly: nice casual homophobia... *unsubscribed*
  97. Gavin Yazzie: i lobe ninja
  98. Enrique Hernandez: I would hate to skate with ninja
  99. Vanilla Swirls: can i get an honest answer why you hate on them so much? i dont do no complys personally but when other people do crazy no complys it looks fun as hell and its super entertaining to watch. just cuz its not a mainstream flatground trick, is that why you dont like them? or what
  100. j: Same here ninja is fucking hilarious
  101. Gyorg: This is trash regardeless of the fact the he keeps shouting gay comply like a 12 year old, i used to watch ninja's content regularly but i stopped watching quite some time ago because it became stale af.
  102. yu cunt: Sam looks so uncomfortable when. Ninja says he does gay complys its vekuz hes bisexual n used to fuck josh katz
  103. Edson Rellosa: deng I thought he can do 23 😂
  104. Zoltan Friendly: I wasn't speaking for you. And I don't think "neo-liberal" means what you think it means.
  105. KnockNorris: sams face is so fucking funny..its like why are you molesting me friendo
  106. Im XD: I mean tbh the fact that you use your clout to promote hateful speech to an audience of mostly young kids is beyond fucked up. Use your clout to be a beacon of positivity not put people down u fuckin loser.
  107. Knives: I hope you do know that Ninja is just a character that He made up, Andy has said that countless times
  108. Vitamin Luther: not bad. 1 off
  109. Enrique Hernandez: Adam Soto Mind blown 😱
  110. grungeisdead: Grunge is alive stupid.
  111. Ash: is gay the best word you can come up with with? im sure homosexuals find that somewhat offensve
  112. Left2Shred: Obsessed with scooters, wears weird pants, does gay complys. Ninja is everything he hates... lol
  113. Diaboli Chubais: Aren't you only meant to put your front foot down on any variation of no comply? These to me are just random flips, putting both feet on the ground and then trying to jump back on the board...
  114. Dan Dowling: Maxton lol I love cinemassacre
  115. Swysher: Them muthafuckas ugly as fuck. I'd rather stare at a fat bitches ass across the mall.
  116. mrburns805: John Lennon that's what I mean by soft. "Guarded and sheltered."
  117. Balling Like Choji: "go do some gaycomplys, they're legal now" as a Bi sexual I fucking died when he said that. this shit is too funny.
  118. Vanilla Swirls: +Gabe Gabriel ok interesting, did you personally have any fun with them at all? did you do em off or on obstacles, tranny etc.? and I agree because i know for a fact ive tried the nc 180s and have landed them with literally no practice lol. you also have a good point because all these tricks sam knows how to do have to be 10 times easier than doing the same trick flat ground by far.
  119. SkaterLauro: Sam so gay
  120. Nothing Else: Can he do a normal no-comply ???
  121. yu cunt: I bitched out the entire revive crew exposed sam n josh katz love affair i smacked the lisp out of dougs mouth because he talked shit bout aaron josh katz sister sucked my dick on the school bus 2 years ago thts wen she told me
  122. EFRAIN VILLATORO: Ninja is absolutely right!!! Nobody wants to see Sam and his gay complys or his hand boarding shit either....lmfao ninja you are funny af for being real af with them and us....keep being the loser you are 😉
  123. Big Papa: The revive team feels so awkward, and uncomfortable around ninja. He's still cool though.
  124. Perry Tomczyk: Another great video.
  125. David Gonzales 7503: I like how Ninja makes all the Revive guys feel uncomfortable lol I love you Ninja!!
  126. PalenSkate: gaycomply is life!
  128. David Dwayne: If thinking no complies are cool is gay... then go ahead a pass me a big bowl of dicks to suck.
  129. x: Awesome acting
  130. mrburns805: Knives he's an exaggerated version of himself. I get it. He still probably acts similarly off camera though.
  131. Amadeus_skates: chandler buben or bs no complies
  132. -Sinatra-: Akuna Matata man lmao that got me dying he's so innocent
  133. Rage CL: 1st
  134. Dero Flores: Im XD saying something is gay doesn't inherently mean you hate gays..
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SAM TABOR GayComply Challenge!

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Sam Tabor Sports Upload TimePublished on 24 Feb 2017

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